Project Details
Hetero-aggregation of fluidized nanoparticles and solid-containing aerosol droplets
Professor Dr.-Ing. Evangelos Tsotsas
Subject Area
Mechanical Process Engineering
Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering
Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering
since 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 462225760
In the first period of this project, it has been shown that special spouted bed equipment can be used to mix nanoparticles as well as submicron particles to hetero-aggregates. Addition of solids-containing aerosol enables encapsulation. Agglomerate holograms can be constructed in 3D from information that is contained in 2D images. Population balances can be used to model the particle formulation process. On those grounds, the ultimate goal of the second period of the project is to track the whole way from the novel formulation process to the structure of possible products and attainable product properties, namely thermal and electrical conductivity. Particular objectives are to deepen the understanding of the influence of process and material parameters on the quality of sub-agglomerate mixing; explore the variety of encapsulated or coated materials that can be produced by using aerosol; and, develop further the modeling with both, population balances as well as corresponding discrete (Monte Carlo) models. Special emphasis is set on agglomerate reconstruction from data that can be retrieved with the help of optical cameras or laser diffraction, i.e., by methods that can be applied in situ for monitoring and automatic control. Moreover, the investigation of conductance properties by measurements and simulations is emphasized. Simple parametric models and correlations are developed for the easy and fast computation of conductivities (smooth in the thermal case, percolative in the electrical case) from structural and compositional data.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes