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SPP 2305:  Sensor-Integrated Machine Elements pave the way for Widespread Digitalization

Subject Area Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Construction Engineering and Architecture
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 441853410
Digitization offers an enormous potential for socially significant innovations, especially if it is all over accessible. However, the data required for this often lacks availability in sufficient quantity and quality. This is where the Priority Program 2305 comes in: Almost every machine contains standardized machine elements such as screws, bearings, and gears in close proximity to the process. It appears reasonable to integrate sensor systems for data acquisition and processing for process-relevant data collection right there, "in-situ". For example, sensor systems integrated in a gear can evaluate various information such as angle of rotation, acceleration, vibrations, local temperatures and more, if favorable by using AI methods and, for example things, identify and report damage at an early stage. Within the framework of this priority program, the scientific basis for sensor-integrating machine elements (SiME) and their methodologically supported conceptual design and system integration are to be researched. Focus is deliberately on "ordinary" machine elements –standardized basic elements within the field of mechanical engineering, which have a defined shape and design, and which generally cannot be further disassembled. To achieve this goal, the methodical integration of sensor systems into machine elements and the principle functional verification of SiME prototypes on a laboratory scale are being researched first. Sensor and microelectronic components will be integrated into the machine elements without affecting their primary function and structure of the machine elements, substantially. The integrated sensor system in the SiME shall record measured values, reduce them with low loss using suitable, updateable algorithms, and transmit them wirelessly and reliably when required. The SiME shall generate the required electrical energy wirelessly locally ("energy harvesting"). In the further course of the priority program, focus will put on the system integration of the SiME. The aim is to obtain reliable statements on the functional reliability of the concepts and methods. Likewise, the information technology challenges in setting up and operating the ad-hoc sensor networks will be addressed by a systematically developed, methodical framework across disciplines and domains. In particular, concepts for centralized and decentralized data management at the system level will be developed and compared, and the integration of SiME into new as well as existing mechanical engineering systems via defined, pre-planned or dynamically formed networks will be explored. In addition, a methodological framework for integrating the SiME into an engineered system will be developed, and the effects of sensor integration on the design calculation of the primary function of the machine element will be explored. Finally, prototypical fabrication of SiME will be considered to enable system-level functional testing and to evaluate the functional reliability of SiME in the system.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes



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