Project Details
Die steinzeitliche Archäologie der Geelbek-Dünen, Südafrika
Professor Dr. Nicholas J. Conard
Subject Area
Prehistory and World Archaeology
from 1999 to 2008
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5157472
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(1998). Stone Age Archaeology and Paleoecology ofthe Geelbek Dunes, West Coast National Park, South Africa: Report on the 1998 Fieldwork. (Annual Report to National Monument Council)
Conard, N. J.
(1999). Stone Age Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Geelbek Dunes, West Coast National Park, South Africa: Report on the 1999 Fieldwork. (Annual Report to National Monument Council)
Conard, N. J.
(1999). The 1998 Fieldwork on the Stone Age Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Geelbek Dunes, West Coast National Park, South Africa. South African Field Archaeology 8, 35-45
Conard, N. J., Prindiville, T. J. & Kandel, A. W.
(2000). Stone Age Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Geelbek Dunes, West Coast National Park, South Africa: Report on the 2000 Fieldwork. (Annual Report to South African Heritage Resources Agency)
Conard, N. J.
(2001). Paleoecology and archaeology of the coastal dunes of the Westem Cape, South Africa: II. Spatial archaeology and taphonomie processes. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Szäzhalombatta, Hungary, 30. May - 3. June 2001. G. Füieky (ed.), pp. 153-156. Gödöllö: Kömyezetkimelö Agrokemiäert Alapitväny
Prindiville, T. J., P. Felix-Henningsen and N. J. Conard
(2001). Paleoecology and archaeology of the coastal dunes ofthe Westem Cape, South Africa: I. Sequences of paleosols on ancient dunes as stratigraphical markers and paleoenvironmental indicators. In Proceedings ofthe 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Szäzhalombatta, Hungary, 30. May- 3. June 2001. G. Füieky (ed.), pp. 157-159. Gödöllö: Kömyezetkimelö Agrokemiäert Alapitväny
Felix-Henningsen, P., T. J. Prindiville, and N. J. Conard
(2001). Stone Age Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Geelbek Dunes, West Coast National Park, South Africa: Report on the 2001 Field Season. (Annual Report to South African Heritage Resources Agency)
Conard, N. J.
(2001). Stone Age Research at the Anyskop Blowout, Langebaanweg (Westem Cape Province, RSA): Report on the 2001 Field Season. (Annual Report to the South African Heritage Resources Agency)
Conard, N.J.
(2002). Steinzeitforschung in den Geelbek-Dünen. (Stone age research in the Geelbek Dunes.) Archäologie in Deutschland 6, 10-15
Conard, N. J.
(2002). Stone Age Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Geelbek Dunes, West Coast National Park, South Africa: Report on the 2002 Field Season. (Annual Report to South African Heritage Resources Agency)
Conard, N. J.
(2002). Stone Age Research at the Anyskop Blowout, Langebaanweg (Western Cape Province, RSA); Report on the 2002 Field Season. (Annual Report to the South African Heritage Resources Agency)
Conard, N.J.
Tonpfeifen aus Geelbek/RSA. Knasterkopf 15, 98-100
Kugler, M.
(2003). An overview of the spatial archaeology ofthe Geelbek Dunes, Westem Cape, South Africa. In: G. Füieky (Ed.) Papers ofthe 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Szäzhalombatta, Hungary, 30 May - 3 June 2001. BAR International Series 1163, pp. 37-44
Kandel, A.W., Felix-Henningsen, P. & Conard, N. J.
(2003). Handaxes on the landscape and the reconstruction of Paleolithic settlement pattems. In: J.M. Burdukiewicz, L. Fiedler, W.-D. Heinrich, A. Justus & E. Brühl (Eds.), Erkenntnisjäger: Kultur und Umwelt des frühen Menschen. Festschrift für Dietrich Mania, Band 57. Halle: Veröffentlichungen des Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt, pp. 123-144
Conard, N.J.
(2003). Scavenging and processing of whale meat and blubber by Later Stone Age people ofthe Geelbek Dunes, Westem Cape. South African Archaeological Bulletin 58, 91-93
Kandel, A.W. & Conard, N.J.
(2003). The significance of calcretes and paleosols on ancient dunes ofthe Westem Cape, South Africa, as stratigraphic markers and paleoenvironmental indicators. In: G. Füieky (Ed.) Papers ofthe 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Szäzhalombatta, Hungary, 30 May - 3 June 2001. BAR International Series 1163, pp. 45-52
Felix-Henningsen, P., Kandel, A. W. & Conard, N. J.
(2004). Developing a Unified Lithic Taxonomy: Results of Lithic Workshops in Cape Town and Stellenbosch. South African Archaeological Bulletin 59, 12-16
Conard, N.J., Soressi, M., Parkington, J.E., Yates, R. & Würz, S.
(2004). Modification of ostrich eggs by carnivores and its bearing on the interpretation of archaeological and paleontological finds. Journal of Archaeological Science 31, 377-391
Kandel, A. W.
(2004). Tortoises as food and taphonomie elements in palaeo « landscapes ». In: J.-P. Brugal & J. Desse (Eds.) Petits Animaux et Societes Humaines. Du Complement Alimentaire aux Ressources Utilitaires: XXiVe rencontres internationales d'archeologie et d'histoirc d'Antibes. Antibes: Editions APDCA, pp. 147-161
Avery, G., Kandel, A.W., Klein, R.G., Conard, N.J. & Cruz-Uribe, K.
15 Nov. 2004, University of Tübingen, Germany, institute of Prehistory, Doctoral Colloquium. Neue Ergebnisse von den Geelbek-Dünen
Andrew W. Kandel
6 Apr. 2004, South African Archaeological Association (SA3) Biennial Meeting, Kimberley, South Africa 4-8 April 2004. Ostrich eggshell bead workshops in the Geelbek Dunes, Western Cape
Andrew W. Kandel
Apr. 2004, Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. Wetting and drying, heating and cooling and other reasons why simplistic density based models of bone survivability do not work
Nicholas J. Conard
(2005). Middle Stone Age settlement and land use at the open-air sites of Geelbek and Anyskop, South Africa. Journal of African Archaeology 3(2), 233- 244
Dietl, H., Kandel, A.W. & Conard, N.J.
(2005). Production sequences of ostrich eggshell beads and settlement dynamics in the Geelbek Dunes of the Westem Cape, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 32, 1711-1721
Kandel, A.W. & Conard N.J.
1 Apr. 2005, South African Society for Quatemary Research (SASQUA) Biennial Meeting, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Oral Poster Presentation. The paleoecology and archaeology of the Geelbek Dunes of the Westem Cape, South Africa
Andrew W. Kandel
11 Apr. 2005, University of Cape Town, South Africa, Archaeology Seminar. An interpretation of archaeological remains from three LSA localities in the Geelbek Dunes
Andrew W. Kandel
14 Nov. 2005, University of Tübingen, Institute of Prehistory, Doctoral Colloquium. Neue Ergebnisse von den Geelbek-Dünen
Andrew W. Kandel
19 Jul. 2005, South African Heritage Resources Agency, Cape Town. Settlement dynamics in the Geelbek Dunes ofthe Western Cape
Andrew W. Kandel
29 Aug. 2005, University of Cape Town, 5th International Bone Diagenesis Meeting. Faunal preservation in deflation hollows and the limits of taphonomie models based on bone density
Andrew W. Kandel
30 Aug. 2005, West Coast Fossil Park, 5th International Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Field trip to Langebaanweg. An introduction to the archaeological locality of Anyskop
Andrew W. Kandel
31 Oct. 2005, South African National Parks, West Coast National Park, Langebaan. Settlement dynamics in the Geelbek Dunes of the Western Cape
Andrew W. Kandel
5 Jul. 2005, University of Botswana, Gaborone. 12th Congress ofthe Pan-African Archaeological Association (PAA). Stone Age Settlement Dynamics in Dunefields of the Western Cape
Holger Dietl
7 Jul. 2005, University of Botswana, Gaborone. 12th Congress ofthe Pan-African Archaeological Association (PAA). New evidence for the use of whale in the economy of Later Stone Age huntergatherers on the West Coast of South Africa
Andrew W. Kandel
9 Feb. 2005, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, Dept. of Anthropology, Archaeology Seminar. Settlement dynamics in the Geelbek Dunes, South Africa
Andrew W. Kandel
(2006) Near-coastal settlement dynamics at the Anyskop Blowout, an archaeological locality at Langebaanweg, South Africa. (Abstract for Langebaanweg 2006 Symposium.) African Natural History 2, 186-187
Kandel A. W., Walker, S.J. & Conard, N.J.
(2006). The economics and settlement dynamics ofthe later Holocene inhabitants of near coastal environments in the West Coast National Park (South Africa). In: H.-P. Wotzka (Ed.) Grundlegungen. Beiträge zur europäischen und afrikanischen Archäologie für Manfred K.H. Eggert, pp. 329-355. Tübingen: Francke
Conard N.J. & Kandel, A.W.
(2006). The large mammalian fossil fauna of the Geelbek Dunes, Westem Cape, South Africa. In: J.A. Haws, B.S. Hockett & J.-P. Brugal (Eds.) Paleolithic Zooarchaeology in Practice. BAR International Series 1564, pp. 87-93. Archaeopress: Oxford
Prindiville, T. J. & Conard, N. J.
10 June 2006, West Coast National Park, Geelbek. Public Lecture and Field Excursion. The Archaeology of the Geelbek Dunes, WCNP
Andrew W. Kandel
10 Nov. 2006, West Coast Fossil Park, Langebaanweg. Symposium and Workshop on Langebaanweg. Field trip to Anyskop Blowout, an archaeological locality at Langebaanweg, South Africa
Andrew W. Kandel
11 Apr. 2006, Association of South African Archaeologists (ASAPA), Biennial Meeting, Pretoria. Part of the Landscape; Fauna) analysis of the 'Stella' locality in the Geelbek Dunes. Western Cape
Steven J. Walker
11 Apr. 2006, Association of South African Archaeologists (ASAPA), Biennial Meeting, Pretoria. The Role of Stone Features in the LSA Settlement of the Geelbek Dunes, South Africa
Andrew W. Kandel
11 July 2006, South African Museum, South African Archaeological Society, Public Lecture Series. Surf and turf Human adaptations during the Middle and Later Stone Ages in the near coastal environment of the West Coast
Andrew W. Kandel
18 Feb. 2006, Iziko-South African Museum, West Coast Fossil Park, Langebaanweg. Field Trip with the Summer School Program. The Ecology and Archaeology of the Anyskop Blowout
Andrew W. Kandel
24 Sep. 2006, West Coast National Park, Geelbek, Public Lecture Series on Heritage Day. Current Archaeological Research in the Geelbek Dunes, West Coast National Park
Steven J. Walker
25 Apr. 2006, Paleoanthropology Society, Annual Meeting, San Juan. Surf and Turf Near Coastal Adaptations during the Middle & Later Stone Age of the Western Cape, South Africa
Andrew W. Kandel
27 Apr. 2006, Society of American Anthropology (SAA), 71st Annual Meeting, San Juan. Out of the Caves and Beyond the Middens: New Results from the Open-Air MSA Sites in the Western Cape
Andrew W. Kandel
4 Feb. 2006, South African National Parks, West Coast National Park, Geelbek. Field trip with the Honorary Rangers. The Ecology and Archaeology of the Geelbek Dunes
Andrew W. Kandel
8 May 2006, Max Planck Institute, Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig. Comparative Studies in Landscape Archaeology
Andrew W. Kandel
8 Nov. 2006, Club Mykonos, Langebaan, Symposium and Workshop on Langebaanweg. Near-coastal adaptations atthe Anyskop Blowout, an archaeological locality at Langebaanweg, South Africa
Andrew W. Kandel
(2007). Comparative Studies in Landscape Archaeology. (Abstract of Dissertation.) Archäologisches Nachrichtenblatt 12, 63-64
Kandel, A.W.
(2008). Geoarchaeological and chronostrati graphical investigations of open-air sites in the Geelbek Dunes, South Africa. Geoarchaeology 23, 425-449
Fuchs, M., Kandel, A.W., Conard, N.J., Walker, S.J., & Felix-Henningsen, P.
(2008). How heating and cooling and wetting and drying can destroy dense faunal elements and lead to differential preservation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Conard, N.J., Walker, S.J., & Kandel, A.W.