Thermodynamics of mixing and ordering in solid solutions with coupled substitutions: A computer simulation approach
Final Report Abstract
In this project we studied - an order/disorder model of Al,Si in cordierite, - a model of coupled Al,Si and O,N order/disorder of in BaYb-sialon, - a model of coupled substitution of Ca + Mg = Na + Al in diopside-jadeite pyroxene, - a model of coupled substitution of Ca + Mg - K + AI in diopside-K-jadeite pyroxene, - a model of coupled substitution of Ca + Ca = Na + Eu in powellite solid solution, - a model of mixing and ordering in pyrope-grossular garnets, - a model of mixing and ordering in Ca,Mg carbonates, - a model of coupled substitution of Mg + Si = Al + Al in pyrope-majorite garnets, - a model of coupled substitution of Ca + Ge = Fe + Fe in Ca-Fe-Ge analogues of pyrope-majorite solid solution. The main results of the project are - a flexible Monte Carlo code is developed and tested for different types of solid solutions; - new self-consistent set of empirical interatomic potentials is developed and tested against independent quantum mechanical calculations; - global strain relaxation is recognized as the main driving force of ordering in solid solutions with size mismatch; - charge mismatch is recognized as the main factor governing the properties of s.s. with coupled substitutions; - cluster expansion procedure is used to investigate variation of physical and structural properties of Mg-cordierite across the order/disorder transition; - new type of coupled cation/anion ordering is proposed for SiAlONs; - new ordered compounds are predicted in several solid solution systems.
E.A. Juarez-Arellano, V.L. Vinograd, D.J. Wilson, A. Friedrich , K. Knorr, A. Lieb, Gale J.D., W. Schnick W., B. Winkler. (2006) Compressibility and ordering studies of (Ba,Sr)Yb-SiAlON. Crystallography at High Pressures. Dubna, Rusia. 28 September -1 October, 2006.
V.L. Vinograd, B. Winkler and J.D. Gale (2006) Virtual Solid Solution Laboratory - a tool for quantitative description of mixing and order/disorder effects in minerals, Eos Trans. AGU, 57(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract.
V.L. Vinograd, B. Winkler and J.D. Gale (2007) Monte Carlo simulation of the C2/c - P2/n phase transition in omphacite. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK), Bremen. 5-9. März, 2007. Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. 25, 2007, XVII.
V.L. Vinograd, B. Winkler, M.H.F. Sluiter, B.P. Burton and J.D. Gale (2007) Thermodynamics of mixing in complex oxides based on force-field models. (Invited) Multiscale approach to alloys: advances and challenges. June 17-19, Stockholm/Sigtuna, Sweden.
V.L. Vinograd, B.P. Burton, J.D. Gale, N.L. Allan, B.Winkler (2006) Activitycomposition relations in the system calcite-magnesite, CaCO3 - MgCO3, from atomistic simulations Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral. Vol. 18. 2006, No 1. P. 149. DMG 2006 Tagung, Hannover 25-27 September 2006
V.L. Vinograd, E. A. Juarez-Are llano, A. Friedrich, K. Knorr, J.D. Gale, B. Winkler (2006) Monte Carlo simulation of crystallographic site occupancies in SrYbSi2A12O2N5. Deutsche Gesellschaß für Kristallographie (DGK), Freiburg, Germany. 3-6 April, 2006. Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. 23, 2006, 130.
V.L. Vinograd, O.G. Safonov, L.L. Perchuk, D. Wilson, B. Winkler and J.D. Gale (2007) Thermodynamic modeling of mixing properties of the solid solution in the system KAlSi2Oe - CaMgSi2Oo. The 111 International School of Earth's Sciences, September 2-9, Odessa, Ukraine.
Vinograd V.L., Burton, B.P., Gale, J.D., Allan, N.L., Winkler, B. (2007) Activitycomposition relations in the system CaCOj - MgCOs predicted from static structure energy calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71, 974-983
Vinograd V.L., Juarez-Arellano E.A., Lieb A., Knorr K., Schnick W., Gale J.D., Winkler B. (2007) Coupled Al/Si and O/N order/disorder in BaYb[Si 4-xAlxOxN7-x] sialon: neutron powder diffraction and Monte Carlo simulations. Z. Kristallogr. 222, 402-415
Vinograd V.L., Perchuk L.L., Gerya T.V., Putnis A., Winkler B., Gale J.D. (2007) Order/disorder phase transition in cordierite and its possible relationship to the development of symplectite reaction textures in granulites. Petrology 15(5) 459-473
Vinograd V.L., Winkler B., Wilson D.J., Putnis A., Gale J.D. (2006) Monte Carlo simulation of mixing in Ca3Fe2Ge3
Vinograd V.L., Winkler, B., Putnis, A., Gale, J.D., Sluiter, M. H.F. (2006) Static lattice energy calculations of mixing and ordering enthalpy in binary carbonate solid solutions. Chemical Geology, 225, 304-313
Vinograd, V.L., Sluiter, M.H.F. (2006) Thermodynamics of mixing in pyrope - grossular, MgsA^SisO^ - CasA^SisOn, solid solution from lattice dynamics calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. American Mineralogist, 91, 1815-1830
Vinograd, V.L.,Winkler, B., Putnis, A., Kroll, H., Milman, V., Gale, J.D., and Fabrichnaya, O. B. (2006) Thermodynamics of pyrope - majorite, MgsAfeSisOn - Mg4Si4Ui2, solid solution from atomistic model calculations. Molecular Simulations, 32(2):85-99