Microscopie Investigation of Noise in SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors for Compact Medeling
Final Report Abstract
BICMOS technology with high-performance silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistors has turned into a cost-efficient solution for high-frequency applications. Present SiGe HBTs have been demonstrated with transit and oscillation frequencies above 300 GHz. Efficient and reliable models for DC, small signal and noise performance are required for transistor design and circuit optimization. In the project high frequency noise sources in advanced SiGe HBTs with different doping profiles were investigated including impact ionization noise and noise correlation effects. The HICUM compact model for noise simulation was verified in a wide range of applied bias conditions and ambient temperatures. Good agreement between HICUM, HD and experimental data was obtained including very high frequency operation and operation at voltages beyond emitter-collector breakdown voltage. Computational efficient HD simulations can be used to evaluate noise correlation related parameters for industrial applications instead of expensive and time consuming experimental noise measurements. Properly calibrated HICUM compact models can be used for the design of advanced SiGe HBTs and circuit simulation.
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P. Sakalas, A. Chakravorty, M. Schroter, M. Ramonas, J. Herricht, A. Shimukovitch, C. Jungemann
"Microscopic modeling of high frequency noise in SiGe HBTs". 37 European Solid-State Device Research Conf. (ESSDERC), Munich, Germany, Sept. 10-1, IEEE, 2007, 183-186
M. Ramonas, P. Sakalas, C. Jungemann, M. Schroter, W. Kraus
"Microscopic modeling of impact-ionization noise in SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors". Noise and Fiuctuations in Circuits, Devices and Materials, Florence, Italy, May 20-24, Eds. M. Macucci, L.K.J. Van-damme, C. Ciofi, M.B. Weissman, Proc. SPIE, 2007, 6600, 66001F-12
M. Ramonas, C. Jungemann, P. Sakalas, M. Schroter, W. Kraus
"Modeling of SiGe HBT operation in extreme temperature environment". Swedish National Symp. GH 2008, Göteborg, Sweden, March 5-6, 2008, 91
P. Sakalas, M. Ramonas, M. Schroter, A. Kittlaus, H. Geissler, C. Jungemann, A. Simukovich
"Impact Ionization Noise in SiGe HBTs: Comparison of Device and Compact Modeling With Experimental Results". IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev., 2009, 56, 2, 328 - 336
P. Sakalas, M. Ramonas, M. Schröter, C. Jungemann, A. Simukovich, W. Kraus
"Investigation of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor over an Extreme Temperature Range". Noise and fluctuations, 1129, 309-312, 2009
A. Shimukovitch, P. Sakalas, M. Ramonas, M. Schröter, C. Jungemann, W. Kraus