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Physics Learning in Distance Instruction

Subject Area General and Domain-Specific Teaching and Learning
Term from 2021 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 470250834
The Covid-19 pandemic and the accompanying lockdown and closing of schools required shifting to remote learning on short notice. This presented a particular challenge to both teachers and students. A growing concern is that less motivated or low-achieving students may not receive the attention they need – with all the negative consequences for their learning. It is unclear so far, to which extent these issues can be addressed by adequate instructional design (and what an adequate instructional design would look like) or respective professional development of teachers. The project “Physics learning in remote instruction” (PhyF) aims to address these deficits through a secondary analysis of data on students learning in digital curriculum units that were collected in a previous project with the title “Physics instruction based on core concepts – cumulative competence development at the example of the energy concept” (energie.TRANSFER). Prior to the pandemic, these data were collected in regular instruction. After the beginning of the pandemic, data were collected as the units were enacted in a remote instruction format. The present project aims to investigate the role of remote instruction for students’ learning motivation and learning for different groups of students, which role teacher acceptance plays, and what potentials and pitfalls teachers see in remote instruction. The results will provide important insights into for a better support of students in remote instruction and in the bridging between school and out of school (online) learning altogether.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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