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Central genotyping services, coordination and quality control

Subject Area Human Genetics
Term from 2001 to 2007
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5467992
The projects of the research group are pursuing a systematic approach towards the identification of disease genes. This approach targets the genetic component of the etiology, and is known as positional cloning. A successful positional cloning heavily depends on high standards in high-throughput genotyping, since massive amounts of precise genotypes are instrumental. Minor error rates are amenable for potential failure of ambitious projects. Within the research group, project Q2 coordinates all high-throughput genotyping efforts and implements all measures of quality control and accounting. Problems of data quality and of resource allocation are addressed and balanced accordingly. The pertinent organizational structures are allocated to Q2. Relevant software and computational tools are developed and deployed by Q2, too. The close cooperation with the genotyping centers in Berlin, Kiel, and Munich is to be continued.
DFG Programme Research Units

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