Quantification and process analysis of biogenic trace gas fluxes
Final Report Abstract
Our findings on freezing/thawing effects in the spruce forest soil did not support the hypothesis of additional C losses after freeze/thaw cycles. In fact, we observed lower soil CO2 emission rates mostly in the year following the frost event as compared to the unfrozen control. The reduced CO2 emission was mostly related to a considerable reduction of heterotrophic respiration. With regard to N the picture is different. Frost induced increased emissions of N2O. The N2O originates not from easily decomposable organic matter in the organic layer as repeatedly postulated in the literature, but from the subsoil. The frozen soil obviously serves no longer as a microbial sink for N2O on its diffusive way to the soil surface. Our field and laboratory experiments indicate that drying/rewetting events and irrigation in a spruce forest soil considerably affect biogenic trace gas production/consumption processes and cumulative trace gas fluxes on an annual scale. The response to drying/rewetting is specific for each of the investigated trace gases. CO2: Drought significantly reduces soil respiration. Heterotrophic respiration is more affected by drought than rhizosphere respiration. The drought effect on soil CO2 emission continues for months after rewetting probably due to continued hydrophobicity of soil organic matter. Thus, drought events become clearly visible in the annual balance of soil respiration. In contrast, continuous wetting of the soil by irrigation increases CO2 emissions. The accumulated or non-mineralized organic substrates during drought periods lead not to additional CO2 effluxes in the following year. N2O: Drought reduces N2O emissions or even turns a spruce forest soil to a transient N2O sink due to reduced N2O production but continued N2O consumption by microbial denitrification. The gross rate of N2O consumption during drought periods is possibly of large importance for the greenhouse gas budget of forests. NO: NO emissions from the spruce forest soil exceed N2O emissions by one order of magnitude. NO emissions reach a maximum at intermediate soil moisture conditions of about 33 % water-filled pore space. CH4: The spruce forest soil serves as a sink for CH4 due to microbial CH 4 oxidation. The sink function increases under drought conditions. Biogenic trace gas production/consumption processes and cumulative fluxes in the soil of a minerotrophic fen respond essentially different to drying/rewetting and flooding events. CO2 emission from soil respiration in the fen was neither affected by water table lowering nor by rewetting events. However, flooding reduced CO2 emissions considerably, indicating that soil respiration in the top peat layer is very sensitive to the O2 supply. Peat decomposition and root respiration respond similarly to flooding. N2O emissions from the fen increase after moderate lowering of the water table, while severe water table lowering and flooding decrease N2O emissions. N2O emissions in the fen are the result of simultaneous microbial N2O production and consumption in the soil profile. NO emissions from the fen are by one order of magnitude lower than in the forest and mostly driven by temperature. The fen soil is a source for CH4. Lowering of the water table reduces CH4 emission while flooding over two years increases CH 4 emissions.
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