Project Details
The Medieval Manuscripts of Corvey Abbey - Digital Collection
Dr. Andrea Wolff-Wölk
Subject Area
German Medieval Studies (Medieval German Literature)
Medieval History
Medieval History
from 2019 to 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 428919170
In its heyday (9th to 12th century), the library of the Imperial Abbey of Corvey was one of the most important monastery libraries of the Frankish Empire. After the diocese Corvey was dissolved in 1803, the abbey library was dispersed and its medieval manuscripts were scattered all over Europe. Today, there are 150 medieval manuscripts and fragments of manuscripts, which are distributed among 51 institutions. A significant proportion of the manuscripts, i.e. 60 documents, are held by the Universitätsbibliothek Marburg and the Erzbischöflich Akademische Bibliothek in Paderborn. 64 manuscripts are distributed among 28 libraries, archives and museums in Germany and 28 manuscripts are held by institutions worldwide. The aim of the project is to digitize the Corvey manuscripts which are held in Marburg and Paderborn. In addition, digital copies will be ordered of other German institutions which are in possession of Corvey manuscripts. Foreign institutions holding relevant manuscripts will be contacted and be asked for their support. The digital copies will be assembled in a digital collection at the Universitätsbibliothek Marburg. In this way the individual manuscripts will be presented in their historical and in their collection context, which will be an excellent base for international manuscript research.
DFG Programme
Cataloguing and Digitisation (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)
Professor Dr. Hans-Walter Stork