Project Details
SFB 1683: Methods of interaction for the modular reuse of existing structures
Subject Area
Construction Engineering and Architecture
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
since 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 523205694
The aim of the CRC is to investigate the reuse of concrete elements on structural level and to develop fundamental scientific methods for this purpose. Sustainability guides the methodology. The idea is not to demolish existing structures in an uncontrolled manner, but to deconstruct them rationally into modules. The modules are characterized regarding their properties, refurbished and joined into new structures in a modular fashion. Detachable connections make these new load-bearing structures circularly reusable. Moreover, they are adaptable to future changes in use and allow the exchange of modules and the integration of new elements, thus creating a circular modular construction. Existing foundations become foundation modules and attractors when defining new structures. The CRC is structured into three project groups A, B and C as well as a project for information infrastructure. Real elements and comprehensive process data from deconstruction projects are consistently collected and coherently used in the CRC. Jointly, large-scale demonstrators are set up. They are extended over the funding periods and used for interdisciplinary validation and public presentation. Many disciplines are involved: structural engineering, mechanics, computer science, architecture, material science, production technology, environmental technology and resource-efficient construction. Project group A addresses new load-bearing structures made from existing elements. Research objectives are the development of methods for structural identification using existing elements, the development of detachable connections that can be produced in series, bio-based foundation strengthening and reliability models to assess load-bearing capacities in reuse. Group B is dedicated to the adaptive characterisation of the actual condition of existing modules on material, structural and sub-element level. Development of methods for the evaluation of reinforcement and concrete structures with uncertain, fatigue-relevant load history, X-ray tomographic analysis techniques at module edges, categorization and evaluation approaches with non-destructive testing methods and indirect characterisation of existing foundations is targeted. Group C deals with the overall process. Research aims at holistic digital process modelling from the building stock to new structures across space and time considering the individual processes involved, the comprehensive sustainability assessment of circular modular construction methods, the "self-learning" construction kit - i.e. the question of the "right" module selection and favorable cutting edges - and automation concepts for characterization and fine processing. The mission is to transform concrete construction into a sustainable, circular process of modular construction. This requires a holistic, digitally linked approach that delivers – despite the individual basic structures – universally valid methods and designs processes to suit automation.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
- A01 - Form- and utilisation-aware design methods for structures from reused RC elements (Project Heads Mark, Peter ; Menges, Achim )
- A02 - Simulation methods for modular connections of reused concrete elements (Project Heads Meschke, Günther ; Sauer, Roger A. )
- A03 - Experimental methods for detachable connections of reused concrete elements us-ing process-oriented, additive or subtractive methods (Project Heads Mark, Peter ; Sanio, David )
- A04 - The growing foundation – bio-based adaptation of existing foundations for new buildings (Project Heads Baille, Wiebke ; Tafili, Merita ; Wichern, Marc )
- A05 - Reliability-based structural performance assessment considering polymorphic un-certainties of reused concrete elements (Project Heads Freitag, Steffen ; Neu, Gerrit )
- B01 - Assessment of aged reinforcing steels subjected to uncertain load histories on the basis of experimental analysis and numerical simulation (Project Heads Balzani, Daniel ; Weber, Sebastian )
- B02 - Assessment methods and classification models for the reuse of reinforced concrete elements (Project Heads Curosu, Iurie ; Niederleithinger, Ernst )
- B03 - Characterisation of edge zones of extracted elements based on x-ray computed to-mography and simulation (Project Heads Balzani, Daniel ; Simon, Sven )
- B04 - Characterisation of foundations for reuse by inverse identification methods (Project Heads Hackl, Klaus ; Nestorovic, Tamara ; Wichtmann, Torsten )
- C01 - Digital ecosystem for circular concrete elements (Project Heads Hagedorn, Philipp ; Thewes, Markus )
- C02 - Environmental sustainability assessment for circular element construction of concrete structures (Project Heads Hafner, Annette ; König, Markus )
- C03 - Dismantling strategies for existing concrete structures (Project Heads König, Markus ; Thewes, Markus ; Vogel, Andreas )
- C04 - Simulation-based conceptualisation of an automated production system for the processing of concrete elements (Project Head Kuhlenkötter, Bernd )
- INF - Information management and infrastructure (Project Heads König, Markus ; Vogel, Andreas )
- MGK - MGK Integrated research training group (Project Heads Balzani, Daniel ; Tafili, Merita )
- Z - Central tasks and coordination of the CRC (Project Head Mark, Peter )
Applicant Institution
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Participating University
Universität Stuttgart
Participating Institution
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM); Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Professor Dr.-Ing. Peter Mark