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Theoretical description of nonlinear optical scattering processes from single particles and collections of particles

Subject Area Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2008 to 2013
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 92874245
Nonlinear optical scattering methods are a mixture of nonlinear optical spectroscopy withlight scattering. In such experiments, the nonlinear optical susceptibility of the material togetherwith the spatial and linear optical properties of the scattering object dictates the observedscattering pattern. In the last years a wide range of new methods has emerged anda large variety of systems have been probed. The outcome is that nonlinear optical scatteringis ready to be used in a variety of research fields, like probing metal and semiconductornano-structures, soft matter systems, and biological systems.In parallel to the experimental developments there has been theoretical work as well, butthis mainly applies to the simplest nonlinear optical experiment possible, second harmonicscattering, with a restricted set of optical parameters. Since recent experiments have shownthat more complicated experiments can be performed on complex systems and that a muchwider range of processes and features can be probed, it is a logical next step to deepen ourunderstanding of such measurements on a theoretical level.The aim of the project is therefore to perform exact theoretical modelling of nonlinearoptical scattering processes on single particles and collections of particles, ordered anddisordered. This means we want to formulate a nonlinear optical scattering theory, wherewe take into account the complete linear and nonlinear optical response of all the involvedbeams with both the particle as well as the surrounding medium.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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