GRK 1564:
Imaging New Modalities - Multimodal Image Acquisition and Analysis for Civil Security Applications
Subject Area
Systems Engineering
Computer Science
from 2009 to 2018
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 88636816
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
Das Graduiertenkolleg 1564 „Imaging New Modalities“ hat an der Schnittstelle zwischen Elektrotechnik und Informatik das Thema der bildgebenden Sensorik beforscht. In dieser für die deutsche Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft bedeutenden Querschnittstechnologie wurde von der Entwicklung neuer Sensorprinzipien bis zur Entwicklung von Anwendungen bildgebender Sensoren in der zivilen Sicherheit das gesamte Spektrum von Forschungsfragen adressiert. Als zentralen thematischen Kern, sowohl aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht als auch aus der Perspektive der Ausbildung von Doktorand(inn)en, hat das Kolleg das integrierte Zusammenwirken aller sensor- und informationstechnischen Komponenten für bildgebende Sensorsysteme in den Blick genommen. Dieser umfasst die synergetische Forschung und Entwicklung neuer bildgebender Prinzipien für die Multispektral-, THz- und Entfernungsmesssensorik und verzahnt diese eng mit der Untersuchung grundsätzlicher Mechanismen in der Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung inkl. der Informationssicherheit. Hierbei bildete die Verarbeitung von Bildsensordaten in dem Spannungsfeld „Sensorentwicklung – anwendungsorientierte Sensordatenverarbeitung“ den zentralen Kristallisationspunkt, in dem die konkreten Aspekte der Sensorentwicklung und die Anforderungen der zivilen Sicherheit kumulieren. Methodisch wurden hierbei Aspekte der sensornahen Charakterisierung, der Kompensation von Sensorfehlern und -limitationen, sowie Methoden der Informationseinbettung untersucht. Hierbei wurden monomodale Methoden für die neuartigen Sensoren mit dem Ziel der effizienten und robusten Informationsgewinnung betrachtet, während im Bereich multimodale Methoden zentrale Fragestellungen der Registrierung, Fusionierung und Repräsentation der Daten mehrerer verschiedenartiger Sensoren untersucht wurden. Als Anwendungshintergrund diente die zivile Sicherheit, in welchem konkret die Bereiche Personenerkennung/Biometrie, bildbasierte Materialerkennung und Szenenanalyse betrachtet wurden. Für die sich spezifisch ergebenden Anforderungen für die Datenverarbeitung wurden unter anderem die Fragen der Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit, der Robustheit, der Redundanz und der Komplementarität untersucht. Die Einbindung der Informationssicherheit, in Kombination mit der ethischen Begleitforschung bildete hierbei die Schnittstelle der technologischen Forschung hin zur gesellschaftlichen Integration künftiger Sensortechnologien.
“A Numerical Solution for Azimuth Invariant Bistatic SAR Processing Using Geometry-based Bistatic Formula”. In: Proc. European Conf. on Synthetic Aperture Radar. 2008, S. 1–4
J. Ding, Z. Zhang, Z. Bao und O. Loffeld
“Evaluation of analytic point target spectra for bistatic SAR”. In: Proc. Asian-Pacific Conf. on Synthetic Aperture Radar. 2009, S. 964–968
J. Ding, O. Loffeld, H. Nies, R. Wang und A. Ortiz
“Focusing bistatic SAR data in the wavenumber domain using linearized weighted LBF”. In: Proc. IEEE Radar Conf. 2009, S. 1–6
J. Ding, O. Loffeld, S. Knedlik, H. Nies, A. Ortiz und Y. Wang
Elektrooptische Kamera mit demodulierendem Detektorarray. DE Patent Pub. DE102009001159, wO Patent Pub. WO2010097326. 2010
G. Spickermann, P. Haring Bolívar und H. Roskos
“A fully integrated optical detector with a-Si:H based color photodiodes”. In: Phys. Status Solidi (PSS) 207.3 (2010), S. 700–703
K. Watty, C. Merfort, K. Seibel, L. Schöler und M. Böhm
“Active video-rate camera with up to 32 detector-pixels at 812 GHz”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2010, S. 1–1
W. V. Spiegel, R. Henneberger, A. K. Huhn, P. Haring Bolívar und H. G. Roskos
“Adaptive matrix distances aiming at optimum regression subspaces”. In: Proc. European Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN). 2010, S. 93–98
M. Strickert, A. Soto und G. Vazquez
“Adaptive Visualization of Text Documents Incorporating Domain Knowledge”. In: Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Workshop on Challenges of Data Visualization. 2010
A. J. Soto, M. Strickert, G. E. Vazquez und E. Milios
“Array platforms and bioinformatics tools for the analysis of plant transcriptome in response to abiotic stress”. In: Plant Stress Tolerance. Humana Press, 2010, S. 71–93
N. Sreenivasulu, R. Sunkar, U. Wobus und M. Strickert
“Broadband terahertz characterization of energetic materials for calculation of dielectric properties”. In: Proc. Int. Forum on Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging. 2010
A. K. Huhn und P. Haring Bolívar
“Comparison of Bilateral Filtering Strategies for Video Processing in Color and Depth”. In: Proc. of the IADIS Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing (CGVCVIP). 2010, S. 76– 84
B. Langmann, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“De-regulation of abscisic acid contents causes abnormal endosperm development in the barley mutant seg8”. In: The Plant Journal 64.4 (2010), S. 589–603
N. Sreenivasulu, V. Radchuk, A. Alawady, L. Borisjuk, D. Weier, N. Staroske, J. Fuchs, O. Miersch, M. Strickert, B. Usadel, U. Wobus, B. Grimm, H. Weber und W. Weschke
“Depth Assisted Background Subtraction for Color Capable ToF-Cameras”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Image and Video Processing and Computer Vision (IVPCV). 2010, S. 75–82
B. Langmann, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Information Security of Multimodal Input Data – Traceability of Image Data”. In: Proc. Conf. on Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics (ICTEI). 2010, S. 31–34
R. Schick, S. Tcaciuc und C. Ruland
“Linear Data Association Mapping by Supervised Metric Adaptation”. In: Proc. Mittweida Workshop on Computational Intelligence (MIWOCI). 2010, S. 5–17
M. Strickert
“Multi-Modal Background Subtraction using Gaussian Mixture Models”. In: Proc. ISPRS Technical Commission III Symp. on Photogrammetry Computer Vision and Image Analysis (PCV). Bd. 28. 2010, S. 61–66
B. Langmann, S. E. Ghobadi, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Unifying generative and discriminative learning principles”. In: BMC Bioinformatics 11.1 (2010)
J. Keilwagen, J. Grau, S. Posch, M. Strickert und I. Grosse
“A broadband 0.6 to 1 THz CMOS imaging detector with an integrated lens”. In: Proc. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest (MTT). 2011, S. 1–4
R. Al Hadi, H. Sherry, J. Grzyb, N. Baktash, Y. Zhao, E. Ojefors, A. Kaiser, A. Cathelin und U. Pfeiffer
“A Generic Approach to the Texture Detection Problem in Digital Images”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Recognition Systems. 2011, S. 375–384
C. Feinen, M. Grzegorzek, D. Droege und D. Paulus
“A Novel High-Dynamic a-Si:H Multicolor pin-Detector with ZnO:Al Front and Back Contacts”. In: MRS Proceedings. Bd. 1305. 2011
A. Bablich, K. Watty, C. Merfort, K. Seibel und M. Böhm
“ABA biosynthesis and degradation contributing to ABA homeostasis during barley seed development under control and terminal droughtstress conditions”. In: Journal of Experimental Botany 62.8 (2011), S. 2615–2632
C. Seiler, V. T. Harshavardhan, K. Rajesh, P. S. Reddy, M. Strickert, H. Rolletschek, U. Scholz, U. Wobus und N. Sreenivasulu
“Amorphous Photodiode with an Intermediate Contact for Improved Color Separation”. In: Proc. MRS Proc. Bd. 1305. 2011
K. Watty, A. Bablich, K. Seibel, C. Merfort und M. Böhm
“Animation of Air Bubbles with SPH”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications GRAPP. 2011, S. 225– 234
M. Ihmsen, J. Bader, G. Akinci und M. Teschner
“Comparison of Depth Super-Resolution Methods for 2D/3D Images”. In: Int. Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications 3 (2011), S. 635–645
B. Langmann, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Data Leakage Tracking Non – Repudiation of Forwarding”. In: Informatics Engineering and Information Science (2011), S. 163–173
R. Schick und C. Ruland
“Data Leakage Tracking – Non-Repudiation of Forwarding”. In: Proc. Conf. on Informatics Engineering and Information Science (ICIEIS). 2011, S. 163– 173
R. Schick und C. Ruland
“De-Novo Discovery of Differentially Abundant Transcription Factor Binding Sites Including Their Positional Preference”. In: PLoS Computational Biology 7.2 (2011), e1001070
J. Keilwagen, J. Grau, I. A. Paponov, S. Posch, M. Strickert und I. Grosse
“Document Tracking – On the Way to a New Security Service”. In: Proc. Conf. on Network and Information Systems Security (SAR-SSI). 2011, S. 89–93
R. Schick und C. Ruland
“Enhancing MGRLVQ by quasi step discriminatory functions using 2nd order training”. In: Proc. Mittweida Workshop on Computational Intelligence (MIWOCI). Machine Learning Reports. 2011, S. 5–15
M. Strickert
“Exploiting prior knowledge and gene distances in the analysis of tumor expression profiles with extended Hidden Markov Models”. In: Bioinformatics (2011), S. 1645–1652
M. Seifert, M. Strickert, A. Schliep und I. Grosse
“Global Multi-View Tracking utilizing Color and ToF Cameras by Combining Volumetric and Photometric Measures”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP). 2011, S. 694–699
B. Langmann, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Introduction of a New Non-Repudiation Service to Protect Sensitive Private Data”. In: Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Information and Communication Technologies. 2011, S. 71–76
R. Schick und C. Ruland
“Lens- Integrated THz Imaging Arrays in 65nm CMOS Technologies”. In: RFIC Baltimore, MD (2011), S. 365–368
H. Sherry, R. Al Hadi, J. Grzyb, E. Öjefors, A. Cathelin, A. Kaiser und U. Pfeiffer
“Lensintegrated THz imaging arrays in 65nm CMOS technologies”. In: Proc. Symp. Radio Freq. Integr. Circuits. 2011, S. 365–368
H. Sherry, R. Al Hadi, J. Grzyb, E. Öjefors, A. Cathelin, A. Kaiser und U. Pfeiffer
“Mapping of quantitative trait loci associated with protein expression variation in barley grains”. In: Molecular Breeding 27 (2011), S. 301–314
K. Witzel, C. Pietsch, M. Strickert, A. Matros, M. Roeder, W. Weschke, U. Wobus und H.-P. Mock
“Multispectral image characterization by partial generalized covariance”. In: Proc. European Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning. 2011, S. 105–110
M. Strickert, B. Labitzke, A. Kolb und T. Villmann
“Multispectral Pattern Recognition Techniques for Biometrics”. In: Biometrics. Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, 2011, S. 87–116
J. Bader, B. Labitzke, M. Grzegorzek und A. Kolb
“Partial generalized correlation for hyperspectral data”. In: Proc. IEEE Symp. on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining. 2011, S. 325–330
M. Strickert, B. Labitzke und V. Blanz
“Scanning 2D/3D monocular camera”. In: Proc. 3DTV Conf.: The True Vision – Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON). 2011, S. 1–4
O. Lottner, B. Langmann, W. Weihs und K. Hartmann
“Subspace Mapping of Noisy Text Documents”. In: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Bd. 6657. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, S. 377–383
A. J. Soto, M. Strickert, G. E. Vazquez und E. Milios
“Subspace Mapping of Noisy Text Documents”. In: Proc. Canadian Conf. Artificial Intelligence. 2011, S. 377–383
A. J. Soto, M. Strickert, G. E. Vazquez und E. Milios
“Target-Driven Subspace Mapping Methods and Their Applicability Domain Estimation”. In: Molecular Informatics 30 (2011), S. 779–789
A. J. Soto, G. E. Vazquez, M. Strickert und I. Ponzoni
“THz active imaging systems with real-time capabilities”. In: Proc. IEEE Trans. THz Science and Technology. Bd. 1. 1. 2011, S. 183– 200
F. Friederich, W. von Spiegel, M. Bauer, F. Meng, M. D. Thomson, S. Boppel, A. Lisauskas, B. Hils, V. Krozer, A. Keil, T. Läffler, R. Henneberger, A. Huhn, G. Spickermann, P. Haring Bolívar und H. G. Roskos
“Towards recognition of energetic materials - Terahertz imaging and sensing at higher frequencies”. In: Proc. EU Conference on the Detection of Explosives (EUCDE). 2011
A. K. Huhn, W. von Spiegel, P. de Maagt, W. Duvalois, O. van der Jagt, H. Roskos und P. Haring Bolívar
Automatic partitioning and recognition of human body regions from an arbitrary scan coverage image. US Patent 8,170,306. 2012
D. Yu, M. Piotraschke und L. Sibille
“200- GHz bandwidth on wafer characterization of CMOS nonlinear transmission line using electro-optic sampling”. In: Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters 54 (2012), S. 1858– 1862
M. Jamshidifar, G. Spickermann, H. Schäfer Eberwein und P. Haring Bolívar
“A 1 k-Pixel Video Camera for 0.7–1.1 Terahertz Imaging Applications in 65-nm CMOS”. In: IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 47.12 (2012), S. 2999–3012
R. Al Hadi, H. Sherry, J. Grzyb, Y. Zhao, W. Förster, H. Keller, A. Cathelin, A. Kaiser und U. Pfeiffer
“A 1k-Pixel CMOS Camera Chip for 25fps Real-Time Terahertz Imaging Applications”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. 2012, S. 252–254
H. Sherry, J. Grzyb, Y. Zhao, R. Al Hadi, A. Cathelin, A. Kaiser und U. Pfeiffer
“A modular framework for 2D/3D and multi-modal segmentation with joint super-resolution”. In: Proc. European Conf. on Computer Vision Workshops and Demonstrations. 2012, S. 12–21
B. Langmann, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“A novel model-based approach to left ventricle segmentation”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Computing in Cardiology (CinC). 2012, S. 561–564
M. Bugdol, J. Czajkowska und E. Pietka
“Broadband terahertz analysis of energetic materials – Composition and preparation dependencies”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). 2012, S. 1–2
A. Huhn, E. Saenz, P. de Maagt und P. Haring Bolívar
“Color Separation Enhancement of pixn Diodes by Optimizing Absorption Regions of a-SiGe:H/a-SiC:H Alloys and Using a Low Reflective Al-doped ZnO Cathode”. In: Proc. Conf. Material Research Society (MRS). Bd. 1426. 1. 2012, S. 181–186
A. Bablich, K. Watty, C. Merfort und M. Böhm
“Depth Auto-calibration for Range Cameras Based on 3D Geometry Reconstruction”. In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Visual Computing. 2012, S. 756–766
B. Langmann, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Depth Camera Technology Comparison and Performance Evaluation”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM). 2012, S. 438–444
B. Langmann, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Development of Three- Terminal Photodiodes Based on a-Si:H with an Additional Buried TCO Electrode”. In: Proc. Conf. Material Research Society (MRS). Bd. 1426. 1. 2012, S. 223–228
K. Watty, A. Bablich, K. Seibel, C. Merfort und M. Böhm
“Fast antenna-coupled terahertz detectors based on uncooled thermoelements”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). 2012, S. 1–3
A. K. Huhn, G. Spickermann, A. Ihring, U. Schinkel, H. Meyer und P. Haring Bolívar
“FIB-assisted a-SiGe:H/a-SiC:H alloy analysis for ultra-low biased multispectral pixn sensors with enhanced color separation features and low reflective ZnO:Al back-contacts”. In: Proc. SPIE 8376, 83760Q. 2012
A. Bablich, K. Watty, C. Merfort und M. Böhm
“Generic Visual Analysis for Multi- and Hyperspectral Data”. In: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Special Issue: Intelligent Data Visualization (2012), S. 117–145
B. Labitzke, S. Bayraktar und A. Kolb
“Long-range guided THz radiation by thin layers of water”. In: Optics express 20.25 (2012), S. 27781–27791
R. Sczech und J. Gomez Rivas
“Non-Repudiation of Forwarding – Traceability of confidential data”. In: Proc. of Int. Conf. on on Security and Cryptography. 2012, S. 387–390
R. Schick und C. Ruland
“Novel approach to improve reliable color recognition in a-Si:H photodiodes”. In: Proc. SPIE 8376, 83760N. Bd. 65535. 2012
K. Watty, A. Bablich, K. Seibel, C. Merfort und M. Böhm
“On the Security of the Non-Repudiation of Forwarding Service”. In: Proc. of Int. Conf. on on Security and Cryptography. 2012, S. 167–178
R. Schick und C. Ruland
“Parsimonious Higher-Order Hidden Markov Models for Improved Array-CGH Analysis with Applications to Arabidopsis thaliana”. In: PLoS Computational Biology 8 (2012)
M. Seifert, A. Gohr, M. Strickert und I. Grosse
“Posterior regularization and attribute assessment of under-determined linear mappings”. In: Proc. European Symp. Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN). 2012, S. 67–72
M. Strickert und M. Seifert
“Realtime video rate imaging with a 1k-pixel THz CMOS focal-plane array”. In: Proc. SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing. Bd. 8362. 2012, S. 83620C
J. Grzyb, H. Sherry, Y. Zhao, R. Al Hadi, A. Kaiser, A. Cathelin und U. Pfeiffer
“Stand-off real-time synthetic imaging at mm-wave frequencies”. In: Proc. Passive and Active Millimeter-Wave Imaging XV. Bd. 8362. 1. 2012, S. 836208
M. Kahl, A. Keil, J. Peuser, T. Löffler, M. Paetzold, A. Kolb, T. Sprenger, B. Hils und P. Haring Bolívar
“Terahertz detector arrays in a high-performance SiGe HBT technology”. In: Proc. IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Tech. Meeting. 2012, S. 1–4
R. Al Hadi, J. Grzyb, B. Heinemann und U. Pfeiffer
Proc. of the Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science. Dagstuhl, Germany: Pro Business Digital Printing Deutschland GmbH, 2013, S. 1–242
J. Bader, C. Feinen, J. Hedrich, R. Do Carmo und P. Scholl
“160-GHz Power Amplifier Design in Advanced SiGe HBT Technologies With Psat in Excess of 10 dBm”. In: IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques 61.99 (2013), S. 1–9
N. Sarmah, P. Chevalier und U. Pfeiffer
“4-D Fuzzy Connectedness- Based Medical Image Segmentation Technique”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 2013, S. 519–524
J. Czajkowska, J. Kawa, Z. Czajkowski und M. Grzegorzek
“A 135-170 GHz Power Amplifier in an advanced SiGe HBT technology”. In: Proc. IEEE Symp. Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC). 2013, S. 287–290
N. Sarmah, B. Heinemann und U. Pfeiffer
“A Multi- Stage Approach for Automatic Classification of Environmental Microorganisms”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition. 2013, V II: 364–370
C. Li, K. Shirahama, J. Czajkowska, M. Grzegorzek, F. Ma und B. Zhou
“A survey of image hashing technique for data authentication in WMSNs”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). 2013, S. 253–258
J. Shin und C. Ruland
“Adaptive Media Player for In-Car Entertainment.” In: Proc. Symp. Automotive meets Electronics (AmE). 2013, S. 42–46
D. Shahlaei, M. Wahl, H. Pu und A. Belhoula
“Broadband terahertz analysis of energetic materials – Influence of Crystal Structure and Additives”. In: IEEE Trans. THz Science and Technology 3.5 (2013), S. 649–655
A. Huhn, E. Saenz, P. de Maagt und P. Haring Bolívar
“Concept, System Design, Evaluation and Safety Requirements for a Multispectral Sensor”. Diss. University of Siegen, 2013
O. Schwaneberg
“Consistent Surface Model for SPH-based Fluid Transport”. In: Proc. Symp. on Computer Animation (SCA). 2013, S. 95–103
J. Orthmann, H.Hochstetter, J. Bader, S. Bayraktar und A. Kolb
“Constraint Up-Scaling for Direct and Global Image Components”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Journal of Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG). Bd. 21. 1. 2013, S. 69–78
J. Bader, M. Paetzold und A. Kolb
“Coupling and cm propagation of long-range guided THz radiation in thin layers of water”. In: Proc. CLEO: Science and Innovations. 2013, CM3J–6
R. Sczech, J. Gomez Rivas, A. Berrier, V. Giannini, G. Pirruccio, C. Debus und H. Schäfer
“Coupling to long-range guided THz modes in thin layers of water”. In: Proc. Int. Workshop on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology. 2013, S. 27781–91
R. Sczech, J. Gomez Rivas, A. Berrier, V. Giannini, G. Pirruccio, C. Debus, H. Schaefer- Eberwein und P. Haring Bolívar
“Diminishing relative jitter in electrooptic sampling of active mm-wave and THz circuits”. In: Optics express 21.4 (2013), S. 4396– 4404
M. Jamshidifar und P. Haring Bolívar
“Experimental Evidence for cm Propagation Lengths of Long-Range Guided Terahertz Radiation by Thin Layers of Water”. In: Applied Physics Letters 103.3 (2013), S. 031106
R. Sczech, D. Stock, R. Bornemann und P. Haring Bolívar
“Expressive Spectral Error Visualization for Enhanced Spectral Unmixing”. In: Proc. of Int. Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization. 2013, S. 9–16
B. Labitzke, F. Urrigshardt und A. Kolb
“Extremely low-jitter and ultra-broadband electrooptic sampling system for near field sensing of active and passive sub-THz electronic devices”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW- THz). 2013, S. 1–2
M. Jamshidifar und P. Haring Bolívar
“Efficient and Accurate Linear Spectral Unmixing”. In: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (Whispers). 2013, S. 1–4
B. Labitzke und A. Kolb
“Efficient, Robust, and Scale-Invariant Decomposition of Raman Spectra”. In: Proc. of Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA). 2013, S. 317–321
S. Bayraktar, B. Labitzke, J. Bader, R. Bornemann, P. Haring Bolívar und A. Kolb
“Fuzzy Model Based Algorithm for 3-D Bone Tumour Analysis”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications (FCTA). 2013, S. 185–192
J. Czajkowska
“Graph-Based Shape Representation for Object Retrieval”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Applications and Methods. 2013, S. 315–318
A. Amanpourgharaei, C. Feinen und M. Grzegorzek
“HBT terahertz detector arrays in SiGe technology”. In: Proc. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. Bd. 48. 2013, S. 2002– 2010
R. Al Hadi, J. Grzyb, B. Heinemann und U. Pfeiffer
“High-Quality Computational Imaging Through Simple Lenses”. In: ACM Trans. on Graphics 32.5 (2013). SIGGRAPH 2013, 149:1–149:14
F. Heide, M. Rouf, M. Hullin, B. Labitzke, W. Heidrich und A. Kolb
“Increasing performance of multispectral systems by an analytical selection of spectral bands using an example of a-Si:H photodiodes”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2013
C. Merfort
“Increasing the Accuracy of Time-of-Flight Cameras for Machine Vision Applications”. In: Computers in Industry, Special Issue: 3D Imaging in Industry 64.9 (2013), S. 1090–1098
B. Langmann, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Intrinsic Image Evaluation On Synthetic Complex Scenes”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP). 2013, S. 285–289
S. Beigpour, M. Serra, J. van de Weijer, R. Benavente, M. Vanrell, O. Penacchio und D. Samaras
“Lens-Integrated On-Chip Antennas for THz Direct Detectors in SiGe HBT”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas and Propagation and USNC- URSI National Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/USNC-URSI). 2013, S. 2265–2266
J. Grzyb, R. Al Hadi und U. Pfeiffer
“Long-range guided THz radiation coupled in thin layers of water - A study of the propagation length characteristics”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). 2013, S. 1–1
R. Sczech und P. Haring Bolívar
“Lowjitter electrooptic sampling of active mm-Wave devices up to 300 GHz”. In: Proc. IEEE European Microwave Conf. (EuMC). 2013, S. 752–754
M. Jamshidifar, G. Spickermann, H. Schäfer Eberwein und P. Haring Bolívar
“Model-Based Fuzzy System for Multimodal Image Segmentation”. In: Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI). 2013, S. 191–206
J. Czajkowska
“MOVEDETECT – Secure Detection, Localization and Classification in Wireless Sensor Networks”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking. Bd. 8121. 2013, S. 284–297
B. Langmann, M. Niedermeier, H. De Meer, C. Buschmann, M. Koch, D. Pfisterer, S. Fischer und K. Hartmann
“Nichtabstreitbarkeit der Weitergabe von Dokumenten”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2013. isbn: 978-3-8440-1584-3
R. Schick
“Parameterization and 3d segmentation of bone tumours in magnetic resonance images”. In: Proc. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2013, S. 328–329
J. Czajkowska, P. Badura und E. Pietka
“Radviz-based Visual Analysis of Multispectral Images”. In: Proc. Colour and Visual Computing Symp. (CVCS). 2013, S. 1–6
B. Labitzke, M. Paltian und A. Kolb
“Real-time 3D Reconstruction in Dynamic Scenes using Point-based Fusion”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on 3D Vision. 2013, S. 1–8
M. Keller, D. Lefloch, M. Lambers, S. Izadi, T. Weyrich und A. Kolb
“Real-time Image Stabilization for ToF Cameras on Mobile Platforms”. In: Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging: Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications. Bd. 8200. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, S. 289–301
B. Langmann, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Real-Time Motion Artifacts Compensation of ToF Sensors Data on GPU”. In: Proc. SPIE Defense, Security – Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display. 2013, 87380U –87380U-7
D. Lefloch, T. Hoegg und A. Kolb
“Robust 3D Object Skeletonisation for the Similarity Measure”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Applications and Methods. 2013, S. 167–175
C. Feinen, M. Grzegorzek, D. Barnowsky und D. Paulus
“Silicon RF front end components for THz/sub-THz communication systems”. In: Proc. Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems. 2013
U. R. Pfeiffer und N. Sarmah
“Simulation and Data-Processing Framework for Hybrid Synthetic Aperture THz Systems Including THz-Scattering”. In: IEEE Trans. on Terahertz Science and Technology 3.5 (2013), S. 625–634
M. Paetzold, M. Kahl, T. Klinkert, A. Keil, T. Löffler, P. Haring Bolívar und A. Kolb
“Spectroscopic Material Analysis in the THz Frequency Range - Prospects for Improved Material Analysis and Recognition”. In: Proc. ESA Antenna Workshop on Antenna and Free Space RF Measurements. Bd. 35. 2013, S. 1–3
D. Stock, A. K. Huhn und P. Haring Bolívar
“Technical Foundation and Calibration Methods for Time-of-Flight Cameras”. In: Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging. Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications. Bd. 8200. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, S. 3–24
D. Lefloch, R. Nair, F. Lenzen, H. Schaefer, L. Streeter, M. J. Cree, R. Koch und A. Kolb
“Terahertz Integrated Circuits in Silicon Technologies”. Diss. Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2013
R. Al-Hadi
“Terahertz-imaging with demodulating detector array”. Diss. University of Siegen, 2013
G. Spickermann
“THz 3-D Image Formation Using SAR Techniques: Simulation, Processing and Experimental Results”. In: IEEE Trans. Terahertz Science and Technology 3.5 (2013), S. 606–616. issn: 2156-342X
J. Ding, M. Kahl, O. Loffeld und P. Haring Bolívar
“Toward Room-Temperature All-Silicon Integrated THz Active Imaging”. In: Proc. European Conf. Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). 2013, S. 1740–1744
J. Grzyb, R. Al Hadi, Y. Zhao und U. Pfeiffer
“Uncooled antenna-coupled THz detectors with 22µs response time based on BiSb/Sb thermocouples”. In: Applied Physics Letters (2013), S. 121102
A. Huhn, G. Spickermann, A. Ihring, U. Schinkel, H.-G. Meyer und P. Haring Bolívar
“Wide Area 2D/3D Imaging: Development, Analysis and Applications”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2013
B. Langmann
“235-275 GHz (x16) frequency multiplier chains with up to 0 dBm peak output power and low DC power consumption”. In: Proc. IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symp. 2014, S. 181–184
N. Sarmah, B. Heinemann und U. R. Pfeiffer
“3D Object Retrieval by 3D Curve Matching”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing. 2014, S. 2749–2753
C. Feinen, J. Czajkowska, M. Grzegorzek und L. Latecki
“A 0.53 THz Reconfigurable Source Module With Up to 1 mW Radiated Powerfor Diffuse Illumination in Terahertz Imaging Applications”. In: IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (2014), S. 2938–2950
U. Pfeiffer, Y. Zhao, J. Grzyb, R. Al Hadi, N. Sarmah, W. Förster, H. Rucker und B. Heinemann
“A 0.53THz Reconfigurable Source Array with up to 1mW Radiated Power for Terahertz Imaging Applications in 0.13µm SiGe BiCMOS”. In: Proc. Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. (ISSCC) (2014), S. 256–257
U. R. Pfeiffer, Y. Zhao, J. Grzyb, R. Al Hadi, N. Sarmah, W. Förster, H. Rücker und B. Heinemann
“A Hybrid Approach for Content Based Image Authentication”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT). 2014, S. 371–378
J. Shin und C. Ruland
“A New Aortic Aneurysm CT Series Registration Algorithm”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Information Technologies in Biomedicine. 2014, S. 15–26
J. Czajkowska, C. Feinen, M. Grzegorzek, M. Raspe und R. Wickenhoefer
“A New Parametric Model-Based Technique in Bone Tumour Analysis”. In: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (2014), S. 315–325
J. Czajkowska und E. Pietka
“A Novel Design of Content based Multimedia Security”. In: Proc. Future Security Conf. 2014, S. 700–703
J. Shin und C. Ruland
“A Real-Time Terahertz Beam Monitoring Application with a 1024-pixel CMOS Terahertz Camera Module”. In: Proc. CLEO: Applications and Technology. 2014, JTu4A. 107
R. Al Hadi, J.-F. Lampin und U. R. Pfeiffer
“All-Silicon Based Terahertz Integrated Components: The Next Generation of Terahertz Imaging Systems”. In: Proc. Optical Sensors. 2014, SeTu5A. 1
R. Al Hadi, J. Grzyb, W. Förster, S. Malz, H. M. Keller, N. Sarmah und U. R. Pfeiffer
“Content based Image Authentication using HOG feature descriptor”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP). 2014, S. 5292–5296
J. Shin, D. Kim und C. Ruland
“Design and Creation of a Multi-Illuminant Scene Image Dataset”. In: Image and Signal Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8509 (2014), S. 531–538
I. M. Ziko, S. Beigpour und J. Y. Hardeberg
“Development and Investigation of a Long-Range Time-of-Flight and Color Imaging System”. In: IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics 44 (2014), S. 1372–1382
B. Langmann, W. Weihs, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Heterojunction Hybrid Devices from Vapor Phase Grown MoS2”. In: Scientific reports 4 (2014)
C. Yim, M. O’Brien, N. McEvoy, S. Riazimehr, H. Schaefer, A. Bablich, R. Pawar, G. Iannaccone, C. Downing, G. Fiori, M. Lemme und G. Duesberg
“Indoor Localization Using Step and Turn Detection Together with Floor Map Information”. In: FHWS Science Journal 3.1 (2014), S. 92–101
L. Koeping, F. Ebner, M. Grzegorzek und F. Deinzer
“Matching of 3D Objects Based on 3D Curves”. In: Computer Vision and Machine Learning with RGB-D Sensors. 2014
C. Feinen, J. Czajkowska, M. Grzegorzek und L. Latecki
“Multi-Illuminant Estimation with Conditional Random Fields”. In: IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP) 23.1 (2014), S. 83–96
S. Beigpour, C. Riess, J. van de Weijer und E. Angelopoulou
“On design of differentially driven on-chip antennas with harmonic filtering for silicon integrated mm-wave and THz N-push oscillators”. In: Proc. European Conf. on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). 2014, S. 717–721
J. Grzyb, Y. Zhao, R. Al Hadi und U. R. Pfeiffer
“Painting-91: a large scale database for computational painting categorization”. In: Machine Vision and Applications (2014), S. 1385–1397
F. S. Khan, S. Beigpour, J. van de Weijer und M. Felsberg
“Probabilistic Step and Turn Detection in Indoor Localisation”. In: Proc. Data Fusion and Target Tracking Conf. 2014, S. 1–7
L. Koeping, M. Grzegorzek und F. Deinzer
“Robust Self-Localization Using WiFi, Step/Turn-Detection and Recursive Density Estimation”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN). 2014, S. 627–635
F. Ebner, L. Koeping, M. Grzegorzek und F. Deinzer
“Shape Matching Using Point Context and Contour Segments”. In: Proc. Asian Conf. on Computer Vision. 2014, S. 95–110
C. Feinen, C. Yang, O. Tiebe und M. Grzegorzek
“SiGe Transmitter and Receiver Circuits for Emerging Terahertz Applications”. In: Proc. Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS). 2014
U. Pfeiffer, J. Grzyb, R. Al Hadi, N. Sarmah, K. Statnikov, S. Malz und B. Heinemann
“Silicon-based Sources and Detectors for Terahertz Applications”. In: Proc. CLEO: Science and Innovations. 2014, STu1F. 3
U. R. Pfeiffer, J. Grzyb und R. Al Hadi
“Skeleton- Based Abdominal Aorta Registration Technique”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2014
C. Feinen, J. Czajkowska, M. Grzegorzek, M. Raspe und R. Wickenhoefer
“Statistical Indoor Localization Using Fusion of Depth-Images and Step Detection”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN). 2014, S. 407–415
T. Fetzer, L. Koeping, M. Grzegorzek und F. Deinzer
“Subpixel Spatial Response of PMD Pixels”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST). 2014, S. 297– 302
M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Terahertz recognition of energetic materials : spectroscopic analysis and technological perspectives of imaging systems”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2014. isbn: 978-3-8439-1723-0
A. K. Huhn
“Theoretical, numerical, and experimental study of a flying qubit electronic interferometer”. In: Phys. Rev. B 89 (2014), S. 125432
T. Bautze, C. Suessmeier, S. Takada, C. Groth, T. Meunier, M. Yamamoto, S. Tarucha, X. Waintal und C. Baeuerle
“THz spectroscopy of bovine serum albumin solution using the long-range guided mode supported by thin liquid films”. In: Proc. CLEO: Science and Innovations. 2014, SF1F.4
R. Sczech und P. Haring Bolívar
“Towards 3-D THz volume inspection for process control”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz). 2014, S. 1–2
F. Friederich, B. Baccouche, A. Keil, M. Kahl, P. Haring Bolívar, T. Loeffler und J. Jonuscheit
“Turning a ToF camera into an illumination tester: Multichannel waveform recovery from few measurements using compressed sensing”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on 3D Imaging (IC3D). 2014, S. 1–8
M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Visualization and analysis of multispectral image data”. Diss. University of Siegen, 2014
B. Labitzke
“Wide bandwidth room-temperature THz imaging array based on antenna-coupled MOSFET bolometer”. In: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (2014)
T. Morf, B. Klein, M. Despont, U. Drechsler, L. Kull, D. Coros, D. Elad, N. Kaminski, U. R. Pfeiffer, R. Al Hadi, H. M. Keller, M. Braendli, C. Menolfi, M. Kossel, P. A. Francese, T. Toifl und D. Plettemeier
“A 246 GHz Fundamental Source with a Peak Output Power of 2.8 dBm”. In: Proc. European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conf. (EuMIC). 2015, S. 184–187
N. Sarmah, B. Heinemann und U. R. Pfeiffer
“A Comprehensive Multi-Illuminant Dataset for Benchmarking of Intrinsic Image Algorithms”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV). 2015, S. 172–180
S. Beigpour, A. Kolb und S. Kunz
“A Compressed Sensing Framework for Accurate and Robust Waveform Reconstruction and Phase Retrieval Using the Photonic Mixer Device”. In: IEEE Photonics Journal 7.3 (2015), S. 1–16
M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“A sparse array based sub-terahertz imaging system for volume inspection”. In: Proc. European Microwave Conf. (EuMC). 2015, S. 438–441
B. Baccouche, A. Keil, M. Kahl, P. Haring Bolívar, T. Loeffler, J. Jonuscheit und F. Friederich
“A sparse multistatic imaging system for terahertz volume inspection”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz). 2015, S. 1–2
B. Baccouche, M. Kahl, A. Keil, P. Haring Bolívar, T. Loeffler, J. Jonuscheit und F. Friederich
“Adaptive High Dynamic Range for Time-of-Flight Cameras”. In: IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement 64.7 (2015), S. 1885–1906
M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Anisotropic Point-Based Fusion”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (FUSION). 2015, S. 2121–2128
D. Lefloch, T. Weyrich und A. Kolb
“Color Play: Gamification for Color Vision Study”. In: Proc. of the AIC Meeting on Color and Image. 2015
S. Beigpour und M. Pederson
“Comparison of model-based material parameter extraction in frequency- and time-domain”. In: Proc. Conf. Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz). 2015, S. 1–2
D. Stock und P. Haring Bolívar
“Crosstalk characterization of PMD pixels using the spatial response function at subpixel level”. In: Proc. SPIE. Bd. 9393. 2015, S. 93930L-93930L-11
M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Dielectric constant extraction using ellipsometry at terahertz frequencies with a SiGe chipset at 240 GHz”. In: Proc. German Terahertz Conf. 2015
P. Rodriguez Vazquez, N. Sarmah, T. Schultze, B. Friedrich, J. Grzyb, S. Malz, I. Willms und U. R. Pfeiffer
“Efficient and Robust Inverse Lighting of a Single Face Image Using Compressive Sensing”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision (ICCV), Workshops. 2015, S. 226–234
M. Heredia Conde, D. Shahlaei, V. Blanz und O. Loffeld
“From Weighted Least Squares Estimation to Sparse CS Reconstruction: L1 Minimization in the Framework of Recursive Kalman Filtering”. In: Proc. Int. Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa). 2015, S. 149–153
O. Loffeld, T. Espeter und M. Heredia Conde
“Grid-Free Out-Of-Core Voxelization to Sparse Voxel Octrees on GPU”. In: Proc. ACM/Eurographics High Performance Graphics. 2015, S. 95–103
M. Paetzold und A. Kolb
“Illumination, phase step optimization and improvements in simultaneous multiple frequency measurement for Time-of-Flight sensors”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on 3D Imaging (IC3D). 2015, S. 1–6
V. X. Nguyen, W. Weihs und O. Loffeld
“Improving Indoor Localization by User Feedback”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Information Fusion. 2015, S. 1053–1060
L. Koeping, S. Bobek, M. Slazynski, F. Deinzer, G. J. Nalepa und M. Grzegorzek
“Kinect Range Sensing: Structured-Light versus Time-of-Flight Kinect”. In: Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding 13 (2015), S. 1–20
H. Sarbolandi, D. Lefloch und A. Kolb
“Multi Sensor 3D Indoor Localisation”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN). 2015, S. 1–11 (Best Paper Award)
F. Ebner, T. Fetzer, L. Koeping, M. Grzegorzek und F. Deinzer
“Multi-scale textural feature extraction and particle swarm optimization based model selection for false positive reduction in mammography”. In: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 46 (2015). Information Technologies in Biomedicine, S. 95–107. issn: 0895-6111
I. Zyout, J. Czajkowska und M. Grzegorzek
“Nanothermometer Based on Resonant Tunneling Diodes: From Cryogenic to Room Temperatures”. In: ACS Nano 9.6 (2015), S. 6271–6277
A. Pfenning, F. Hartmann, M. Rebello Sousa Dias, L. Kleber Castelano, C. Suessmeier, F. Langer, S. Hoefling, M. Kamp, G. E. Marques, L. Worschech und V. Lopez-Richard
“Perceptual Image Hashing Technique for Image Authentication in WMSNs”. In: Robust Image Authentication in the Presence of Noise (2015), S. 75–103
J. Shin und C. Ruland
“Progress in a-Si:H based multispectral sensor technology and material recognition”. In: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 223 (2015), S. 24–30
D. Schneider, C. Merfort und A. Bablich
“Realistic inverse lighting from a single 2D image of a face, taken under unknown and complex lighting”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG). Bd. 1. 2015, S. 1–8
D. Shahlaei und V. Blanz
“Secure and Robust Image Hashing Algorithm for Content based Image Authentication”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2015. isbn: 978-3-8440-3986-3
J. Shin
“Simultaneous Multichannel Waveform Recovery of Illumination Signals Using Compressed Sensing”. In: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27.4 (2015), S. 431–434
M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Skeleton Graph Matching vs. Maximum Weight Cliques Aorta Registration Techniques”. In: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 46.2 (2015), S. 142–152
J. Czajkowska, C. Feinen, M. Grzegorzek, M. Raspe und R. Wickenhoefer
“Spectral sensitivity of a graphene/silicon pn-junction photodetector”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Ultimate Integration on Silicon (EUROSOI-ULIS). 2015, S. 77–80
S. Riazimehr, D. Schneider, C. Yim, S. Kataria, V. Passi, A. Bablich, G. Duesberg und M. Lemme
“Structure and Rank Awareness for Error and Data Flow Reduction in Phase-Shift-Based ToF Imaging Systems Using Compressive Sensing”. In: Proc. Int. Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa). 2015, S. 150–154
M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Towards Multi-Dimensional Terahertz Imaging Systems Based on Low- Cost Silicon Technologies”. Diss. Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2015. isbn: 978-3- 8439-2571-6
K. Statnikov
“A 200-;225 GHz SiGe Power Amplifier with peak Psat of 9.6 dBm using wideband power combination”. In: Proc. European Solid-State Circuits Conf. (ESSCIRC). 2016, S. 193–196
N. Sarmah, K. Aufinger, R. Lachner und U. R. Pfeiffer
“A deep spatial/spectral descriptor of hyperspectral texture using scattering transform”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP). 2016, S. 3568–3572
G. Franchi und J. Angulo
“A Fully Integrated 240-GHz Direct-Conversion Quadrature Transmitter and Receiver Chipset in SiGe Technology”. In: Proc. IEEE Trans.on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 2016, S. 562–574
N. Sarmah, J. Grzyb, K. Statnikov, S. Malz, P. R. Vazquez, W. Förster, B. Heinemann und U. R. Pfeiffer
“A Nullspace Based L1 Minimizing Kalman Filter Approach to Sparse CS Reconstruction”. In: Proc. European Conf. on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR). 2016, S. 1–5
O. Loffeld, A. Seel, M. Heredia Conde und L. Wang
“A wideband fully integrated SiGe chipset for high data rate communication at 240 GHz”. In: Proc. European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conf. (EuMIC). 2016, S. 181–184
N. Sarmah, P. R. Vazquez, J. Gryzb, W. Förster, B. Heinemann und U. R. Pfeiffer
“Active Multispectral SWIR Imaging for Reliable Skin Detection and Face Verification”. Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen. Universität Siegen, 2016. isbn: 9783736994508
H. Steiner
“An OOK-Modulator at 240 GHz with 20 GHz Bandwidth”. In: Proc. GeMiC. 2016, S. 345–348
P. R. Vazquez, N. Sarmah, K. Auffinger und U. R. Pfeiffer
“Automated 3D Face Reconstruction From Multiple Images Using Quality Measures”. In: Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2016, S. 3418–3427
M. Piotraschke und V. Blanz
“Chemical Vapor Deposited Graphene for Opto-Electronic Applications”. In: Journal of Nano Research 39 (2016), S. 57–68
V. Passi, A. Gahoi, S. Riazimehr, S. Wagner, A. Bablich, S. Kataria und M. Lemme
“Codebook Approach for Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition”. In: Proc. ACM Int. Joint Conf. on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. 2016, S. 197–200
K. Shirahama, L. Koeping und M. Grzegorzek
“Combined based on minimum distance orthogonal matching pursuit method for support recovery improvement in superresolution compressed sensing”. In: Proc. Int. Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa). 2016, S. 257–261
V. X. Nguyen, K. Hartmann, W. Weihs und O. Loffeld
“Compressive Sensing for the Photonic Mixer Device – Fundamentals, Methods and Results”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2016
M. Heredia Conde
“Error analysis of model-based frequency- and timedomain methods for THz material parameter extraction”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz). 2016, S. 1–2
D. Stock und P. Haring Bolívar
“Flexible graphene-/a-Si: H multispectral photodetectors”. In: Proc. IEEE Device Research Conf. (DRC). 2016, S. 1–2
D. Schneider, A. Bablich und M. C. Lemme
“Graphene/a-Si: H multispectral photodetectors”. In: Proc. European Solid-State Device Research Conf. (ESSDERC). 2016, S. 287–290
D. Schneider, A. Bablich und M. C. Lemme
“High-performance hybrid electronic devices from layered PtSe2 films grown at low temperature”. In: ACS nano 10.10 (2016), S. 9550–9558
C. Yim, K. Lee, N. McEvoy, M. O’Brien, S. Riazimehr, N. C. Berner, C. P. Cullen, J. Kotakoski, J. C. Meyer, M. C. Lemme und G. S. Duesberg
“Hyperspectral image classification with support vector machines on kernel distribution embeddings”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP). 2016, S. 1898–1902
G. Franchi, J. Angulo und D. Sejdinović
“Illumination aspects of sparse line arrays for 3D terahertz imaging”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz). 2016, S. 1–2
B. Baccouche, S. Mohammadzadeh, A. Keil, M. Kahl, P. Haring Bolívar, T. Loeffler, J. Jonuscheit, W. Sauer-Greff, R. Urbansky und F. Friederich
“Lighting design for portraits with a virtual light stage”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP). 2016, S. 1579–1583
D. Shahlaei, M. Piotraschke und V. Blanz
“Low-Light Image Enhancement for Multiaperture and Multitap Systems”. In: IEEE Photonics Journal 8.2 (2016), S. 1–25
M. Heredia Conde, B. Zhang, K. Kagawa und O. Loffeld
“MM-wave dispersion characteristics of a nonlinear transmission line measured by electrooptic sampling”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz). 2016, S. 1–2
M. Jamshidifar, G. Spickermann und P. Haring Bolívar
“Morphological Principal Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Analysis”. In: ISPRS Int. Journal of Geo-Information 5.6 (2016), S. 83
G. Franchi und J. Angulo
“Multi-target super-resolution using compressive sensing arguments for multipath interference recovery”. In: Proc. Int. Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa). 2016, S. 148–152
V. X. Nguyen, K. Hartmann, W. Weihs und O. Loffeld
“Multi-view Multi-illuminant Intrinsic Dataset”. In: Proc. British Machine Vision Conf. (BMVC). 2016, S. 10.1–10.13
S. Beigpour, M. L. Ha, S. Kunz, A. Kolb und V. Blanz
“Object Representation and Matching Based on Skeletons and Curves”. Diss. Group for Pattern Recognition, University of Siegen, 2016
C. Feinen
“Object Shape Generation, Representation and Matching”. Diss. Group for Pattern Recognition, University of Siegen, 2016. isbn: 978-3-8325-4399-0
C. Yang
“On Monte Carlo Smoothing in Multi Sensor Indoor Localisation”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN). 2016, S. 1–8
T. Fetzer, F. Ebner, L. Koeping, M. Grzegorzek und F. Deinzer
“On-wafer characterization of mm-wave and THz circuits using electrooptic sampling”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2016
M. Jamshidifar
“Secure matrix generation for Compressive Sensing embedded cryptography”. In: Proc. IEEE Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). 2016, S. 1–8
R. A. Djeujo und C. Ruland
“Simple Adaptive Progressive Edge- Growth Construction of LDPC Codes for Close(r)-to-Optimal Sensing in Pulsed ToF”. In: Proc. Int. Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar, and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa). 2016, S. 80–84
M. Heredia Conde, K. Hartmann und O. Loffeld
“Sparse CS Reconstruction by Nullspace-based L1 Minimizing Kalman Filtering”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Communications (COMM). 2016, S. 449–454
O. Loffeld, A. Seel, M. Heredia Conde und L. Wang
“Spectral sensitivity of graphene/silicon heterojunction photodetectors”. In: Solid-State Electronics 115 (2016), S. 207–212
S. Riazimehr, A. Bablich, D. Schneider, S. Kataria, V. Passi, C. Yim, G. S. Duesberg und M. C. Lemme
“THz-Biosensing : dielectric long-range modes for analyzing biomolecules in strongly absorbing liquids”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2016. isbn: 978-3-8439-2546-4
R. Sczech
“Wideband Circuit Design Techniques for Ultra-High Data-Rate Wireless Communication in Silicon Technologies”. Diss. University of Wuppertal, 2016
N. Sarmah
Classification of Physiological Data for Emotion Recognition.” In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC). 2017, S. 619–627
P. Gouverneur, J. Jaworek-Korjakowska, L. Koeping, K. Shirahama, P. Kleczek und M. Grzegorzek
Conception and realization of a semiconductor based 240 GHz full 3D MIMO imaging system. 2017
C. Weisenstein, M. Kahl, F. Friederich und P. Haring Bolívar
QoSs definition and session description protocol for secure communication using compressive sensing”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT). 2017, S. 1–7
R. A. Djeujo und C. Ruland
“A graphene based plasmonic antenna design for communication in the THz regime”. In: Proc. OSA Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). 2017, S. 1–1
C. Suessmeier, S. Schaeffer, S. Abadal, E. Alarcón, S. E. Hosseininejad, A. Wigger, D. Stock, S. Wagner, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, M. Lemme und P. Haring Bolívar
“A Redundancy Based Compressive Sensing Recovery Optimization”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Telecommunication and Signal Processing. 2017, S. 502– 505
T. Wu und C. Ruland
“Authenticated compressive sensing imaging”. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). 2017, S. 1–6
T. Wu und C. Ruland
“Comprehensive Use of Curvature for Robust and Accurate Online Surface Reconstruction”. In: IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) 39.12 (2017), S. 2349–2365
D. Lefloch, M. Kluge, H. Sarbolandi, T. Weyrich und A. Kolb
“Compression-oriented Quantization Improvement of Compressive Sensing Based Imaging”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Telecommunication and Signal Processing. 2017, S. 604–609
T. Wu und C. Ruland
“Embedding cryptographically secure matrix transformation in structured Compressive Sensing”. In: Proc. IEEE Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). 2017, S. 1–7
R. A. Djeujo und C. Ruland
“Efficient Rage and Image Data Processing – Algorithms and Software Paradigms”. Diss. University of Siegen, 2017
T. Hoegg
“Flexible hybrid graphene/a-Si:H multispectral photodetectors”. In: Nanoscale 9 (2017), S. 8573–8579
D. Schneider, A. Bablich und M. C. Lemme
“High Photocurrent in Gated Graphene-Silicon Hybrid Photodiodes”. In: ACS photonics 4.6 (2017), S. 1506–1514
S. Riazimehr, S. Kataria, R. Bornemann, P. Haring Bolívar, F. J. G. Ruiz, A. Godoy und M. C. Lemme
“Key Management for Compressive Sensing based Cryptographic mechanisms”. Diss. University of Siegen, 2017. isbn: 978-3-8440-5724-9
R. A. Djeujo
“Material- Dependencies of the THz emission from plasmonic graphene-based photoconductive antenna structures”. In: Proc. Int. IEEE Conf Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW). 2017, S. 1–2
C. Suessmeier, S. Abadal, D. Stock, S. Schaeffer, E. Alarcón, A. Wigger, S. E. Hosseininejad, S. Wagner, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, M. Lemme und P. Haring Bolívar
“Model-based Estimation of Missing Facial Structures in 2D and 3D”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2017
M. Schumacher
“Modified Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for Multiple Measurement Vector with Joint Sparsity in Super-resolution Compressed Sensing”. In: Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers. 2017, S. 840–844
V. X. Nguyen, K. Hartmann, W. Weihs und O. Loffeld
“Motion Deblurring in the Wild”. In: Proc. German Conf. on Pattern Recognition (GCPR). 2017, S. 65–77
M. Noroozi, P. Chandramouli und P. Favaro
“Multiframe Motion Coupling for Video Super Resolution”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR). 2017, S. 123–138
J. Geiping, H. Dirks, D. Cremers und M. Moeller
“Open-loop electrooptic sampling for real-time analysis and near-field imaging of ultrafast electronic devices”. In: Optical and Quantum Electronics 49.5 (2017), S. 187
M. Jamshidifar und P. Haring Bolívar
“Quantified, Interactive Simulation of AMCW ToF Camera Including Multipath Effects”. In: Sensors 18.1 (2017)
D. Bulczak, M. Lambers und A. Kolb
“Raman-Microspectroscopy for the Detection of Spoilage Bacteria”. In: Proc. Ressourcen-Wissen: Hebung ungenutzter Potentiale. 2017, S. 74–81. isbn: ISBN 978-3-9819028-1-5
D. Klein, C. Wickleder und P. Kaul
“Real-Time Gesture Recognition Using a Particle Filtering Approach”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. 2017, S. 394–401
F. Li, L. Koeping, S. Schmitz und M. Grzegorzek
“Secret matrix lifecycle management for compressive sensing based cryptographic mechanisms”. In: Conf. in Computing, Communication, Control, and Automation (ICC3A) (2017), S. 1–10
R. A. Djeujo und C. Ruland
“Strain Gauges Based on CVD Graphene Layers and Exfoliated Graphene Nanoplatelets with Enhanced Reproducibility and Scalability for Large Quantities”. In: Sensors 17.12 (2017), S. 2937
V. Yokaribas, S. Wagner, D. S. Schneider, P. Friebertshaeuser, M. Lemme und C.-P. Fritzen
“The Content Authenticity Property of the Compressive Sensing based Imaging method”. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Frontiers of Sensors Technologies (ICFST). 2017, S. 55–59
T. Wu und C. Ruland
“Three-Dimensional Terahertz Imaging With Sparse Multistatic Line Arrays”. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 23.4 (2017), S. 1–11
B. Baccouche, P. Agostini, S. Mohammadzadeh, M. Kahl, C. Weisenstein, J. Jonuscheit, A. Keil, T. Loeffler, W. Sauer-Greff, R. Urbansky, P. Haring Bolívar und F. Friederich
“A general framework for sensor-based human activity recognition”. In: Computers in Biology and Medicine 95 (2018), S. 248– 260
L. Koeping, K. Shirahama und M. Grzegorzek
“Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds Arising from Chicken Breast Filets Under Modified Atmosphere Packaging Using TD-GC/MS”. In: Food Analytical Methods 11.1 (2018), S. 88–98
D. Klein, S. Maurer, U. Herbert, J. Kreyenschmidt und P. Kaul
“Entwicklung von modellbasierten Methoden zur Bestimmung von Materialeigenschaften im THz-Bereich”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2018
D. Stock
“HMM Imaging: Acquisition, Algorithms, and Applications (Dagstuhl Seminar 17411)”. In: Dagstuhl Reports 7.10 (2018), S. 14–41
G. R. Arce, R. Bamler, J. Y. Hardeberg, A. Kolb und S. Beigpour
“Improving the Determination of Graphene Conductivity from THz-TDS Measurements”. In: Proc. Int. Workshop on Terahertz Technology and Applications. Bd. 8. 2018, S. 1
D. Stock, C. Suessmeier und P. Haring Bolívar
“MAC-Oriented Programmable Terahertz PHY via Graphene-based Yagi-Uda Antennas”. In: Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. 2018
S. Hosseininejad, S. Abadal, M. Neshat, R. Faraji-Dana, M. Lemme, C. Suessmeier, P. Haring Bolívar, E. Alarcon und A. Cabellos-Aparicio
“Plenoptic Image Motion Deblurring”. In: IEEE Trans. on Image Processing 27.4 (2018), S. 1723–1734
P. Chandramouli, M. Jin, D. Perrone und P. Favaro
“Probabilistic Fusion of Multiple Distributed Sensors”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2018
L. Köping
“Pulse Based Time-of-Flight Range Sensing”. In: Sensors 18.6 (2018), S. 1679
H. Sarbolandi, M. Plack und A. Kolb
“Real-Time Processing of Range Data Focusing on Environmental Reconstruction”. Diss. University of Siegen, 2018
D. Lefloch
“Redefining Responsivity in Graphene-based Schottky Diodes”. In: Proc. Device Research Conf. (DRC). 2018, S. 1–2
S. Riazimehr, S. Kataria, J. M. González, M. Shaygan, S. Suckow, O. Engström, F. J. G. Ruiz, A. Godoy und M. C. Lemme
“Segmentation and Shape Extraction from Convolutional Neural Networks”. In: Proc. IEEE Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). 2018, S. 1509–1518
M. L. Ha, G. Franchi, M. Möller, A. Kolb und V. Blanz
“State of the Art on 3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Cameras”. In: Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics STAR) (2018)
M. Zollhöfer, P. Stotko, A. Goerlitz, C. Theobalt, M. Nießner, R. Klein und A. Kolb
“Terahertz modulator based on vertically coupled Fano metamaterial”. In: IEEE Trans. on Terahertz Science and Technology (2018), S. 1–1
T. A. Pham Tran und P. Haring Bolívar
“Wide Spectral Photoresponse of Layered Platinum Diselenide-Based Photodiodes”. In: Nano Letters 18.3 (2018), S. 1794–1800
C. Yim, N. McEvoy, S. Riazimehr, D. S. Schneider, F. Gity, S. Monaghan, P. K. Hurley, M. C. Lemme und G. S. Duesberg
“Advanced signal processing techniques for THz imaging and sensing enhancement in material quality control applications”. In: Proc. of SPIE Vol. Bd. 10917. SPIE Photonics West OPTO 2019. 2019, S. 10917–34
D. Stock, A. K. Wigger, T. M. Wong, A. Kolb und P. Haring Bolívar
“Graphical Models And Simulation For THZ-Imaging”. Diss. University of Siegen, 2018
M. Pätzold
“Single-Image Inverse Lighting of Faces with a Virtual Light Stage”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2018
D. Shahlaei
“Super-resolution Compressed Sensing for Resolving Time-of-Flight Multipath Interferences”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2018
V. X. Nguyen
“The Authentication of Compressive Sensing based Image Content”. Diss. Universität Siegen, 2018
T. Wu
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups