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GRK 1253:  Processing of Affective Stimuli: From the Molecular Basis to the Emotional Experience

Subject Area Psychology
Term from 2007 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 968378
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

Die Forschungsfragen des Graduiertenkollegs „Verarbeitung emotional relevanter Reize: Von den molekularen Grundlagen zur Empfindung“ („GK-Emotions“) zielten auf wichtige Mediator- und Moderatorvariablen, die die Verarbeitung emotional relevanter Reize beeinflussen. Durch den Zusammenschluss von ausgewiesenen Arbeitsgruppen aus der Philosophie, Psychologie, Psychiatrie, Neurologie, Anatomie und Physiologie wurden den Doktoranden des GK eine exzellente und international sichtbare interdisziplinäre Promotionsarbeit innerhalb der „Affective Sciences“ ermöglicht. Basierend auf diesem interdisziplinären Ansatz und der Expertise der beteiligten Wissenschaftler fokussierten die Promotionsprojekte auf drei Arbeitsebenen, ergänzt durch ein philosophisches Projekt, das die epistemologischen, anthropologischen und ethischen Dimensionen der Emotionsforschung untersuchte. Die Arbeitsebenen Selbstregulation und Kontext untersuchte Prozesse der Gefühle und Emotionen als Determinanten und Konsequenzen der Urteilsbildung im sozialen Kontext sowie die zeitliche Dynamik der Wirkung emotionaler Reize im Kontext von Konditionierungsstudien. Die Arbeitsebene „normales und pathologisches Verhalten“ untersuchte an Patientinnen mit Ess- und Angststörungen sowie Migräne Auffälligkeiten in emotionsverarbeitenden Prozessen, um deren Beitrag zur Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung der Störungen abzuklären. Die Arbeitsebenen „Anatomie und Morphologie“ sowie „Neurobiologie und molekulare Grundlagen“ wurden vorwiegend in tierexperimentellen Projekten bearbeitet mit einer Fokussierung auf das Serotoninsystem und/oder die Amygdala als relevante emotionsverarbeitende Systeme. Das Graduiertenkolleg hat also humanexperimentelle, klinische und tierexperimentelle bzw. neurobiologische Forschungsansätze zur Untersuchung von Mediatoren und Modulatoren emotionaler Prozesse realisiert. Die intensive und interdisziplinäre Betreuung der Doktoranden wurde durch individuelle Promotionskomitees gewährleistet, die durch drei Mitglieder verschiedener Arbeitsgruppen besetzt werden. Die Selbstständigkeit der Doktoranden und die akademische Professionalisierung wurde durch spezielle Workshops gefördert, die Einbindung in internationale Netzwerke durch regelmäßige Gastwissenschaftler, Summer Schools mit internationalen Dozenten sowie durch die verpflichtende Teilnahme an internationalen Kongressen. Die Promotionen erfolgten größtenteils entsprechend der Promotionsordnung der University of Würzburg Graduate Schools innerhalb der Graduate School of Life Sciences. Für besonders ausgewiesene Bachelor Absolventen war eine „Fast Track“ Promotion möglich.


  • Preventing the return of fear using reconsolidation update mechanisms depends on the Met-allele of the Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met polymorphism. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
    Asthana, M.K., Brunhuber, B.A., Schneider, S., Muehlberger, A., Reif, A., Herrmann, M.J.
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  • (2005) Analysis of psychological factors of pathological internet use. International Chinese Application Psychology Journal, 2, 212-215
    Wu, L.D., Liu, D.Z.
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    Wu, L.D., Liu, D.Z.
  • (2011). Emotional modulation of motor memory formation (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Önal-Hartmann, C.
  • (2012). Three dimensional Tissue Models for Research in Oncology. InTech, 01, Ch. 9
    Nietzer, S., Dandekar, G., Wasik, M., Walles, H.
  • (2006) Children’s meta-cognitive monitoring and strategy selection during counting. Psychological Science (Chinese), 29, 354-357
    Wu, L.D., Liu, D.Z.
  • (2006). Application of immersed virtual reality technology in psychological research. Progress in Modern Biomedicine (Chinese), 6(3), 58-62
    Tao, W.D., Sun, H.J, Tao, X.L., Liu, Q., Wu, L.D., & Luo, W.B.
  • (2007). A review on virtual reality exposure therapy for fear of flying. Progress in Modern Biomedicine (Chinese), 9, 1372-1375
    Yan, J.J., Wu, L.D., Sun, H.J.
  • (2007). TRESK two-pre-domain K channels constitute a significant component of background potassium currents in murine dorsal root ganglion neurones. J. Physiol., 585 (3), 867-879
    Dobler, T., Springauf, A., Tovornik, S., Weber, M., Schmitt, A, Sedlmeier, R., Wischmeyer, E., & Döring, F.
  • (2007). TRESK two-pre-domain K channels constitute a significant component of background potassium currents in murine dorsal root ganglion neurones. J. Physiol., 585 (3), 867-879
    Dobler, T., Springauf, A., Tovornik, S., Weber, M., Schmitt, A., Sedlmeier, R., Wischmeyer, E., Döring, F.
  • (2008). Attention and affect modulate pain perception independently as indicated by somatosensory evoked potentials. Biological Psychology 78, 114-122
    Kenntner-Mabiala, R., Andreatta, M., Wieser, M. J., Mühlberger, A., & Pauli, P.
  • (2008). Independent component analysis applied to pharmacological magnetic resonance imaging (phMRI): new insights into the functional networks underlying panic attacks as induced by CCK-4. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 14, 3492-3507
    Dieler, A.C., Sämann, P.G., Leicht, G., Eser, D., Kirsch, V., Baghai, T.C., Karch, S., Schüle, C., Pogarell, O., Czisch, M., Rupprecht, R., & Mulert, C.
  • (2008). Neuropeptide FF-sensitive confinement of mu opioid receptor does not involve lipid rafts in SH-SY5Y cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 373, 80–84
    Moulédous, L., Merker, S., Neasta, J., Roux, B., Zajac, J.-M., Mollereau, C.
  • (2009). Accuracy in the identification of spontaneous and posed facial expressions of children to odours by adults. In E. Bänninger-Huber & D. Peham (Eds.), Current and future perspectives in facial expression research: Topics and methodological questions (p. 62-65). Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press
    Weiland, R. & Ellgring, H.
  • (2009). Emotional reactions after event learning: a rift between implicit and explicit conditioned valence in humans pain relief learning (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Andreatta, M.
  • (2009). Rezension zu Thomas Fuchs, Das Gehirn ein Beziehungsorgan – eine phänomenologischökologische Konzeption, Stuttgart (Kohlhammer): 2008, in: K,-H. Lembeck, K. Mertens & E.W. Orth (Hrsg.), Phänomenologische Forschung 2008, Hamburg. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer
    Schick, J.
  • (2009). Theta burst stimulation of the prefrontal cortex: safety and impact on cognition, mood, and resting electroencephalogram. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 778-784
    Grossheinrich, N., Rau, A., Pogarell, O., Hennig-Fast, K., Reinl, M., Karch, S., Dieler, A., Leicht, G., Mulert, C., Sterr, A., & Padberg F.
  • (2010). A rift between implicit and explicit conditioned valence in human pain relief learning. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Science 277, 2411-2416
    Andreatta, M., Mühlberger, A., Yarali, A., Gerber, B., & Pauli, P.
  • (2010). Facial reactions in response to gustatory and olfactory stimuli in healthy adults, patients with eating disorders, and patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Weiland, R.
  • (2010). Gene and environment interactions in serotonin transporter knockout mice – how stress influences gene expression and neuronal morphology (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Nietzer, S.
  • (2010). Gustofacial and olfactofacial responses in human adults. Chemical Senses. Chemical Senses, 35(9), 841-853
    Weiland, R., Ellgring, H. & Macht, M.
  • (2010). Migräne, Stress und Emotionen: Psychophysiologische und neuroimmunologische Faktoren (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Puschmann, A.-K.
  • (2010). Seul contre tous? Violence et intersubjectivité chez Henri Bergson in: Gradev, V./Bankov, K. (Hrsg.), Vers Les Deux Sources de la Morale et la Religion, Nouvelle Université Bulgare, Sofia
    Schick, J.
  • (2010). Stop looking angry and smile, please: start and stop of the very same facial expression differentially activate threat- and rewardrelated brain networks. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6(3), 321-329
    Mühlberger, A., Wieser, M.J., Gerdes, A.B.M., Frey, M.C.M., Weyers, P., & Pauli, P.
    (See online at
  • (2010). The effect of acute and chronic administration of the aqueous extract of triphala on haloperidol induced catalepsy in mice. J Clin Diagn Res, 4(1), 2134-2138
    Gopala Krishna, H.N., Sudhakar, P., Dorababu, P., Pai Mrs, M., Colaco, N., & Vineetha, V.
  • (2010). Wahlfreiheit bei Platon. Zum Verständnis von Mythos, Freiheit und Erkenntnis am Beispiel des Loswahlmythos der Politeia, in: Perspektiven der Philosophie 36, 363-388
    Gollasch, T.
  • (2011). "Adieu Welt"?. Die vermeintliche Abkehr vom Diesseits in der Barocklyrik, in: Perspektiven der Philosophie 37, 311-340
    Gollasch, T.
  • (2011). Der Rationalitätsbegriff der ökonomischen Theorie. VDM, Saarbrücken
    Zürn, M.
  • (2011). Die Wirkung von Antidepressiva auf neuronale und kardiale Tandemporen-Kaliumkanäle. (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Eckert, M.B.
  • (2011). Food cravings mediate the relationship between rigid, but not flexible control of eating behavior and dieting success. Appetite, 57, 582-584
    Meule, A., Westenhöfer, J., Kübler, A.
  • (2011). Gene-environment interaction influences anxiety-like behavior in ethologically based mouse models. Behavioural Brain Research, 218(1), 99–105
    Post, A.M., Weyers, P., Holzer, P., Painsipp, E., Pauli, P., Wultsch, T., … Lesch, K.P.
    (See online at
  • (2011). How prevalent is ‘food addiction’? Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2(61), 1-4
    Meule, A.
  • (2011). Hypervigilance or avoidance of trigger related cues in migraineurs? - A case-control study using the emotional stroop task. BMC Neurol, 11, 141
    Puschmann, A.K., Sommer, C.
  • (2011). Investigation of variables influencing cognitive inhibition : from the behavorial to the molecular level = Untersuchung der Einflussgrößen kognitiver Unterdrückung. (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Dieler, A.C.
  • (2011). Just do it! Guilt as a moral intuition fo cooperate – A parallel constraint satisfaction approach. (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Stemmler, T.
  • (2011). Molecular Genetics of Emotional Dysregulation in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Weißflog, L.
  • (2011). NOS1 ex1f-VNTR polymorphism influences prefrontal brain oxygenation during a working memory task. Neuroimage, 57(4), 1617-23
    Kopf, J., Schecklmann, M., Hahn, T., Dresler, T., Dieler, A.C., Herrmann, M.J., Fallgatter, A.J., Reif, A.
  • (2011). Prefrontal Brain Activation During Emotional Processing: A Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Study (fNIRS). Open Neuroimag J, 5, 33-39
    Glotzbach, E., Muhlberger, A., Gschwendtner, K., Fallgatter, A.J., Pauli, P., Herrmann, M.J.
  • (2011). Psychometrische Evaluation der deutschen Barratt Impulsiveness Scale – Kurzversion (BIS-15). Diagnostica, 57, 126-133
    Meule, A., Vögele, C., Kübler, A.
  • (2011). SB-334867-A, a selective orexin-1 receptor antagonist, enhances taste aversion learning and blocks taste preference learning in rats, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 98 (3), 385-391
    Mediavilla, C., Cabello, V., Risco, S.
  • (2011). Serotonin transporter knock out and repeated social defeat stress: Impact on neuronal morphology and plasticity in limbic brain areas. Behav Brain Res, 220, 42–54
    Nietzer, S., Bonn, M., Jansen, F., Heiming, R.S., Lewejohann, L., Sachser, N., Asan, E.S., Lesch, K.P., Schmitt, A.G.
  • (2011). Serotonin transporter knockout and repeated social defeat stress: impact on neuronal morphology and plasticity in limbic brain areas. Behav Brain Res. 220, 42-54
    Nietzer, S.L., Bonn, M., Jansen, F., Heiming, R.S., Lewejohann, L., Sachser, N., Asan, E.S.,Lesch, K.P., Schmitt, A.G.
  • (2011). Tandemporenkaliumkanäle in der Amygdala. (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Dobler, T.M.
  • (2011). The COGITAT holeboard system as a valuable tool to assess learning, memory and activity in mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 220(1), 152–8
    Post, A.M., Wultsch, T., Popp, S., Painsipp, E., Wetzstein, H., Kittel-Schneider, S., Sontag, T.A., Lesch, K.P., Reif, A.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Affective engagement for facial expressions and emotional scenes: The influence of social anxiety. Biological Psychology, 91(1), 103–110
    Wangelin, B.C., Bradley, M.M., Kastner, A., Lang, P.J.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Androstadienone in motor reactions of men and women toward angry faces. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 114(3), 807-825
    Frey, C.M., Weyers, P., Pauli, P. & Mühlberger, A.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Appraisal Frames of Pleasant and Unpleasant pictures alter Emotional Responses as reflected in Self-report and Facial Electromyographic Activity, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 85, 224-229
    Wu, L., Winkler, M.H., Andreatta, M., Hajcak, & G., Pauli, P.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Appraisal frames of pleasant and unpleasant pictures alter emotional responses as reflected in self-report and facial electromyographic activity. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 85, 224-229
    Wu, L., Winkler, M., Andreatta, M., Hajcak, G., Pauli, P.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Die pyrrhonische Skepsis als unterschätzte Grundlage philosophischer Theoriebildung, in: Perspektiven der Philosophie 38, 153-185
    Gollasch, T.
  • (2012). Double and triple in situ hybridization for coexpression studies: combined fluorescent and chromogenic detection of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and serotonin receptor subtype mRNAs expressed at different abundance levels. Histochem Cell Biol., 137, 11-24
    Bonn, M., Schmitt, A., Asan, E.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Double and triple in situ hybridization for coexpression studies: combined fluorescent and chromogenic detection of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and serotonin receptor subtype mRNAs expressed at different abundance levels. Histochem Cell Biol, 137(1), 11-24
    Bonn, M., Schmitt, A., & Asan, E.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Effects and mechanisms of a putative human pheromone. (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Frey, M.C.M.
  • (2012). Erlebte Wirklichkeit. Zum Verhältnis von Intuition zu Emotion bei Henri Bergson. Münster: Lit- Verlag
    Schick, J.
  • (2012). Erlebte Wirklichkeit: zum Verhältnis von Intuition zu Emotion bei Henri Bergson (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Schick, J.
  • (2012). Food cravings discriminate differentially between successful and unsuccessful dieters and non-dieters: Validation of the Food Cravings Questionnaires in German. Appetite, 58, 88-97
    Meule, A., Lutz, A., Vögele, C., Kübler, A.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Impacts of brain serotonin deficiency following Tph2 inactivation on development and raphe neuron serotonergic specification. PLoS ONE 7, e43157
    Gutknecht, L., Araragi, N., Merker, S., Waider, J., Sommerlandt, F.M.J., Mlinar, B., Baccini, G., Mayer, U., Proft, F., Hamon, M., Schmitt, A.G., Corradetti, R., Lanfumey, L., Lesch, K.-P.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Impulsivität in der bipolaren Erkrankung. neuroaktuell. 26 (211), 28-32
    Kopf, J., Reif, A.
  • (2012). Neuropeptide S receptor gene: Fear-specific modulations of prefrontal activation. Neuroimage, 66, 353-360
    Tupak, S.V., Reif, A., Pauli, P., Dresler, T., Herrmann, M.J., Domschke, K., Jochum, C., Haas, E., Baumann, C., Weber, H., Fallgatter, A.J., Deckert, J., Ehlis, A.-C.
    (See online at
  • (2012). NOS1 ex1f- VNTR polymorphism affects prefrontal oxygenation during response inhibition tasks. Hum Brain Mapp., 33(11), 2561-71
    Kopf, J., Schecklmann, M., Hahn, T., Dieler, A.C., Herrmann, M.J., Fallgatter, A.J., Reif, A.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Onset and offset of aversive events establish distinct memories requiring fear and reward networks. Learning & Memory, 19 (11), 518-526
    Andreatta, M., Fendt, M., Mühlberger, A., Wieser, J. M., Imobersteg, S., Yarali, A., Gerber, B., Pauli, P.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Onset and offset of aversive events establish distinct memories requiring fear- and reward networks. Learning & Memory, 19, 518-526
    Andreatta, M., Fendt, M., Mühlberger, A., Wieser, M.J., Imobersteg, S., Yarali, A., Gerber, B., Pauli, P.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Processing of emotional stimuli in migraine: An ERP study. Cephalalgia, 32, 1101-1108
    Andreatta, M., Puschmann, A.K., Weyers, P., Sommer, C., Pauli, P., Mühlberger, A.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Recognition of facial expressions in individuals with elevated levels of depressive symptoms: an eye-movement study. Depression Research and Treatment. 2012, 249030
    Wu, L.D., Pu, J., Allen, J. J.B., Pauli, P.
    (See online at
  • (2012). The ADHD-susceptibility gene lphn3.1 modulates dopaminergic neuron formation and locomotor activity during zebrafish development. Mol. Psychiatry 17, 946–954
    Lange, M., Norton, W., Coolen, M., Chaminade, M., Merker, S., Proft, F., Schmitt, A., Vernier, P., Lesch, K.-P., Bally-Cuif, L.
    (See online at
  • (2012). The ADHD-susceptibility gene lphn3.1 modulates dopaminergic neuron formation and locomotor activity during zebrafish development. Mol. Psychiatry, 17, 946–954
    Lange, M., Norton, W., Coolen, M., Chaminade, M., Merker, S., Proft, F., Schmitt, A., Vernier, P., Lesch, K.P., Bally- Cuif, L.
    (See online at
  • (2012). The Children Sleep Comic – development of a new diagnostic tool for children with sleep disorders. Nature and Science of Sleep, 4, 97-102
    Schwerdtle, B., Kanis, J., Kahl, L., Kübler, A. Schlarb, A.A.
  • (2012). The Relationship Between Valence, Task Difficulty, and the COMT Val 158 Met Polymorphism in Disengagement Processes. Journal of Psychophysiology, 26(3), 124-131
    Gschwendtner, K.M., Biehl, S.C., Mühlberger, A., Sommer, C., Kübler, A., Reif, A., Herrmann, M.J.
    (See online at
  • (2012). Zielstrukturen des serotonergen Systems in der laterobasalen Amygdala : Untersuchungen an Ratten und einem Mausmodell für emotionale Dysregulation. (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Bonn, M.R.
  • (2013). 5-HTT deficiency affects neuroplasticity and increases stress sensitivity resulting in altered spatial learning performance in the Morris water maze but not in the Barnes maze. PLoS One. 8(10):e78238
    Karabeg, M.M., Grauthoff, S., Kollert, S.Y., Weidner, M., Heiming, R.S., Jansen, F., Popp, S., Lesch, K.P., Sachser, N., Schmitt, A.G., Lewejohann, L.
    (See online at
  • (2013). A new diagnostic tool for children with sleep disorders. Somnologie, 17 (3), 199-204
    Schwerdtle, B., Kanis, J., Kahl, L., Kübler, A., Schlarb, A.A.
  • (2013). Associative learning – Genetic modulation of extinction and reconsolidation and the effects of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS). Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg
    Asthana, M.K.
  • (2013). BDNF polymorphism modulates the generalization of cued fear responses to a novel context. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39, 1187-1195
    Mühlberger, A., Andreatta, M., Ewald, H., Glotzbach-Schoon, E., Tröger, C., Baumann, C., Reif, A., Deckert, J., & Pauli, P.
    (See online at
  • (2013). Dances with black widow spiders: Dysregulation of glutamate signalling enters centre stage in ADHD. Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol., 23(6), 479-91
    Lesch, K.P., Merker, S., Reif, A., Novak, M.
    (See online at
  • (2013). Das Kind im Manne. Platons Bewertung der Leiblichkeit im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung der Seele, in: Perspektiven der Philosophie 39, 131-154
    Gollasch, T.
  • (2013). Development of an invasive 3D lung tumor model for oncological. Eur Respir J, 42, 655s
    Fecher, D., Walles, H., Walles, T., Nietzer, S., Dandekar, G.
  • (2013). Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on consolidation of fear memory. Front. Psychiatry 4:107. (Best Publication Award by Gk-Emotion for the year-2013)
    Asthana, M., Nueckel, K., Mühlberger, A., Neueder, D., Polak, T., Domschke, K., Deckert, J., Herrmann, M.J.
    (See online at
  • (2013). Emotion regulation in addicted smokers (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Wu, L.
  • (2013). Impact of the Adhd-Susceptibility Gene Cdh13 on Development and Function of Brain Networks. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 23, 492-507
    Rivero, O., Sich, S., Popp, S., Schmitt, A., Franke, B., Lesch, K.P.
    (See online at
  • (2013). Impulsivity and overeating: a closer look at the subscales of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale. Frontiers in Psychology, 4(177), 1-4
    Meule, A.
  • (2013). KCNIP4 as a candidate gene for personality disorders and adult ADHD. European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 23(6), 436– 47
    Weißflog, L., Scholz, C.-J., Jacob, C. P., Nguyen, T. T., Zamzow, K., Groß-Lesch, S., Renner, T. J., et al.
    (See online at
  • (2013). Miz1 is required to maintain autophagic flux. Nature Communications, 4, 2535
    Wolf, E., Gebhardt, A., Kawauchi, D., Walz, S., von Eyss, B., Wagner, N., Renninger, C., Krohne,G., Asan, E., Roussel, M.F., Eilers, M.
    (See online at
  • (2013). Model-based recursive partitioning meets item response theory : new statistical methods for the detection of differential item functioning and appropriate anchor selection. (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Kopf, J.
  • (2013). Prospective emotion regulation in smokers as reflected in selfreports, facial electromyographic and electroencephalogram activity. Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, 7888, 225-234
    Wu, L., Winkler, M., Andreatta, M., Pauli, P.
  • (2013). Serotonergic innervation and serotonin receptor expression of NPY-producing neurons in the rat lateral and basolateral amygdaloid nuclei. Brain Struct Funct, 218(2),421-435
    Bonn, M., Schmitt, A., Lesch, K.-P., Van Bockstaele, E.J., & Asan, E.
    (See online at
  • (2013). Serotonergic innervation of the amygdala: targets, receptors, and implications for stress and anxiety. Histochem Cell Biol, 139(6), 785-813
    Asan, E., Steinke, M., Lesch, K.P.
    (See online at
  • (2013). The effect of emotional content on brain activation and the late positive potential in a word n-back task. PLoS One, 8(9), e75598
    Kopf, J., Dresler, T., Reicherts, P., Herrmann, M.J., Reif, A.
    (See online at
  • (2013). Three-dimensional in vitro Tumor Models as an Alternative for Animal Models in Preclinical Studies (Part 1 and 2). Pharm. Ind., 3+4, 485-489, 675-680
    Stratmann, A., Dandekar, G., Nietzer, S.L.
  • (2013). Tissue engineering of a human 3D in vitro tumor test system. J Vis Exp., Bd. 6
    Moll, C., Reboredo, J., Schwarz, T., Appelt, A., Schürlein, S., Walles, H., Nietzer, S.
  • (2013). Up-regulation of spinal microglial Iba-1 expression persists after resolution of neuropathic pain hypersensitivity. Neurosci Lett., 554, 146-50
    Leinders, M., Knaepen, L., De Kock, M., Sommer, C., Hermans, E., Deumens, R.
    (See online at
  • (2013). Von den Genen zum Verhalten: Der Einfluss des COMT Val158Met Polymorphismus auf visuell-räumliche Aufmerksamkeitslenkung bei emotionalen Verarbeitungsprozessen. (unveröffentl. Diss., Universitätsbibliothek, Würzburg)
    Gschwendtner, K.M.
  • The Modulation of Error Processing in the Medial Frontal Cortex by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, Neuroscience Journal
    Bellaïche, L., Asthana, M., Ehlis, A.C., Polak, T., Herrmann, M.J.
    (See online at
  • (2014). Concrete and abstract ways to deontology: Cognitive capacity moderates construal level effects on moral judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 55, 139-145
    Körner, A., Volk, S.
    (See online at
  • (2014). Differential Distribution of PI3K Isoforms in Spinal Cord and Dorsal Root Ganglia: Potential Roles in Acute Inflammatory Pain. Pain, 155(6), 1150-60
    Leinders, M., Koehrn, F.J., Bartok, B., Boyle, D.L., Shubayev, V., Kalcheva, I., Kyung, Y., Park, J., Kaang, Bong- Kiun, Hefferan, M., Firestein, G.S., Sorkin, L.S.
    (See online at
  • (2014). Double trouble. Trait food craving and impulsivity interactively predict food-cue affected behavioral inhibition. Appetite, 79:174-82
    Meule, A., Kübler, A.
    (See online at
  • (2014). Establishment of a human 3D lung cancer model based on a biological tissue matrix combined with a Boolean in silico model. Mol Oncol., 8, 351-65
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