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Mapping German Film Migration 1930-1950. A datagraph-based Perspective on the Filmemigration from NS-Germany

Subject Area Theatre and Media Studies
Term since 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 444817764
This project brings together Film Studies, Digital Humanities and Exile Studies in order to further develop filmexile research with the help of computer-based research methods. It draws on more than 3.000 personal files collected by Günter Peter Straschek over the course of 40 years, to explore new approaches in transnational film-exile research using digital methods. In terms of narrowing down, the project focuses on two case studies that have so far received little attention from film-historical research: The emigrated cameramen and female scriptwriters respectively.The project combines both macro and micro perspectives: The mass expulsion affected numerous filmmakers, who had contributed with their work to the artistic reputation of the German film industr.Ttheir forced departure left a large and long-lasting gap within the German film industry (macro perspective). Despite this forced break in their personal and professional biographies, the exiled craftsperson tried to pursue their profession in their countries of exile. Some succeeded, but the break was often associated with a professional new beginning or meant the end of the professional existence (micro perspective).
DFG Programme Research Grants

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