Project Details
SFB 627: Spatial World Models for Mobile Context-Aware Applications
Subject Area
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Social and Behavioural Sciences
from 2003 to 2011
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5485702
Context-aware applications adapt their behaviour based on context information. Such context information is obtained from sensor systems that collect the information from the application-specific part of the physical world. The application areas of context-aware systems range from navigation systems to situated information spaces and ubiquitous computing applications. Information about the physical world is stored in spatial world models which hence link the physical world and the digital world.
The research focus of the Collaborative Research Centre is the investigation of large scale spatial world models which serve as a foundation for a wide spectrum of current and future context-aware applications. Further research is related to the exploitation of context information for communication purposes as well as security and privacy issues arising from the existence of spatial world models. Methods for model presentation are looked into as well as the integration of sensor data and consistency concepts. Furthermore, various context-aware applications are being developed. On the one hand this research will contribute to the respective application domain, and on the other hand it will serve as a basis for the requirement analysis and evaluation of the developed concepts. Besides these technical research issues also social aspects play an important role, in particular the relevance and acceptability of spatial world models for society.
The research focus of the Collaborative Research Centre is the investigation of large scale spatial world models which serve as a foundation for a wide spectrum of current and future context-aware applications. Further research is related to the exploitation of context information for communication purposes as well as security and privacy issues arising from the existence of spatial world models. Methods for model presentation are looked into as well as the integration of sensor data and consistency concepts. Furthermore, various context-aware applications are being developed. On the one hand this research will contribute to the respective application domain, and on the other hand it will serve as a basis for the requirement analysis and evaluation of the developed concepts. Besides these technical research issues also social aspects play an important role, in particular the relevance and acceptability of spatial world models for society.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
- A01 - Kommunikationsplattform für mobile kontextbezogene Dienste (Project Head Kühn, Paul J. )
- A01 - Kontextbezogene Kommunikationssteuerung (Project Head Kühn, Paul J. )
- A02 - Entkoppelter Betrieb und modellbasierte Kommunikation (Project Head Rothermel, Kurt )
- A2 - Kontextbezogene Kommunikation in hybriden Kommunikationsnetzen (Project Head Rothermel, Kurt )
- A03 - Datenschutz und Datensicherheit in offenen Systemen mit Umgebungsmodellen (Project Head Kühn, Paul J. )
- A03 - Sicherheit, Privatheit und Abrechenbarkeit in kontextbezogenen Systemen (Project Head Kühn, Paul J. )
- A04 - Modellierung und Simulation von Benutzermobilität und -verkehr im Umgebungsmodell (Project Heads Bungartz, Hans-Joachim ; Ressel, Wolfram )
- A6 - Formale Methoden für die Modellierung und Analyse von mobilen kontextbezogenen Systemen (Project Head Esparza, Javier )
- B01 - Verfahren und Konzepte zur Modellierung und Verwaltung des Nexus-Umgebungsmodells (Project Head Mitschang, Bernhard )
- B01 - Homogenisierung und Virtualisierung der Umgebungsmodelldatenverarbeitung (Project Head Mitschang, Bernhard )
- B02 - Integration, Analyse und Fortführung heterogener Geodaten (Project Head Fritsch, Dieter )
- B03 - Lokationsmanagement und Informationsdiffusion (Project Heads Becker, Christian ; Rothermel, Kurt )
- B03 - Modellverwaltung in infrastrukturlosen und hybriden Netzstrukturen (Project Heads Marrón, Ph.D., Pedro José ; Rothermel, Kurt )
- B5 - Skalierbare Verwaltung und Aufbereitung dynamischer und zeitbezogener Modelldaten (Project Heads Mitschang, Bernhard ; Rothermel, Kurt )
- C01 - Sensorik und bildverarbeitung (Project Head Fritsch, Dieter )
- C01 - Konsistenzerhaltung und Generalisierung von 3D Geodaten (Project Head Fritsch, Dieter )
- C03 - Interpretation multisensorieller und inkonsistenter Sensordaten (Project Head Levi, Paul )
- C3 - Sensorgestützte, kontextbasierte Konsistenzanalyse (Project Head Levi, Paul )
- C04 - Semantische Generalisierung räumlicher Daten (Project Head Fritsch, Dieter )
- C05 - Abstraktion des Umgebungsmodells für AR-Anwendungen (Project Heads Ertl, Thomas ; Weiskopf, Daniel )
- C05 - Kontextbasierte mobile Visualisierung (Project Heads Ertl, Thomas ; Weiskopf, Daniel )
- C07 - Synthese von Kontextinformation durch Kombination multimodaler Sensordaten mittels prozeduraler und computergraphischer Modelle (Project Head Dachsbacher, Carsten )
- D01 - Umgebungsmodell für das Management intelligenter Betriebsmittel in der flexiblen Produktion (Smart Factory) (Project Head Westkämper, Engelbert )
- D01 - Smarte Produktionssysteme (Project Head Westkämper, Engelbert )
- D02 - Navigations- und Orientierungshilfen für Blinde (Project Head Ertl, Thomas )
- D02 - Kontextbasierte Assistenzsysteme für Personen mit sensorischen Einschränkungen (Project Head Ertl, Thomas )
- D03 - Szenario- und handlungstheoriebasierte Bewertung und Reflexion von Nexus-Anwendungen (Project Head Hubig, Christoph )
- D3 - Reflextion und Bewertung - Relevanzkreterien, Vertrauenssicherung, Wirtschaftsethik (Project Head Hubig, Christoph )
- D4 - Modellierung und Simulation von Mobilität unter temporalen Aspekten (Project Head Ressel, Wolfram )
- D06 - Nachfragebereitschaft bei kontextbezogenen Mobilfunkdiensten (Project Head Gerpott, Torsten J. )
- E01 - Entwicklung kontextbezogener Anwendungen in prozessorientierten Umgebungen (Project Heads Leymann, Frank ; Nicklas, Daniela )
- E02 - Semantische Verfahren zur Verwaltung von Umgebungsmodellen (Project Head Schütze, Hinrich )
- E03 - Verteilte Bestimmung von Situationen auf der Basis bewerteter Kontextdaten (Project Heads Levi, Paul ; Rothermel, Kurt )
- N01 - Entwicklungswerkzeuge für kontextbezogene Anwendungen (Project Head Weis, Torben )
- Q - Metrisierung und Bewertung von Kontext (Project Heads Levi, Paul ; Rothermel, Kurt )
- Z - Nexus-Testbed, Geschäftsführung und zentrale Aufgaben des Sonderforschungsbereichs (Project Heads Matthiesen, Michael ; Rothermel, Kurt )
- Z01 - Central Administration of the Collaborative Research Center (Project Head Rothermel, Kurt )
Applicant Institution
Universität Stuttgart
Participating University
Universität Augsburg; Universität Duisburg-Essen
Professor Dr. Kurt Rothermel