Projekt Druckansicht

Theoretische Physik

Fachliche Zuordnung Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik, Quantenmechanik, Relativitätstheorie, Felder
Förderung Förderung von 2001 bis 2009
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5283624
Erstellungsjahr 2009

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

In summary, the main results of my research have been the following: • I worked on the phenomenology of CP violation and on mixing phenomena in the B system, established or improved the SM predictions, and explored their sensitivity to new degrees of freedom. • I worked on perturbative higher-loop QCD and electroweak comections to rare decays, especially to the inclusive decays, and significantly increased their sensitivity to new physics what is most relevant for present and future B factories. • I produced perturbative algorithms which are equally important in high-pT and flavour physics. • I analysed the unknown nonfactorizable contributions to exclusive B decays beyond QCD factorization. • I established new QCD sum rules within the effective field theory SCET in order to reach a deeper understanding of exclusive modes, a crucial issue to increase the sensitivity for new physics within the forthcoming LHCb experiment. • I designed new observables within the angular analysis of the decay B -> K*l+l- which are highly sensitive to nonstandard physics. • I worked out the concrete constraints of the important benchmark scenario of minimal flavour violation. • I demonstrated the importance of the interplay of high-pT and flavour observables in supersymmetric models. • I worked out new algebraic renormalization methods which are of great relevance for higher-order electroweak corrections to SM observables. • I established the connection between the so-called gauge-fixed cohomology of the operator formulation and the gauge-invariant cohomology of the Batalin-Vilkovisky anti-field formalism.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Forward-Backward-Asymmetry in B → Xsl+l- at NNLL Level. Nuclear Physics B648 (2003) 254-276
    A. Ghinculov, T. Hurth, G. Isidori, YR Yao
  • Nonfactorizable Contributions to B → ππ Decays. JHEP 11 (2004) 037
    Th. Feldmann, T. Hurth
  • On the Landau Background Gauge Fixing and the IR Properties of YM Green Functions. Physical Reviev D70 (2004) 105014
    P.A. Grassi, T. Hurth, A. Quadri
  • The Rare Decay B → Xsl+l- to NNLL Precision for Arbitrary Dilepton Mass. Nuclear Physics B 685 (2004) 351-392
    A. Ghinculov, T. Hurth, G. Isidori, Y.P. Yao
  • Untagged B → Xsl+dγ CP Asymmetry as a Probe for New Physics. Nuclear Physics B704 (2005) 56-74
    T. Hurth, E. Lunghi, W. Porod
  • Light-Cone Sum Rules in Soft-Col linear Effective Theory. Nuclear Physics B733 (2006) 1-30
    F. De Fazio, Th. Feldmann, T. Hurth
  • NNLL QCD Contribution of the Electromagnetic Dipole Operator to B → Xsγ. Nuclear Physics B749 (2006) 325-337
    H.M. Asatrian, Th. Ewerth, C .Greub, T. Hurth
  • The First Estimate of the Branching Ratio of B → Xsγ at Ό(α2s) Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 022002
    M. Misiak et al.


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