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Purinergic signalling in the lung: involvement in the pathogenesis of asthma and COPD

Subject Area Pneumology, Thoracic Surgery
Term from 2007 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 46096925
Final Report Year 2014

Final Report Abstract

The chronic obstructive inflammatory lung disease asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are the most common lung disease and are responsible for more than a fourth of death in the developed countries. The exact mediators responsible for the development and chronification of lung inflammation in asthma and COPD are still unknown. Increasing evidenced point out to important role of endogenous released nucleotides (e.g. ATP) and their purinerigic receptors (P2XR and P2YR-family) in inflammatory disorders. Indeed during the Phase I of the Emmy-Noether program we could show that ATP is released into the airways during acute asthma and contributes to the development of allergic airway inflammation. Starting from this observation the aim of the Emmy-Noether Phase II was to 1) further identify the role of the different P2R-subtypes in asthma and 2) to elucidate whether ATP/P2R-pathway is also involved in COPD. 1) By performing complex experiments with specific P2R-subtype antagonist, knockout animals and bone marrow-chimeras we could demonstrate that the P2Y2R and P2X7R on haematopoietic system (HS) and P2Y6R on the non-haematopoietic system (NHS) contributes to acute and chronic allergic airway inflammation. 2) We could demonstrate that endogenous airway ATP levels were increased patients with COPD, correlating with air flow limitation, and in mice with smoke induced lung inflammation and emphysema. These increased ATP-levels are of pathophysiological relevance as functional studies in mice showed that the development of smoke induced lung inflammation and emphysema can be markedly reduced by neutralization of ATP or by blocking of specific purinergic receptors subtypes (e.g. P2Y2R, P2Y6R and P2X7R). In summary our data suggest that targeting of P2Y2, P2Y6 and P2X7R might be a new promising therapeutic option for the treatment of steroid-resistant asthma and COPD.


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