Molecular and cellular bases of the magnetic sense in a natural cryptochrome-knockout animal model

Applicant Dr. Erich Pascal Malkemper
Subject Area Cognitive, Systems and Behavioural Neurobiology
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 490777637

Project Description

It is now well established that animals utilize the geomagnetic field in order to perform navigational tasks. However, the mechanisms by which specialized cells convert magnetic field changes into an electrical signal remain largely unknown. Three hypotheses are favoured in the field: A photochemical reaction (based on Cryptochromes), biogenic ferromagnetic particles and electromagnetic induction. Recently our lab (Hervé Cadiou) found that planarians use the GMF for orientation and that they possess a light-independent circadian-time dependent inclination compass. Because these invertebrates are devoid of cryptochromes and they are easy to breed (clone) in large numbers, they are therefore an ideal candidate to narrow down on the mechanisms behind this sense. Implementing an integrated approach, from structure (Pascal Malkemper) to physiology and behaviour (Hervé Cadiou), the purpose of this collaboration is to unravel the molecular mechanisms behind this sense. Our main focus lies on the magnetite and induction hypotheses with the central aims being the identification and characterisation of magnetite-containing cells (if they exist) and the behavioural and molecular characterization of the planarian electric sense.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection France
Cooperation Partner Professor Dr. Hervé Cadiou