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  • New Research Units, Clinical Research Units and Centres for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences

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Results 11 to 13 out of 13 on 2 pages
Spokesperson Viktoria Tkaczyk
Project Head Anke te Heesen
Research Area Humanities
DFG Programme Advanced Studies Centres in SSH Term Since 2024
Buzzwords such as “timely,” “with practical applications generating sociopolitical and economic impact,” “sustainable,” “ecological,” and “future-oriented” ... 


Spokesperson Rolf Elberfeld
Project Head Sool Park
Research Area Humanities
DFG Programme Advanced Studies Centres in SSH Term Since 2024
Today, the discipline of philosophy not only faces the challenges of a globalised world, but is also confronted with demands for a decolonisation of the ... 


Leader Ralf Oheim
Spokesperson Michael Amling
Project Heads Anke Baranowsky ,  Florian Barvencik ,  Jan Baumbach ,  Arne Hansen ,  Jörg Heeren ,  Johannes Keller ,  Kerstin Kutsche ,  Ania Carolina Muntau ,  Nicole Maria Muschol ,  Sandra Pohl ,  Tim Rolvien ,  Thorsten Schinke ,  Eva Tolosa ,  Olga Tsoy ,  Timur Yorgan
Research Area Medicine
DFG Programme Clinical Research Units Term Since 2024
With this Clinical Research Unit we want to implement precision medicine for improved diagnosis and personalized treatment of early-onset low bone mineral ... 



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