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Modellierung der Struktur und Dynamik von DNA jenseits atomarer Längen- und Zeitskalen

Subject Area Biophysics
Term from 1999 to 2003
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5210254
The properties of DNA play an important role for its function. Our project aims at understanding the response of DNA to mechanical forces as they are exerted by binding enzymes. Covering in computer simulations the wide range of possible time scales requires the design of a hierarchy of coarse-grained models which capture the relevant dynamic processes in the different time windows. Scaling arguments are particularly valuable for rationalizing the results and guiding the modeling.The present project aims at (i) creating a hierarchy of DNA models on different length scales which are linked by a systematic coarse-graining procedure, allowing to move up and down the various levels as required and to simulate different parts of the molecule with different resolution, and (ii) using this model for a systematic study of the dynamic response of DNA to forces which are large enough to alter the local structure.
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups

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