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GRK 2731:  Subject-Specific Learning and Interaction in Elementary School

Subject Area Educational Research
Term since 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 445962666
The The Research Training Group aims describeing and analyzing classroom interaction in elementary school with the specific focus on subject-related teaching and learning processes. The PhD program combines perspectives on teaching and learning from three different domains; Educational Science, German Studies Education and Mathematics Education. Thereby, the program bridges a gap and contributes to improving research focusing on classroom education. Teaching and learning in an institutional classroom setting is situated between the poles of a given classroom order or format and subject-related goals. The Research Training Group investigates these different poles from various research perspectives. Looking at a classroom from the perspective of Educational Science research, a specific lesson may be judged as common and efficient. In contrast, the same lesson might appear profoundly deficient and inefficent from a didactical, content-based point of view. The PhD projects in the Research Training Group will analyse the teaching practices of German and Math lessons in elementary school and establish a basis for comparative subject-related didactical classroom research. The aim is to identify specific and general conditions and qualities of subject-related learning in relation to classroom interaction. With the specific focus on the interactive constitution of knowledge, this approach not only allows developing a theory regarding the relation of children’s social aspects and concrete subject-related teaching and learning processes, but also aims to answer how the organisational framework of teaching will influence learning in language and mathematics. This ambitious research program will be realized by connecting the areas of expertise from two designated sites of research in elementary education (Halle and Kassel). The Research Training Group targets to qualify young academics at the PhD-level in a field where the necessity is particularly apparent (elementary education, elementary mathematics and language didactics). The Research Training Groups interdisciplinary and internationally oriented qualification program especially provides eligible graduates of teacher training with an attractive opportunity to start independent research and a scientific career.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Co-Applicant Institution Universität Kassel

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