Projekt Druckansicht

Verbesserung des Verständnisses der Standort-Stadt-Wechselwirkung für eine bessere Risikominderung bei Erdbeben (USCINT)

Antragstellerin Dr. Bojana Petrovic
Fachliche Zuordnung Physik des Erdkörpers
Städtebau/Stadtentwicklung, Raumplanung, Verkehrs- und Infrastrukturplanung, Landschaftsplanung
Förderung Förderung von 2019 bis 2022
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 428372009
Erstellungsjahr 2023

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Building damage is one of the main causes of fatalities after an earthquake. For this reason, improving rapid response actions after an earthquake and long-term urban planning are of utmost importance to reduce the impact of a seismic event. Complex physical processes occur especially in urban areas during an earthquake These processes are not yet understood in detail. Changes in surficial geological structures over short distances, known as site effects, modify seismic ground motion. In addition, interactions between individual buildings and the soil, known as soil-structure interaction, SSI, can contribute to changes in ground shaking. In urban areas, multiple buildings can interact through the soil, resulting in interactions between entire cities and the soil, referred to as site-city interactions, SCI. In the past, SSI and SCI in particular have been studied mainly through 2D and 3D numerical simulations. Although SSI effects are not yet understood in detail, based on the damage patterns of previous earthquakes (e.g., 1985 Mexico event), it is suspected that SSI may contribute to an increase in building damage. A better understanding of the complex physical processes during an earthquake in an urban area is therefore crucial to reduce fatalities and economic losses in the future. The first objective of the project was to improve the understanding of SSI during an earthquake. Four different studies were conducted: 1. An SSI experiment was organized in Ferrara Italy consisting of a large number of sensors which were installed both in buildings and on a nearby sports field. The dataset allowed us to jointly analyze seismic noise recordings of sensors installed in the buildings and on the ground using a deconvolution approach and to identify the fingerprint of a building in the wave field. Different datasets and approaches as geophysical exploration techniques, dynamic analysis of the building, and SSI analysis allowed us to investigate the wave propagation through the building, the soil and interactions between both. 2. The influence of SSI on the wave field has been studied by numerical simulations using a spectral element method for the Ferrara test site, considering different building configurations and observing the changes of the wave field due to the buildings. 3. An SSI experiment similar to the one in Ferrara was organized in Matera, Italy. During the measurement campaigns, an M4.6 earthquake was recorded in addition to seismic noise. A new approach was developed to estimate the wave types of the wave field radiated back from a building based on polarization analysis of jointly deconvolved recordings from sensors installed in a building and on the ground, and to determine the energy of the radiated wave field. 4. The open-access database FRIBAS has been established that contains the main characteristics of buildings and soil foundations, including fundamental frequencies, of more than 300 buildings. FRIBAS provides the opportunity to study several issues such as the influence of SSI effects on the building response. In a first study, the influence of building construction material and soil types on the building response was investigated, and building-soil-specific period-height relationships were developed. Thes influence of the foundation soil on the building dynamic response was shown, emphasizing the importance of using specific near real-time to enable emergency managers to take life-saving actions more quickly. To reach this objective, a new approach, the DARR method, has been developed. DARR simulates the linear dynamic behavior of buildings in a first-order approximation by single or multi-degree-of-freedom oscillators. It uses earthquake recordings and information about building characteristics such as fundamental frequency, damping ratio, and building typology. By comparing the estimated relative displacement with the damage threshold from the literature, the expected damage is estimated. The potential of the DARR method to provide building damage information at the local level was tested using three different datasets analyzing both individual buildings and building typologies, and the results were compared to observed damage. It was shown that the method, which relies on recordings from only one sensor, is a cost-effective method for estimating expected damage in near real-time and can support rapid emergency response after a potentially destructive earthquake.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Structural dynamic assessment of the Gravina Bridge (Southern Italy) using Engineering and Geophysical NDT, Conference Proceedings, NSG2021 2nd Conferenceon Geophysics for Infrastructure Planning, Monitoring and BIM, Aug 2021, Volume 2021, p.1–5
    Serlenga, V., Gallipoli, M.R., Petrovic, B., Ditommaso, R., Ponzo, F.C., Tragni, N., Perrone, A., Stabile, T.A., Calamita, G, Carso, R.F., Pietrapertosa, D.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Near real-time damage assessment for building typologies: a case study in northeastern Italy, Virtual 37th General Assembly of the ESC 2021 (19/09/2021-24/09/2021)
    B. Petrovic, C. Scaini, A. Tamaro, L. Moratto, S.Parolai.
  • Near-Real-Time Damage Estimation for Buildings Based on Strong-Motion Recordings: An Application to Target Areas in Northeastern Italy, Seismol. Res. Lett. XX, 1–16
    Scaini, C., Petrovic, B., Tamaro, A, Moratto, L. and Parolai, S.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Soil-structure interaction assessment: First outcomes from seismic measurements in Matera experiment, Virtual 37th General Assembly of the ESC 2021, (19/09/2021-24/09/2021)
    A. M. Skłodowska, S. Parolai, B. Petrovic, F. Romanelli, M. Romanelli, M. R. Gallipoli, N. Tragni, L. Petronio, A. Affatato, D. Sorgo, A. Barbagallo
  • Towards better understanding of soil-structure interaction effects using ambient vibration measurements – a case study in Ferrara, Italy, Virtual 37th General Assembly of the ESC 2021 (19/09/2021-24/09/2021)
    B. Petrovic, S. Parolai, M. Romanelli, A. Affatato, L. Petronio, A. Barbagallo, D. Sorgo, M. Stefani, R. Caputo
  • Applying the damage assessment for rapid response approach to the august 24 M6 event of the seismic sequence in Central Italy (2016). Front. Earth Sci, Geohazards and Georisks
    Petrovic, B., Scaini, C. and Parolai, S.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Polarization analysis in soil‐structure interaction assessment: example of the Matera experiment. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Bucharest, Romania (04/09/2022-09/09/2022)
    A.M. Sklodowska, S. Parolai, B. Petrovic and F. Romanelli.
  • Structural characterization of an arch bridge in Italy using wave propagation analysis, 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Bucharest, Romania (04/09/2022-09/09/2022).
    N. Tragni, B. Petrovic, V. Serlenga, M.R. Gallipoli, F.C. Ponzo and R. Ditommaso
  • The Fribas database: towards building and soil dynamic characterization. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Bucharest, Romania (04/09/2022-09/09/2022)
    M.R. Gallipoli, B. Petrovic, C. Scaini, G. Calamita, N. Tragni, C. Barnaba, M. Vona and S. Parolai.
  • Validation of the DARR (Damage Assessment for Rapid Response) method for different building types and shaking levels. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Bucharest, Romania (04/09/2022-09/09/2022).
    B. Petrovic, C. Scaini and S. Parolai.
  • Towards specific TH relationships: FRIBAS database for better characterization of RC and URM buildings, Bull Earthquake Eng
    Gallipoli, M. R., Petrovic, B., Calamita, G., Tragni, N., Scaini, C., Barnaba, C., Vona, M., Parolai, S
    (Siehe online unter


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