ATMOCHEM - POllution: MODeling and ObseRvatiOns (POMODORO)
Final Report Abstract
The general objective of the project POMODORO was the assessment of pollutant emission from biogenic and anthropogenic sources in terms of outflow from emission regions, uplifting into the free to upper troposphere, intercontinental transport, chemical processing during transport, its impact on the upper tropospheric chemistry budget, and intrusion into the lower stratosphere. Global distributions of trace species in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere not available from operational services were derived from MIPAS-Envisat spectral data for the years 2006 and 2007: C2H6, C2H2, HCN, HCOOH, and PAN. The feasibility to derive further trace species was tested, and retrieval set-ups for OCS, acetone, CH3CN, CH3COOH, CH3OH, and HONO were further developed. First global fields of acetone and OCS have already be retrieved, while upper tropospheric isoprene, H2CO, C2H4 , and C3H6 turned out to be not retrievable from MIPAS data. The global fields of C2H6, HCN, PAN and HCOOH were further analysed regarding their seasonal variations, and regional patterns of pronounced upper tropospheric pollution. Besides the signature of the Asian monsoon anticyclone lifting pollutants up into the UTLS region, signatures of tropical/subtropical biomass burning in boreal fall, and industrial pollution all over the year in Northern mid and high latitudes were detected. C2H6 and PAN in Northern mid and high latitudes show a seasonal cycle with maxima in winter and summer, respectively which can be explained by their destruction cycles, while the seasonal cycles of HCN and HCOOH are determined by biomass burning in low and high Northern latitudes, and biogenic emissions, respectively. The “chemical fingerprint” method makes use of the spatial and temporal correlation of enhancements of various pollutants in the upper troposphere, and the ratio of certain pollutants. It has been developed further at the example of C2H6 and HCN enhancements during 2003 and 2006. Low C2H6/HCN ratios have been attributed to sources from biomass burning for which HCN is an unambiguous tracer, while higher C2H6/HCN ratios could be identified, with the help of backward trajectory calculations, as indicators of industrial and urban pollution. Transport through the tropopause was analysed at the example of the Asian monsoon anticyclone system. For this analysis, global fields at fixed altitudes have been analysed. The limited vertical resolution of trace gas profiles derived from MIPAS has to be kept in mind with this kind of analysis, since an enhancement signal from the troposphere could be smeared out and produce an artificial enhancement signal in the stratosphere. Nevertheless, a signal of enhanced pollutant could be found in altitudes of 20 km, i.e. well above the tropopause, in JJA over the area of the Asian monsoon anticyclone. This analysis will be continued.
Distribution of UTLS pollutants derived from MIPAS data: Ongoing and planned future work at IMK, oral presentation, Kickoff Meeting, 14 October 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany
Glatthor, N.
Large-scale upper tropospheric pollution observed by MIPAS HCN and C2H6 global distributions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 9619-9634, 2009
Glatthor, N., von Clarmann, T., Stiller, G. P., Funke, B., Koukouli, M. E., Fischer, H., Grabowski, U., Höpfner, M., Kellmann, S., and Linden, A.
Hydrocarbons with respect to tropopause altitude, oral presentation, ESA, iLEAPS, EGU joint conference on: Earth Observation for Land-Atmosphere Interaction Science, 3–5 November, 2010, European Space Agency (ESA-ESRIN), Frascati (Rome), Italy
Wiegele, A., Glatthor, N., Höpfner, M., Kiefer, M., Grabowski, U., Kellmann, S., Linden, A., Stiller, G., and von Clarmann, T.
Large-scale upper tropospheric pollution observed by MIPAS HCN and C2H6 global distributions, oral presentation, Progress Meeting 1, 17 March 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
Glatthor, N., von Clarmann, T., Stiller, G. P., Funke, B., Koukouli, M. E., Fischer, H., Grabowski, U., Höpfner, M., Kellmann, S., and Linden, A.
POllution: MODeling and ObseRvatiOns (POMODORO), oral presentation, AtmoChem–Meeting, 18–19 November 2010, Lyon, France
Wiegele, A., Dufour, G., Meijer, J., Perrin, A., Brühl, C., Hoor, P., Barret, B., Ricaud, P., and von Clarmann, T.
Progress of the POMODORO retrievals, oral presentation, Progress Meeting 1, 17 March 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
Wiegele, A.
Global distributions of C2H6, HCN, PAN, and C2H2 retrieved from MIPAS reduced spectral resolution measurements, 4, 5389-5424, 2011
Wiegele, A., Glatthor, N., Höpfner, M., Kiefer, M., Grabowski, U., Kellmann, S., Linden, A., Stiller, G., and von Clarmann, T.