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  • Newly published projects in February 2024

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Results 451 to 475 out of 496 on 20 pages
Project Head Marialore Sulpizi
Subject Area Theoretical Chemistry: Electronic Structure, Dynamics, Simulation
Subproject of SFB 1316
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
The solvated electron is a specie which is central to the field of plasma/liquid and plasma/solid/liquid interfaces as the primary reducing agent which is ... 


Project Head Kerstin Palm
Subject Area History of Science
Subproject of SFB 1665
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
The PI will trace the transformation of our understanding of DSD over the past 40 years, reconstructing in detail the conflicts, interactions, synergies and ... 


Project Heads Manolis Pasparakis ,  Philipp Steven
Subject Area Ophthalmology
Subproject of SFB 1607
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
The project aims to identify new diagnostic and therapeutic targets in ocular graft-versus-host disease (oGVHD), a potentially blinding entity, which occurs in  


Leader Anne Harth
Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
DFG Programme Major Instrumentation Initiatives Term Since 2024
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing and Photonics are the two central research areas at Aalen University of Applied Sciences (HSAA), one of the leading ... 


Leader Heinz Neumann
Subject Area Biochemistry
DFG Programme Major Instrumentation Initiatives Term Since 2024
The secure supply of the population with established and newly developed drugs is essential for ensuring a functioning healthcare system and is currently the ... 


Project Heads Lina Gölz ,  Stefan Uderhardt
Subject Area Immunology
Subproject of TRR 369
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios Term Since 2024
Project B04 will examine how inflammation induces and maintains a particular stromal microenvironment that specifically promotes osteoclast development, thus ... 


Project Heads Tobias Dyckerhoff ,  Jörg Teschner ,  Paul Wedrich
Subject Area Mathematics
Subproject of SFB 1624
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
We plan to develop the theory of topological Fukaya categories into a powerful instrument. Topological Fukaya categories of special classes of spaces, such as ... 


Project Heads Bartosz Kostrzewa ,  Stefan Krieg ,  Estela Suarez
Subject Area Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
Subproject of SFB 1639
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
This project aims to develop an open-source software framework for efficient and scalable numerical simulations in Lattice Field Theory (LFT). It will address ... 


Applicant Patrick Schühle
Subject Area Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The use and production of renewable hydrogen plays an important role in the future production of base chemicals and energy carriers. This requires robust and ... 


Applicant Christian Schaaf
Subject Area Human Genetics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The nuclear hormone receptor and transcriptional regulator NR2F1 plays an important role in the development of the central nervous system, particularly in cell  


Project Head Anne Wolf
Subject Area Ophthalmology
Subproject of SFB 1607
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
Our hypothesis is that TSPO and NOX1-derived ROS are markers and effectors that trigger immune responses in neovascular retinal diseases. The overall goal of ... 


Leader Julia Bandow
Review Board Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation Term in 2024
The members of the DFG graduate school Microbial Substrate Conversion (GRK - MiCon) at Ruhr University Bochum want to obtain a triple-quadrupole ICP-mass ... 


Project Heads Simona Schlereth ,  Frank Thomas Wunderlich
Subject Area Ophthalmology
Subproject of SFB 1607
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
Conjunctival melanoma (CM) is a malignant tumor of the ocular surface that is poorly understood. Therefore, the CM's tumor microenvironment (TME) shall be ... 


Applicant Michael R. Knittler
Subject Area Cell Biology
Subproject of SPP 2225
DFG Programme Priority Programmes Term Since 2024
Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria that can cause sexually transmitted diseases, ocular infections, and atypical pneumonia. These bacteria undergo ... 


Applicants Thomas Lenzer ,  Kawon Oum
Subject Area Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Ultrafast processes changing the chirality of thin-film materials have important applications in diverse fields, such as films of liquid crystal arrangements ... 


Project Heads Jürgen Dölz ,  Barbara Kirchner
Subject Area Theoretical Chemistry: Electronic Structure, Dynamics, Simulation
Subproject of SFB 1639
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
This project aims to develop fast methods to quantify the uncertainty in properties of liquids predicted by computational chemistry methods like Molecular ... 


Applicants Ashraf Brik ,  Ivan Dikic
Subject Area Biochemistry
DFG Programme DIP Programme Term Since 2024
Background: Increased stabilization of short-lived degradable oncoproteins is a hallmark of aggressive and therapy-resistant cancers, that is present in a ... 


Applicants Nicolas Plumeré ,  Volker Sieber
Subject Area Biological Process Engineering
Subproject of SPP 2240
DFG Programme Priority Programmes Term Since 2024
This research proposal introduces an approach that integrates paired electrode processes with enzymatic reaction cascades, enabling redox-neutral processes to ... 


Applicant Sandra Brigitte Hake
Subject Area General Genetics and Functional Genome Biology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The conserved histone variant H2A.Z plays a crucial role in various DNA-based processes but the underlying mechanisms are not completely understood. Recently, ... 


Applicants Rainer Böckmann ,  Falk Nimmerjahn
Subject Area Biophysics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Inflammation plays a crucial role in fighting infections, but its magnitude and duration must be tightly controlled to prevent tissue damage. Immunoglobulin G ... 


Applicant Sebastian von Peter
Subject Area Public Health, Healthcare Research, Social and Occupational Medicine
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Especially in the field of psychiatric care, the participation of patients in the definition and evaluation of quality is of high importance but is rarely ... 


Applicants Angelika Kübert ,  Natalie Orlowski ( in cooperation with Valentin Couvreur )
Subject Area Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Limnology, Urban Water Management, Water Chemistry, Integrated Water Resources Management
Subproject of FOR 5639
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2024
Agricultural crops play a vital role in the global water cycle. However, climate change may modify crops' physiology, agricultural ecosystems and interactions ... 


Project Heads Friedemann Kiefer ,  Simona Schlereth
Subject Area Ophthalmology
Subproject of SFB 1607
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
The oak processionary moth toxin thaumetopoein (Tha) causes massive allergic responses in skin and conjunctiva. To investigate the role of dendritic cells in ... 


Applicant Kristin Rattay
Subject Area Immunology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Intercellular communication among thymic antigen presenting cells, endothelial cells, and developing T-cells is essential for central immune tolerance ... 


Applicant Andreas Asseyer ( together with Ran Weksler )
Subject Area Economic Theory
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Well-functioning markets rely on the provision of credible information about trading partners and traded goods. Certificates, labels, and ratings provide ... 



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