Numerical simulation of the atmospheric ionization and the generation of cosmogenic nuclides for different topologies of the geomagnetic field
Final Report Abstract
The main results of this project are: 1. we were able to establish a long term data base of the total population of precipitating solar energetic particles using IMP and GOES data. 2. we were able to simulate 400 years of solar particle precipitation as a baseline for modeling atmospheric consequences of precipitating particles during magnetic field polarity reversals. Two different models were established, both with their pros and cons. 3. we were able to analyze the combined influence of solar and magnetospheric particles in one large energetic particle events; the influence of the combined particles on the atmosphere will be analyzed in subsequent work. 4. we re-evaluated the role of secondaries in the ionization profiles, that is the use of a Monte Carlo o simulation instead of a Bethe-Bloch approach.
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