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Physical properties of strongly correlated low-charge-carrier-density materials

Applicant Dr. Michael Baenitz, since 9/2010
Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2008 to 2013
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 49599169
We want to converge the metallic sample synthesis expertise of AM Strydom, Physics Department, University of Johannesburg, with the physical characterization expertise of N. Oeschler, Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Chemical Physics of Solids (CPfS), which we believe is an excellent framework for a fruitful co-operation. Our primary goal is to search for new strongly correlated electron systems and in particular strongly correlated electron systems with low charge carrier density. Such materials exhibit an array of special properties, e. g. enhanced effective masses of the charge carriers, anomalous temperature dependencies of the physical properties, magnetic cations that have non-integer valence and a giant thermoelectric effect at low temperatures. This branch of materials has been less investigated in the literature and we want to broaden the fundamental understanding of this type of compounds, by doing in-depth measurements of temperature- and magnetic field-dependent physical properties on these materials. Furthermore, due to the giant thermoelectric effect it is believed that this type of materials have the potential to be developed into high-performance materials for solid state thermoelectric cooling (Peltier cooling). Because of the expertise of N. Oeschler within the experimental study of thermoelectric materials and the synthesis expertise of AM Strydom we are able to perform a thorough exploration of the potential as thermoelectric material if promising materials are found.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection South Africa
Major Instrumentation Helium-3-Kühlsystem
Ehemaliger Antragsteller Dr. Niels Oeschler, until 8/2010

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