Project Details
Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik (LIAG)
- Research Grants
Current projects
Completed projects
Erschließung des strukturellen Bauplanes in den Übergangsbereichen ungefaltete Vorlandmolasse/Faltenmolasse und Faltenmolasse/auflagerndes Deckengebirge der Nördlichen Kalkalpen durch hochauflösende Reflexionsseismik und Reinterpretation neubearbeiteter seismischer Industrieprofile längs des TRANSALP(Applicant Bram, Kurt )
Current projects
- Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Completed projects
Three-dimensional modelling of fluid movement and transport of fluid components in the SE1 and SE2 fault zones driven by processes on a regional scale. Hydraulic and tracer test interpretation regarding the stress coupling and the probability of the hydraulic induced shear failures and as technical support.(Applicant Kessels, Winfried )
Current projects
- Priority Programmes
- Research Units
- Research Fellowships
- NFDI technical and methodological consortia