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SFB 804:  Transcendence and Common Sense

Subject Area Humanities
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Term from 2009 to 2014
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 56072087
Final Report Year 2014

Final Report Abstract

In recent years, in the light of relevant changes in the political landscape, social scientists have been refocussing their attention to religion as a crucial factor in the establishment of social order. In so doing, they have also been debating what keeps modern societies socially and morally together, not least including communitarian-type civil society options. These two strands of discussion were also pursued by the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 804: by linking the concepts of Transcendence and Public Spirit as the discursive and practical resources that make up social and political orders, the CRC re-formulated the problem, thus generating quite a novel research topic. In this context, 'Transcendence' is meant to cover those discourses and practices establishing social and political orders that refer back to the emergence of instances of 'intangibility', with players nonetheless being able to derive instances of sense and validity from their everyday lives' experiences. As far as 'Public Spirit' is concerned, this refers to the generating and maintaining of sense that turns out to be bifurcated: on the one hand, an individual can perceive what contributes to the common good, and on the other hand, the common good is perceived as such by all the individuals taken together, thus allowing a common formula to be found for action and behaviour for the benefit of the social and political system in question. During the CRC 804’s funding period, first the implications of the notion of transcendence were researched; eventually, this notion could be determined as an analytical category quite fruitful from a heuristic point of view. 'Transcendence' has turned out to be a term whose history is fairly complex: it cannot be restricted either to Christianity or to monotheistic religions in general or any other realm of religious experience. That is, even modern, 'secular' societes make use of transcendent elements – elements that cannot be reduced to real-life phenomena. Those transcendent elements comprise signs and symbols used to 'sanctify' social and political orders: expressions such as 'civil religion' or 'political religion' are proof of that. What is more, political and social orders often provide foundation myths, genealogies, and other legends of origin and descent for justification. In addition, scientists' and technologists' unshakable belief in progress or aesthetes' hyping of the art business (by speaking of, say, 'art religion') are further examples of that phenomenon. One major finding of the CRC 804 is that social and political orders are constituted via symbolizing media: as a result, when a given is passed, there is meaning created, which, in its turn, is decisive for the foundation and consolidation – in some cases also for the dissolution – of given orders. Instances of transcendence are the results of a given transcendence design; they can refer to persons and institutions, to places and countries, to cities and nations, to space and time, to deities, images, and mundane things. They may be based on different modes of sanctification, idolization, charismatization, fetishism, or taboo; and they may be expressed through incarnation, narratives, legends, myths, or festivities. Another finding published by the CRC 804 is that religion, seen from a historical point of view, is just one type of transcendence design: it differs from other instances of transcendence, on the one hand, through its specificity with regard to the exegesis of the respective deity, revelation, scripture, etc. (which also includes any institutional interpretation competences); and, on the other hand, through the historically varying range of concrete access to the given social symbol world. Thus, the CRC 804 could make clear that its specific transcendence notion goes beyond the usual notion of religion: 'Transcendence' interpreted by the CRC allows religous phenomena to be compared with one another, yet 'Transcendence' is not congruent with religion. To a large extent, designs of transcendence are instances of intangibility created or coped with: so, the CRC 804 with its specific intangibility notion has opend up a fresh empirical perspective, fruitful for comparative and historical research alike, to explore and investigate how to professionally deal with the phenomenon of intangibility. To sum up: The CRC 804 has, through its historical and systematic research, been exemplarily successful in determining the role played by, and the significance of, instances of transcendence during the constitution of orders, of municipal and dynastic types of power, of various orders relating to the realms of the social, political, technological, artistic, architectural, spatial, figurative, and, eventually, religious. The CRC's empirical research has shown that it is in historically and culturally distinct processes of transcendence that transcendence ideas are generated, designed, acquired, and rejected. And it is in their specific sense-generating functions that concrete orders can be founded, consolidated, and challenged.


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  • Neue Tradition. Vorbilder, Mechanismen und Ideen, Dresden 2011
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  • Transzendenz und Negativität. Religionsphilosophische und ästhetische Studien. Berlin 2011
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  • Ingenieure in der technokratischen Hochmoderne, Münster u. a. 2012
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  • Konfession und Konflikt. Religiöse Pluralisierung in Sachsen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert, Münster 2012
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  • Neue Tradition. Europäische Architektur im Zeichen von Traditionalismus und Regionalismus, Dresden 2012
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  • un|planbar 1. Weltbaumeister und Ingenieur: Der Architekt als Rivale des Schöpfers, Dresden 2012
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  • Vom Paradies über Troja nach Brabant. Die „Genealogia principum Tungro-Brabantinorum“ zwischen Fiktion und Akzeptanz, Berlin 2012
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  • Zugänge zum Fremden. Methodisch-hermeneutische Perspektiven zu einem biblischen Thema, Frankfurt/M. u.a. 2012
    Häusl, Maria (Hg., mit Gerlinde Baumann, Susanne Gillmayer-Bucher, Dirk Human)
  • Demokratie und Transzendenz. Die Begründung politischer Ordnungen, Bielefeld 2013
    Vorländer, Hans (Hg.)
  • Der Pfarrer als Arbeiter am Gedächtnis. Lutherische Erinnerungskultur zwischen Religion und sozialer Kohäsion, Leipzig 2013
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  • Die Machbarkeit politischer Ordnung. Transzendenz und Konstruktion, Bielefeld 2013
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  • Technik und Religion. Religiöse Deutungen und theologische Rezeption der Zweiten Industrialisierung in den USA und in Deutschland, Stuttgart 2013
    Schwarke, Christian
  • Transzendenz und die Konstitution von Ordnungen, Berlin 2013
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  • un|planbar 2. Agora und Void. Die Inszenierung der Mitte in Architektur und Städtebau, Dresden 2013
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