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Verfahren zur zeitaufgelösten Aufnahme der dreidimensionalen Dichteverteilung in instationären Strömungen mit Hilfe von Multi-Video Hintergrund-Schlieren Aufnahmen

Subject Area Fluid Mechanics
Term from 2008 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 67458658
This research project aims at reconstructing the time-varying, 3D density distributions in nonstationary flows, based on measuring the variations of the index of refraction using the background-oriented schlieren (BOS) approach. Research contributions include an improved, per-pixel resolution BOS acquisition technique, a simplied acquisition procedure for capturing multi-video BOS data of nonstationary flows, a constrained tomographic reconstruction algorithm that requires considerably less input data than previous approaches, and a rendering-based verification method to obtain physically consistent results. The novel techniques and algorithms shall be experimentally evaluated in cooperation with partners from experimental fluid mechanics. At the end of the funding period, a software system shall be available to acquire the time-dependent, volumetric density distribution of arbitrary non-symmetric, nonstationary flows.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes

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