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GRK 1221:  Control of the Electronic Properties of Aggregated Pi-conjugated Molecules

Subject Area Physical Chemistry
Molecular Chemistry
Term from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 949699
Intermolecular interactions determine the properties of organic functional materials which are based on pi-systems to a large extent. The precise relationships between these intermolecular interactions and the macroscopic effects such as electrical conductivity, charge carrier mobility or one- and two-photon absorption cross section are insufficiently known. For this reason, it is the prime scientific goal of the Research Training Group to quantify the magnitude of the interactions and to elucidate their influence on energy and charge transfer processes in aggregated pi-electron systems. Since existing methods are often not adequate new experimental and theoretical approaches for synthesis and spectroscopic and theoretical characterisation shall be developed.
The spectroscopically oriented groups study the electronic interactions within the chromophore aggregates in gas phase, in solution and on surfaces to elucidate their static and dynamic behaviour. The gas phase experiments are used to achieve improved models and to validate the theoretical approaches. It is the goal of the three theoretically oriented groups to provide a detailed characterisation of the various interactions in pi-aggregates. The picture shall include the important relationships between electronic and nuclei degrees of freedom. The three synthetically oriented groups will provide specially designed model compounds which allow a better understanding of the various chromophore interactions. Together with the experimental characterisation these model chromophores are necessary to validate new theoretical approaches. The personnel composition of the Research Training Group which comprises synthetic, spectroscopic and theoretically oriented groups from the chemistry and the physics department is ideal for reaching our goals.
The educational aim of the Research Training Group is to teach the students the physicochemical basics of the above mentioned electronic effects together with the theoretical description. This shall be done in context with the optimisation of organic functional materials. The educational programme comprises all chemical and physical aspects that arise from the treatment of these systems. By this way, the Research Training Group allows the education of scientists which are specifically well suited for the steadily growing area of materials chemistry (e.g. photovoltaics, optoelectronics, display technology etc.) in science and industry.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups

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