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Helicon wave physics for the development of a helicon plasma cell for particle-driven wakefield accelerators

Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Term since 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 517709182
Linear particle accelerators accelerate particles by gradients in the electric field. Plasma wakefield accelerators provide gradients several orders of magnitude higher than conventional linear particle accelerators significantly reducing the required size, thereby promising affordable and compact accelerators for various applications. The high electric fields require high plasma density. Helicon discharges are known to provide the highest densities in linear geometry. The prototype experiment PROMETHEUS-A developed in Greifswald has demonstrated the required high density. The physics of helicon discharges at this particular high density is different from those in conventional helicon discharges. Based on code developments in Stuttgart, we will develop a code to understand the wave propagation and dissipation, the interplay with the gradients and the impact of the plasma boundaries. First, the code will be developed with the help of comparisons with experiments at conventional plasma densities (the VINETA device in Greifswald), later to experiments at high densities (PROMETHEUS-A now at CERN). Finally, the code can be used to optimize helicon discharges towards particle-driven wakefield density requirements.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection USA
Cooperation Partner Professor Dr. Oliver Schmitz

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