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SFB 653:  Gentelligent Components in their Lifecycle - Utilisation of Inheritable Component Inherent Information in Production Engineering

Subject Area Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Term from 2005 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5486368
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

The production of the future has to fulfil high requirements: it needs to be adaptive and it has to enable production of individual products with a batch size of one. It has to be intelligent, efficient and sustainable. This view into the future shows factories in which components and machines communicate with one another and make independent decisions - they are active, independent components of connected production systems. The Collaborative Research Centre 653 "Gentelligent components in their lifecycle – Utilization of inheritable component information in product engineering" creates the basis for this future and goes a step beyond the conventional technologies of data chips. The vision consists of the physical integration of the component with its reproduction and stress information from the life cycle. The long-term research objective is the abolition of this separation of component and related information by developing gentelligent components, which are equipped with genetic and intelligent properties. The intended inherent information gathering and storage makes an important contribution to the further development of production technology and product development for the use in production systems of the future. The leading questions for the realization of this objective were also the basis for the structure of the SFB, which was divided into five project areas. The scientific research program is oriented towards the three funding periods and follows the "Fundamentals - Development - Integration" approach. In the first four years, it has been experimentally and simulatively demonstrated that components for inherent load sensing and storage can be enabled and first gentelligent prototypes were developed. The findings have been used to develop maintenance, planning and machine tool systems that have significant advantages in terms of accuracy, flexibility, and data consistency compared to conventional systems. To this end, the production technologies and approaches were developed and the basic knowledge required in material knowledge, micro production and production technology as well as signal transmission and analysis was established. The aim of the second funding period was the further development of the functional properties of the gentelligent components for gentelligent systems with advanced technology and application spectrum. The storage densities and load sensitivities of the gentelligent components could be significantly increased. Through the further development of the magnetic magnesium alloys reproducible loadings have been achieved. The developed micro structuring of the component surfaces in machining processes enables a reliable component identification. Moreover, the further miniaturization of the components for component-inherent communication was realized. In the project area S, the technologies for integrity assessment were further developed and their application flexibility expanded. By developing a load-sensitive tool carriage, a further source of information for process monitoring and evaluation could be created. In addition, the added value of gentelligent components was demonstrated by a new component-based maintenance approach. The process for the production of inherent energy and signal transmissions has been further developed and state-based information from gentelligent components has been used in new approaches for process simulation and production control. The main objective of the third funding period was the integration of the approaches into the application framework of a gentelligent production as well as the development of implementation strategies with the focus on the transfer of knowledge of developed individual technologies and systems into the practical application through transfer projects. In order to achieve this and at the same time to demonstrate more clearly the potential for industrial use in future production systems, a "Gentelligent Production" was established for the first time in the third funding period. For this purpose, the technologies of the subprojects were integrated into the closed circuit of high-end components with the phases of product creation, production, use and information retrieval. In the individual project areas, further developments for the signal analysis and transmission, storage capacity and studies on possibilities of transferability as well as increase of the performance were realized. This integration of the approaches in a gentelligent production carried out by the end of the third period created the basis for the transfer of basic research into the industrial application and thus to the sustained increase of the competitiveness of the production technology in Germany.



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