Unlocking the astrophysics of galaxies through the cosmic baryon cycle

Applicant Dr. Dylan Nelson
Subject Area Astrophysics and Astronomy
Term since 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 434344343

Project Description

Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of structure formation in the Universe have developed into powerful theoretical tools for studying the formation of galaxies. This process of galaxy evolution is now appreciated to be intricately linked to the cosmic baryon cycle -- the flow of gas into and out of galaxies and their surrounding gaseous halos, the so-called circumgalactic medium (CGM). A satisfactory theoretical understanding of this complex, multi-phase medium, its observational signatures, and its impact on galaxy formation remains elusive. As an Emmy Noether independent group leader I will form a team to make fundamental advances in our theoretical understanding of the cosmic baryon cycle and the CGM. We will develop and execute novel types of hydrodynamical simulations, together with sophisticated analysis methods including full forward modeling in spectral space. With entirely new simulation techniques we will advance the state of the field in terms of numerical resolution and physical fidelity, where we expect the emergence of unexpected physical phenomena. Culminating in a flagship, high-cost, high-impact CGM-focused simulation project undertaken on the national high-performance computing resources in Germany, the proposed research program will make key advances in our understanding of the baryon cycle, CGM, and galaxy formation and evolution.
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups