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Queer in the rectory: the pastoral-theological relevance of non-heteronormative life forms of pastors

Subject Area Protestant Theology
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 455792703
The research project "Queer in the rectory: the pastoral-theological relevance of non-heteronormative life forms of pastors" studies interrelations between life-form-related experiences of queer (here: queer = deviating from heteronormative requirements) pastors in training and professional life, and pastoral identity work. In our context “identity work“ can initially be understood as a lifelong process of theological reflection and pastoral action. Starting point for the project is, among others, a British study done by C. Swift. It was observed that a remarkably large number of pastors who do not live according to the norms of Christian lifestyle, i. e. heterosexual marriage, which have been propagated in theology and church up to now, took a position within health care chaplaincy (and other functions) after they left parish ministry more or less voluntarily due to their lifestyle (cf. Swift 2014, 155f.). To date, no corresponding studies have been carried out for Germany. Informal conversations with pastors indicate that pastors with non-heterosexual life forms in training and in the parish ministry are particularly challenged to justify their lifestyle to themselves and to others. Accordingly, the project focuses on the question of whether and how the pluralization of life forms, which has taken shape in pastors' biographies, has had an impact on theological practice of reflection and action: individual theology of pastors as well as pastoral-theological self-regard and self-understanding. The project has two arms of research in two sub-projects: in an empirical research project (done by research assistant), data are collected by qualitative interviews (expert interviews), evaluated by documentary method and reflected on in pastoral theology. Parts of the interviews will be edited and published in the second sub-project (project manager) as part of an interview volume together with expert essays, introducing the topic “life forms” to Practical Theology. A workshop and an international conference ensure the transfer of the topic into the international and interdisciplinary scientific discourse. A regular and up-to-date application of the project through social media contributions (SHK1 + 2) aims to transfer the project and its findings to the public.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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