Distribution, Segregation and Dose-loss of Dopants in Deca-nanometer SOI Structures
Final Report Abstract
The purpose of this EU/NSF research project was to better understand the influence of strain and doping on the structure of the silicon / oxide interface present in semiconductor devices. Even though our results show that one of the fundamental research hypotheses for this work, the question if segregation is strongly dependent on the structural model of the interface, is not valid, the approach yielded considerable progress in the understanding of the influence of strain and doping on these technologically important interfaces. This progress is documented in publications, presentations, the high profile position the graduate students took, and two major awards presented to the PIs in relation to this work, the Nanotechnology Industrial Impact Award, presented to both PIs, and the Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award (jointly awarded by the German Humboldt Foundation and Fraunhofer Society), presented to PI Dr. Wolfgang Windl. Another gauge of the impact of this project is the request of several additional European partners to join in German follow-up projects, after being exposed to the first research results during visits of the PIs and their students at the European partners and European Materials Research Society Meetings.
First-Principles Study of Phosphorus Diffusion in Silicon: Interstitial- and Vacancy Mediated Diffusion Mechanisms, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 1839 (2003)
X.-Y. Liu, W. Windl, K. B. Beardmore, and M. P. Masquelier
Investigation of the Detailed Structure of Atomically Sharp Ge/Si02 Interfaces, Proc. of the 2003 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, September 3-5, 2003, Boston, MA, p. 143
T. Liang, W. Windl, S. Lopatin, and G. Duscher
Multiscale Simulation of Diffusion, Deactivation, and Segregation of Dopants, IEICE Trans. Electron. E86C, 269 (2003)
W. Windl
Diffusion in Silicon and the Predictive Power of Ab-lnitio Calculations, phys. stat. sol. (b) 241, 2313 (2004)
W. Windl
Investigation of Nanostructured Germanium/Silicon Dioxide Interfaces, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 1,288 (2004)
W. Windl, T. Liang, S. Lopatin, and G. Duscher
Modeling and characterization of atomically sharp "perfect" Ge/SiO2 interfaces, Mater. Sci. Eng. B 114-115, 156 (2004)
W. Windl, T. Liang, S. Lopatin, and G. Duscher
Silicon Front-End Junction Formation - Physics and Technology, (Mater. Res. Proc. 810, Pittsburgh, 2004)
P. Pichler, A. Claverie, R. Lindsay, M. Orlowski and W. Windl
Simulation and electron energy-loss spectroscopy of electron beam induced point defect agglomerations in silicon, in Silicon Front-End Junction Formation- Physics and Technology, edited by P. Pichler, A. Claverie, R. Lindsay, M. Orlowski, and W. Windl (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 810) 2004 p. 115-20
N. G. Stoddard, G. Duscher, W. Windl, and G. A. Rozgonyi
Umbrella-Like Precipitates in Nitrogen Doped Czochralski Silicon Wafers Appl. Phys. Lett. 84: 1889-1891, 2004
Kvit A., A. Karoui, G. Duscher, and G. A. Rozgonyi
A New Understanding of Near-Threshold Damage for 200 kV Irradiation In Silicon, J. Mat. Sci. 40, 3639 (2005)
N. G. Stoddard, W. Windl, G. Duscher, and G. Rozgonyi
Ab initio assisted process modeling for Si-based nanoelectronic devices, Mater. Sci. Eng. B, 124-125, 62 (2005)
W. Windl
Ab initio study of the effect of hydrogen and point defects on arsenic segregation at Si (100)/SiO2 interfaces, Mater. Sci. Eng. B 124-125, 359 (2005)
K. Ravichandran and W. Windl
Ab initio study of the effect of hydrogen and point defects on arsenic segregation at Si(100)/SiO2 interfaces, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 152106 (2005)
K. Ravichandran and W. Windl
Ab-lnitio identification of the Nitrogen Diffusion Mechanism in Silicon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 025901 (2005)
N. G. Stoddard, P. Pichler, G. Duscher, and W. Windl
Creation and Evolution of Displacement Damage in 4H-SiC, Proc. 2005 ANS Student Conference, Columbus (2005)
B. Khorsandi, W. Windl, and T.E. Blue
Energetics and Kinetics of Defects and Impurities in Silicon from Atomistic Calculations, Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology XI, Solid State Phenomena 108-109, 125-132 (2005)
W. Windl
Linking Length Scales in the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, (Mater. Res. Proc. 882e, Pittsburgh, 2005)
T. J. Balk, N. Bernstein, R. E. Rudd and W. Windl
Production of Vacancies in SiC Detectors after Irradiation with Monoenergetic Neutrons, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society (Proc. ANS Winter Meeting, Washington, DC, 2005)
B. Khorsandi, T. E. Blue, J. Kulisek, W. Windl, and D. Miller
Segregation and Enhanced Diffusion of Nitrogen in Silicon Induced by Low Energy Ion Bombardment, J. Appl. Physics 97 (8): Art. No. 083534, 2005
Stoddard N, G. Duscher, A. Karoui, F. Stevie, G. Rozgonyi G.
Theoretical Study of Boron Clustering in Silicon, J. Comput. Electron. 4, 203 (2005)
X.-Y. Liu and W. Windl
"Local Strain Measurement on Next-generation Microelectronic Devices with Convergent Electron Beam Diffraction Analysis", 2006 Joint International Electrochemical Society Meeting, Denver, CO, May 11-12 (2006)
Zhao, W., G. Duscher, and G. Rozgonyi
4H-SIC Based Neutron Flux Monitors in Very High Temperature Nuclear Reactors, Proc. of the Materials Science and Technology 2006 Conference, October 15-19, 2006, Cincinnati, OH; Fundamentals and Characterization, Vol. 2 (TMS, Warrendale, PA, 2006), p. 307
B. Khorsandi, W. Windl, T.E. Blue, W. Luo, J. Kulisek, M. Reisi-Fard, V. Krishnan
Ab initio study of arsenic pileup at the Si/SiO2 interface, Proc. of the Materials Science and Technology 2006 Conference, October 15-19, 2006, Cincinnati, OH; Fundamentals and Characterization, Vol. 1 (IMS, Warrendale, PA, 2006), p. 359
N. Gupta, W. Windl, L. Pei and G. Duscher
Ab-lnitio Calculations of the Energetics and Kinetics of Defects and Impurities in Silicon, ECS Trans. 3, (4) 171 (2006)
W. Windl
Characterization and Modeling of Atomically Sharp "Perfect" Si:Ge/SiO2 Interfaces, ECS Trans. 3, (7) 539 (2006)
W. Windl, T. Liang, S. Lopatin, and G. Duscher
Contact Structure Formation in Carbon Nanotube Electronic Devices and Its Effect on Electron Transport, Proc. of the 2006 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), September 6-8, Monterey, CA (2006)
K. Ravichandran, W. Windl, W. Luo, and L R. C. Fonseca
Contact Structure Formation in Carbon Nanotube Electronic Devices and Its Effect on Electron Transport, Proc. of the Materials Science and Technology 2006 Conference, October 15-19, 2006, Cincinnati, OH; Materials and Systems, Vol. 2 (TMS, Warrendale, PA, 2006), p. 475
W. Luo, K. Ravichandran, W. Windl, and L. R.C. Fonseca
Process Simulation for Silicon Nanoelectronic Devices, in Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, edited by M. Rieth and W. Schommers (American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA, 2006), Chapter 132, p. 137-209
W. Windl
Process-Induced Diffusion Phenomena in Advanced CMOS Technologies, Defect and Diffusion Forum 258-260, 510-521 (2006)
P. Pichler, A. Burenkov, W. Lerch, J. Lorenz, S. Paul, J. Niess, Z. Nenyei, J. Gelpey, S. McCoy, W. Windl, and L. F. Giles
Si/SiO2 and SiC/SiO2 Interfaces for MOSFETs ? Challenges and Advances, Mater. Sci. Forum 527-529, 935 (2006)
Pantelides, S.T., S. Wang, A. Franceschetti, R. Buczko, M. Di Ventra, S.N. Rashkeev, L. Tsetseris, M.H. Evans, I.G. Batyrev, L.C. Feldman, S. Dhar, K. McDonald, R.A. Weller, R.D. Schrimpf, D.M. Fleetwood, X.J. Zhou, J.R. Williams, C.C. Tin, G.Y. Chung, T. Isaacs-Smith, S.R. Wang, S.J. Pennycook, G. Duscher, K. Van Benthem, L.M. Porter
SiC Based Neutron Flux Monitors for Very High Temperature Nuclear Reactors, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 929, 0929-II03-04 (2006)
W. Windl, B. Khorsandi, W. Luo, and T. E, Blue
The Use of Monte Carlo Methods to Study the Creation and Evolution of Defects in SiC Detectors Irradiated by Neutrons, Proc. of the 2006 Radiation Protection and Shielding Division Conference, Carlsbad, NM (2006)
B. Khorsandi, I.E. Blue, J. Kulisek, W. Windl, and D. Miller
TRIM Modeling of Displacement Damage in SiC for Monoenergetic Neutrons, Journal of ASTM International 3, JAM 00358 (2006)
B. Khorsandi, T. E. Blue, W. Windl, and J. Kulisek
Ab-initio study of the energetics of the Si(001)-LaAIO3 interface, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 4, 57-64 (2007)
D. Sen and W. Windl
Characterization of the segregation of arsenic at the SiO2/Si interface, in Semiconductor Defect Engineering - Materials, Synthetic Structures and Devices II, edited by S. Ashok, J. Chevallier, P. Kiesel, T. Ogino, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 994, 0994-F08-02 (2007)
C. Steen, P. Pichler, H. Ryssel, L. Pei, G. Duscher, M. Werner, J. van den Berg, and W. Windl
Correlation of Strain in a TEM sample and in Bulk for a Recessed SiGe CMOS Test Structure, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, Art. No. 191907,2007
Zhao.W, G. Duscher, M.A. Zikry, S. Chopra, M.C. Ozturk, and G. Rozgonyi
Diffusion and Deactivation of As in Si: Combining Atomistic and Continuum Simulation Approaches, Proc. of the 2007 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), September 25-27, Vienna, Austria (2007)
A. Martinez-Urnia, C. Steen, P. Pichler, N. Gupta, W. Windl, S. Paul, and W. Lerch
Multiscale Simulations of the Elastic Properties of Polycrystalline Silicon, Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (NUMIFORM 07), Porto, Portugal, June 17-21, 2007
H. Kim, W. Windl, J. Choi, J. K. Lee, and N. K. Lee