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  • Newly published projects in September 2023

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Results 256 to 260 out of 435 on 87 pages
Applicants Bertram Bengsch ,  Reinhard Voll
Subject Area Immunology
Subproject of FOR 5560
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2023
Plasma cells (PC) can produce up to 10,000 antibodies per second. Such high protein synthesis with subsequent N-glycosylation at the Fc part requires a special  


Applicant Lisa Janina Klotz-Weigand
Subject Area Molecular and Cellular Neurology and Neuropathology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Hearing impairment is often preceded by neurodegeneration at inner hair-cell (IHC) ribbon synapses in the cochlea. It was suggested that the primary cause of ... 


Applicant Ann-Kathrin Ozga
Subject Area Epidemiology and Medical Biometry/Statistics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
The aims of the research project are the development of methods for planning and analyses of clinical studies with multiple time-to-event endpoints. Clinical ... 


Applicants Tjorven Hinzke ,  Bruno Hüttel ,  Klaus-Holger Knorr
Subject Area Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Peatlands are a globally important carbon (C) sink. C storage in peat takes place when organic matter production exceeds decomposition by microbes. Despite ... 


Applicant Julia Jellusova
Subject Area Immunology
Subproject of FOR 5560
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2023
Calcium (Ca2+) is a versatile second messenger known to govern various intracellular signaling pathways central to B cell fate decisions. Additionally, Ca2+ is  



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