Project Details
Open Access Publication Funding / 2023-2025 / University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend
Nicole Weigand
Subject Area
General and Domain-Specific Teaching and Learning
Empirical Social Research
Developmental and Educational Psychology
Nutritional Sciences
Educational Research on Socialization, Welfare and Professionalism
Public Health, Healthcare Research, Social and Occupational Medicine
Empirical Social Research
Developmental and Educational Psychology
Nutritional Sciences
Educational Research on Socialization, Welfare and Professionalism
Public Health, Healthcare Research, Social and Occupational Medicine
since 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 512764996
The aim of the project is to increase awareness and acceptance of Open Access publications in science, research and teaching at the PH SG and to increase their use. This means not only providing financial support for the publication of Open Access works, but also increasing the visibility of Open Access publications in databases, catalogues, on portals and in reference tools. As part of the project, clear responsibilities and agreements between the university administration and the library are to be agreed, tested and practiced. In future, Open Access funding will only be billed centrally via the library. The library of the PH SG has already developed various funding lines for Open Access publications in recent years and has prepared and presented the information on the website accordingly. In this context, the open access publication fund of the PH SG, which was newly introduced in May 2022 and has so far only been limited to young academics, is to be extended to all academics at the university. In addition, the promotion of Open Access publications aims to increase the level of awareness and visibility of the University of Education and the affiliated, established further education institutions such as the Center for Knowledge Transfer of the University of Education (ZWPH) are increased. The initiation of the promotion of Open Access publications should also generate synergy effects that form the basis for future recruitment and further development of the university and courses. The university library is committed to the ideas and principles of the Open Access movement.
DFG Programme
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)
Dr. Martina Schmette