Final Report Year
No abstract available
(2008). Learning how to read, write and calculate: Links between prerequisites and acquired skills. Symposium “Transition from preschool to school” (Organized by Ahnert, L. /University of Cologne/Germany and Tudge, J. /University of North Carolina at Greensboro, U.S.A.) at the ISSBD conference in Würzburg/Germany, 13–17.07.08
Yang, P.-Y., Kloss, A.-K., Ahnert, L. & Lamb, M. E.
(2008). Learning how to read, write and calculate: Links between prerequisites and acquired skills. Symposium “Transition from preschool to school” (Organized by Ahnert, L. /University of Cologne/Germany and Tudge, J. /University of North Carolina at Greensboro, U.S.A.) at the ISSBD conference in Würzburg/Germany, 13–17.07.08
Yang, P.-Y., Kloss, A.-K., Ahnert, L. & Lamb, M. E.
(2008). Stress and Child Care. Faculty of Social and Political Science at University of Cambridge, 5.02.08 in Cambridge
Ahnert, L.
(2009). How Adult-Child Relationships Influence Learning Mechanism During the Time of Transition to School. European Congress of Psychology, 7-10/07/09 in Oslo/Norway
Schneiderwind, J., Milatz, A. & Ahnert, L.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection
Austria, United Kingdom