Separating effects of competition, interference and predation in an experimental study system with small mammals
Final Report Abstract
In the DFG funded project separating effects of competition, interference and predation in an experimental study system with small mammals we questioned the rigid use of ecological categories of interspecific interactions. We used an individual-based approach to understand effects of antagonist interspecific interactions, which may not be spread equally over the population but may affect only certain functional categories of the population in defined life-history time windows. We conducted behavioural experiments, dyadic encounters, and created experimental communities in well replicated experimental designs using different 2-species systems of small mammals: voles and shrews, and two vole species. Our results indicate that voles actively protect their nests against shrew predation, by spending more time near the nest and changing their foraging behaviour in the presence of shrews compared to absence. Further, the threat of nest predation is seasonally variable and probably depends on the availability of alternative prey. Voles adjust their response to shrew presence in accordance e to the season. Thus, nest predation by shrews seems to a common event evoking behavioural adaptations of voles, which came as surprise to many small mammal ecologists. In two-species vole systems we found that antagonists may shift their behaviour from resource competition and mutual avoidance in winter to aggressive interaction and interference competition during summer. Future research in the field may include ecological modelling of interspecific interactions based on our results and a continuation of automated radio-tracking of individuals of two species to understand spatial interaction patterns. Our project indicates, that agonistic ecological interaction types can dynamically transform from one type into another, depending on environment and life history stage of the involved individuals. Ecological theory therefore needs dynamic concepts to capture the interspecific interactions in animal communities.
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Liesenjohann T, Liesenjohann M, Trebaticka L, Sundell J, Haapakoski M, Ylönen H, Eccard JA