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Untersuchung der Morphologie von Dünen und Strukturbildung komplexer Dünensysteme und anschließender Anwendung im Dünenschutz

Subject Area Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems, Soft and Fluid Matter, Biological Physics
Term from 2002 to 2008
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5355711
Final Report Year 2008

Final Report Abstract

No abstract available


  • Budding and solitary wave behaviour of dunes, Nature 426. 619-620
    V. Schwämmle. H.J. Herrmann
  • Evolution and shapes of dunes, in Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering Vol. 32. eds. H. Emmerich, B. Nestler and M. Schreckenberg (Springer. Berlin, 2003), p. 88-120
    H.J. Herrmann, G. Sauermann
  • A simple mode! for a transverse dune field, Physica A, 327. 554-562 (2003), and in The Physics of Complex Systems, eds. F. Mallamace and H.E. Stanley, Varenna Proceedings Course CLV, (lOS Press, Amsterdam, 2004), p.481-487
    E.J.R. Parteli, H.J. Herrmann
  • Modelling transverse dunes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 29, 769-784 (2004)
    V. Schwämmle. H.J. Herrmann
  • Wind-blown sand, in The Physics of Granular Media, eds. H. Hinrichsen and D. Wolf (Wiley VCH, Weinheim. 2004), p.233-252
    H.J. Herrmann
  • A model of Barchan dunes including lateral shear stress, EPJE 16. 57-65 (2005)
    V. Schwämmle. H.J. Herrmann
  • Barchan dunes on Mars and on Earth, in Powders and Grains 2005, eds. R. Garcia-Rojo. H.J. Herrmann and S. McNamara (Balkema. Leiden. 2005). p.959-962
    E.J.R. Parteli. V. Schatz. H.J. Herrmann
  • Breeding and solitary wave behaviour of dunes, Phys. Rev. E 72, 021308 (2005)
    O. Durán, V. Schwämmle, H.J. Herrmann
  • Calculation of the separation streamlines of barchans and transverse dunes. PSIS proceedings, Physica A 357, 44-49 (2005)
    H.J. Herrmann. J.S. Andrade, V. Schatz. G. Sauermann, E.J.R. Parteli
  • Dune formation, in Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science, ed. A.Scott (Routledge, New York, 2005), p.238-240
    H.J. Herrmann
  • Flow separation in the lee of transverse dunes, in Powders and Grains 2005, eds. R. Garcia-Rojo, H.J. Herrmann and S. McNamara (Balkema, Leiden. 2005), p.955-958
    V. Schatz, H.J. Herrmann
  • Modelling formation and evolution of transverse dune fields in one dimension, IntJ.Mod.Phys.C. 16. 1879-1892 (2005)
    J.H. Lee, AO. Sousa, E.J.R. Parteli, H.J. Herrmann
  • Numerical methods for aeolian transport, in Computer Methods in Mechanics 2005, eds. A. Garstecki, B. Mochnacki and N. Sczygiol, (Czestochowa, 2005). p.13-14
    H.J. Herrmann. V. Schatz
  • Spuren im Sand, Physik Journal 4, 57-60 (2005)
    H.J. Herrmann
  • The morphology of dunes, proceedings Marrakesch, Physica A 358, 30 (2005)
    H.J. Herrmann, G. Sauermann. V. Schwämmle
  • Transformation of Barchans into parabolic dunes under the influence of vegetation, in Powders and Grains 2005, eds. R. Garcia-Rojo, H.J. Herrmann and S. McNamara (Balkema. Leiden, 2005). p.951-954
    O. Durán. V. Schatz. H.J. Herrmann. H. Tsoar
  • Vegetation induration and sand dunes stabilizators, for J. of Coastal Res. (ICS proceedings, 2005)
    H.J. Herrmann, O. Durán, E.J.R. Parteli, V. Schatz
  • Indurated sand dunes of the Martian north polar region. J. Geophys. Res. 111, E04006 (2006)
    V. Schatz. H. Tsoar, K.S. Edgett. E.J.R. Parteli. H.J. Herrmann
  • Modelization of saturated sand flux, JSTAT, P07011 (2006)
    O. Durán, H.J. Herrmann
  • Numerical investigation of flow separation in the lee side of transverse dunes. Geomorphology 81. 207-216 (2006)
    V. Schatz, H.J. Herrmann
  • Profile measurements and simulations of a transverse dune field in the Lencóis Maranhenses, Geomorphology 81, 29-42 (2006)
    E.J.R. Parteli. V. Schwämmle. H.J. Herrmann, L.H.U. Monteiro. L.P. Maia
  • The shape of the barchan dunes in the Arkhangelsky Crater on Mars, proceedings for Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVll, 1827(2006)
    E.J.R. Parteli, O. Durán, H.J. Herrmann
  • Vegetation against dune mobility, Phys. Rev. Lett 97, 188001 (2006)
    O. Durán, H.J. Herrmann
  • Dune formation on the present Mars. Phys. Rev. E 76. 041307 (2007)
    E.J.R. Parteli. H.J. Herrmann
  • Dune formation, in Traffic and Granular Flow, eds. A. Schadschneider et al. (Springer, 2007). p.63-77
    H.J. Herrmann
  • How barchan dunes distribute over deserts
    O. Durán, V. Schwämmle, P. G. Lind, H.J. Herrmann
  • Morphology of linear seif dunes. Nature Geoscience
    E.J.R. Parteli. O. Durán, H. Tsoar, V. Schwämmle, H.J. Herrmann
  • Reply to "Comment on 'Minimal size of a barchan dune' ". Phys.Rev.E
    E.J.R. Parteli, O. Durán, H.J. Herrmann
  • Saltation transport on Mars. Phys. Rev. Lett 98. 198001 (2007)
    E.J.R. Parteli. H.J. Herrmann
  • The minimal size of a barchan dune, Phys. Rev E 75. 011301 (2007)
    E.J.R. Parteli, O. Durán, H.J. Herrmann
  • Vom Winde venweht, in Vom Urknall zum Bewusstsein - Selbstorganisation der Materie, eds. K. Sandhoff et al (Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 2007). ISBN 3-13-148191-9. p.101-108
    H.J. Herrmann
  • Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit, Physik in unserer Zeit
    E.J.R. Parteli, H.J. Herrmann
  • Parabolic dunes in north-eastern Brazil
    O. Durán, M.V.N. Silva. L.J.C. Bezerra. H.J. Herrmann, L.P. Maia

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