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ODEM: OCR-D Expansion for mass digitisation

Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 460554747
The University and State Library Saxony-Anhalt has been working on the digitisation of VD18 holdings for many years now. By using the tools developed in the previous OCR-D project phases to enrich our 6.13 million pages of VD18 material, we start the next steps of development for these holdings.The amount of data and the heterogeneity of works and titles shows that this is a real-world implementation for OCR-D. Mass digitisation always deals with a multitude of languages and individual characteristics of publications, all of which will now be OCR-’D with the OCR-D tools improved and complemented by ULB developments. Since we are working with already-digitised materials, the updating and fixing of metadata as well as reusing existing information such as structure data in the new export formats, are central to the project.
DFG Programme Research data and software (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)

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