Project Details
Quantum-cascade lasers based on strain-compensated As operating at room temperature in the first atmospheric window spectral range
Professor Dr. William Ted Masselink
Subject Area
Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
from 2005 to 2008
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5440634
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
To summarize, we have achieved all the defined milestones associated with our topic of the development , of high-power continuous-wave quantum-cascade-laser operating at λ ≈ 3.8 μm at near room temperature. Peak powers of 400 mW and average (quasi-cw) powers of 60 mW were achieved with beam quality of M^2 = 1.3. This level of power with excellent beam quality will allow these short-wavelength QCLs to find application in a variety of areas, especially gas-sensmg for both medical and environmental applications. Scientifically, we broke new ground in the areas of active region design, optimization of QCL optical cavities, and the use ofhigh magnetic fields to investigate scattering in QCLs.
"High-magnetic-field spectroscopy of InGaAs-A1As/InP quantum-cascade laser", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. vol. 21, pp. 1584-1588, 2007
M.P. Semtsiv, S. Dressler, W.T. Masselink, G. Fedorov, and D. Smirnov
"Physics, growth, and performance of (In,Ga)As-A1As/InP quantum-cascade lasers emitting at λ < 4 μm", phys. stat. sol. (b) vol. 244, 2906-2915, 2007
W.T. Masselink, M.P. Semtsiv, S. Dressler, M. Ziegler, and M. Wienold
"Coherent coupling of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers", Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. vol. 6909, pp. 690916, 2008
L.K. Hoffmann, C.A. Hurni, S. Schartner, M. Austerer, E. Mujagic, M. Nobile, W. Schrenk, A.M. Andrews, P. Klang, M.P. Semtsiv, W.T. Masselink, and G. Strasser
"Coherent coupling of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers", Proceedings of SPIE - Volume 6909 Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers VII, Alexey A. Belyanin, Peter M. Smowton, Editors, 690916 (Jan. 29. 2008)
L.K. Hoffmann, C.A. Hurni. S. Schartner, M. Austerer, E. Mujagic, M. Nobile, W. Schrenk, A.M. Andrews, P. Klang, M.P. Semtsiv, W.T. Masselink, and G. Strasser
"Farfield Measurements of Y-Coupled Quantum Cascade Lasers", Springer Proc. Phys. vol. 119 (2008)
L.K. Hoffmann, C.A. Hurni, S. Schartner, M. Austerer, E. Mujagic, M. Nobile, A.M. Andrews, W. Schrenk. G. Strasser, M.P. Semtsiv, and W.T. Masselink
"Fe-implantation for rear-facet coatings of InP-based quantum cascade lasers", Electron. Lett. vol. 44, pp. 293-294, 2008
M. Wienold, M.P. Semtsiv, S. Dressler, W.T. Masselink, K. Potzger, S. Winnerl, and M. Helm
"Grating-coupled surface emitting quantum cascade ring lasers", Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 93, pp. 011108, 2008
E. Mujagic, S. Schartner, L.K. Hoffmann, W. Schrenk, M.P. Semtsiv, M. Wienold, W.T. Masselink, and G. Strasser
"Impact of doping on the performance of short-wavelength InP-based quantum-cascade lasers", J. Appl. Phys. vol. 103, pp. 033104, 2008
E. Mujagic, M. Austerer, S. Schartner, M. Nobile, L.K. Hoffmann, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, M.P. Semtsiv, I. Bayrakli, M. Wienold, and W.T. Masselink
"Intervalley carrier transfer in short-wavelength InP-based quantum-cascade laser", Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 93, pp. 071109, 2008
M.P. Semtsiv, M. Wienold, S. Dressler, W.T. Masselink, G. Fedorov, and D. Smirnov
"Low divergence single-mode surface emitting quantum cascade ring lasers", Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 93, pp. 161101, 2008
E. Mujagic, L.K. Hoffmann, S. Schartner, M. Nobile, W. Schrenk, M.P. Semtsiv, M. Wienold, W.T. Masselink, and G. Strasser
"Optical and thermal characteristics of narrow-ridge quantum-cascade lasers", J. Appl. Phys. vol. 103, pp. 083113, 2008
M.P. Semtsiv, M. Wienold, I. Bayrakli, W.T. Masselink, M. Ziegler, K. Kennedy, and R. Hogg
"Single grating period quantum cascade laser array with broad wavelength tuning range", Electron. Lett. vol. 44, pp. 1306-1308 , 2008
K. Kennedy, D.G. Revin, J.P. Commin, A.B. Krysa, M.P Semtsiv, M. Chashnikova, W.T. Masselink, J.W. Cockbum, and R.A. Hogg
"Strain-Compensated A1As-InGaAs Quantum-Cascade Lasers with Emission Wavelength 3 - 5 μm", Proceedings of SPIE - Volume 6889 Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XVI, Marek Osinski, Fritz Henneberger, Keiichi Edamatsu, Editors, 688913 (Feb. 7, 2008)
W.T. Masselink, M.P. Semtsiv, M. Wienold, M. Chashnikova, I. Bayrakli, and M. Klinkmüller
"Wavelength dependent phase-locking in quantum cascade laser Y-junctions", Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 92, pp. 061110, 2008
L.K. Hoffmann, C.A. Hurni, S. Schartner, A.M. Andrews, P. Klang, W. Schrenk, M.P Semtsiv, W.T. Masselink, and G. Strasser