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The emigration of German-speaking legal scholars from 1933 : a bio-bibliographical handbook, Volume 2: United States of America.

Subject Area Principles of Law and Jurisprudence
Empirical Social Research
Term from 2022 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 502201510
The project serves to prepare the publication-ready version of the 2nd volume of a bio-bibliographical handbook on the emigration of German-speaking legal scholars from 1933 onwards, the 1st volume of which, subtitled 'Western European States, Turkey, Palestine/Israel, Latin American States, South African Union', was published by de Gruyter in 2012, 655 pp. The authors are Leonie Breunung and the applicant. The 2nd volume covers the group of emigrated legal scholars who, partly after one or more stopovers, ultimately succeeded in gaining a foothold in the United States and continued or resumed teaching and/or publishing at an academic institution there.For the preparation of the publication-ready version of the 2nd volume of the handbook, the following work still needs to be done. The main focus is on completing the academic biographies and bibliographies of the legal scholars who emigrated to the United States and worked there, reconstructed from the point of view of their relevance to the history of humanities. The main task is to collect the relevant documents and other records stored in the archives of the universities where the emigrated scholars worked. This material is a necessary supplement to the state of biographical and bibliographical reconstruction of the relevant group of persons already achieved. At the time of the present funding application, 13 biographies with the corresponding bibliographies of the 20 legal scholars who emigrated and continued their academic work in exile are available in a first version. For the remaining 7 bio-bibliographies, the work to complete them is still to be done. This also includes the respective individual biographical source lists. In order to prepare the print template required for publication, further steps are required - against the background of the experience gained in the preparation of the 1st volume. The critical revision of the 1st versions under the aspects of their stylistic improvement, the adjustment around inconsistencies and contradictions, necessary additions around still missing data as well as corrections in the systematic assignment. In addition, there is a preface, an introduction to the second volume, a general list of abbreviations, a source list of biographical handbooks and reference works, as well as a list of sources for the identified lists of emigrants' writings.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Co-Investigator Dr. Leonie Breunung

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