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Adaptations of chloroplast protein transport mechanisms during land plant evolution

Subject Area Plant Physiology
Evolution and Systematics of Plants and Fungi
Term since 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 440370941
Thylakoid membrane biogenesis requires the coordinated transport of nucleus- and plastid-encoded membrane proteins. The chloroplast signal recognition particle (SRP) system plays an important role in the post- and cotranslational transport of a subset of these proteins. Previous research has shown that these transport mechanisms underwent striking molecular adaptations with the evolution of streptophyte algae and land plants. In the proposed project we aim to get further insight into the molecular changes of the SRP system during land plant evolution and to reveal the underlying evolutionary driving forces. We will particularly analyze (i) the function of the cpSRP proteins (cpSRP43, cpSRP54) and the SRP RNA, (ii) the regulation of SRP-dependent transport and (iii) the docking mechanism of ribosomes to the Alb3 insertase in the moss Physcomitrium patens and the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. To this end, we will combine genetic, cell biological, biochemical, and structural approaches.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes

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