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Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften
Malteserstraße 74-100
12249 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
12249 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Advanced time–series analysis to provide a spatiotemporal framework for the evolution, expansion and technological innovation of Homo sapiens
Trauth, Martin
Generating a benchmark record of Pliocene climate variability in Central Europe
Hinderer, Matthias
Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie
Stutenbecker, Laura
PALAVAS: Present and pAst weathering fLuxes from tropicAl Volcanic islAndS
Bernhardt, Anne
Wittmann-Oelze, Hella
The role of mafic-ultramafic bodies in the origin of the early continental crust
Dziggel, Annika
Volante, Silvia
Tracing the origin of the planktic graptolites (Hemichordata, Pterobranchia) through the Furongian Gap (Upper Cambrian)
Maletz, Jörg
Unraveling the timing and style of the India-Asia collision and temporal evolution of the western Himalayan fold and thrust belt, Pakistan
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Unravelling crustal formation in the Early Earth through the mass-dependent stable Ti isotope composition of Archaean Tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs)
Fonseca, Raúl
Hoffmann, Jörg Elis
Completed projects
Asteroidenpopulation des Sonnensystems innerhalb der Erdbahn
Neukum, Gerhard
Caught in the Cambrian Explosion: The mystery of the early evolution of the Pterobranchs (Hemichordata, incl. Graptolithina) and their evolutionary innovations
Maletz, Jörg
Characterization and retrieval of atmospheric parameters of terrestrial extrasolar planets around cool host stars
Rauer, Heike
Schreier, Franz
Controls on turbidite deposition offshore the Chilean convergent margin
Bernhardt, Anne
Degradation and protection phenomena of high-alloy Fe-Cr alloys in hot, multi-component gas systems
John, Timm
Die Quelle des E Rings - das Enceladus Rätsel
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Digging into Eocene hothouse climate variability: Elemental signals derived from X-ray fluorescence scanning of Messel sediment cores
Bahr, André
Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie
Dynamik und Kinetik schmaler Staubringe
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Dynamische Strukturbildung in dichten (kollisionsdominierten) planetaren Ringen unter Einfluss gravitativer Störkräfte
Schmidt, Ph.D., Jürgen
Evolution, Phylogenie und Taxonomie ausgewählter Überfamilien der Gastropoda im Zeitraum obere Trias bis mittlerer Jura
Gründel, Joachim
Nützel, Alexander
Generation and age of early Archaean greenstone belt remnants in the southeastern Kaapvaal craton of South Africa
Rojas-Agramonte, Ph.D., Yamirka
Granitoid-greenstone relationships in the eastern Kaapvaal craton and implications for early crustal evolution
Hoffmann, Jörg Elis
Kröner, Alfred
Halogen concentrations and stable Cl isotopes in apatite as a fluid probe: mapping regional-scale fluid pulses by Cl-isotopes
Putnis, Andrew
Highly siderophile element geochemistry of mantle pyroxenites
Becker, Harry
Korrelierte nukleosynthetische Anomalien in primitiven Meteoriten
Rankenburg, Kai
Meteoric 10Be as a tracer of terrestrial denudation in marine sediments: A feasibility study offshore central Chile
Bernhardt, Anne
Wittmann-Oelze, Hella
Microchemistry and microstructure of Australian Opal
Milke, Ralf
Mikrostrukturelle und mikrochemische Untersuchungen an Ca,Al-reichen Einschlüsse (CAIs) und interstellaren Körnern in primitiven Meteoriten
Bischoff, Addi
Origin of the depletion of siderophile volatile elements in Earth, Mars and the aubrite parent body
Becker, Harry
Precise measurements of highly siderophile elements in ancient lunar impact rocks
Becker, Harry
Reconstructing marine sedimentation rates in the Aegean Sea during the Holocene: Evi-dence for early anthropogenic environmental change?
Pross, Jörg
Re-Os geochronology and abundances of highly siderophile elements in ancient lunar impact rocks
Becker, Harry
Signaturen von Auslösemechanismen natürlicher und induzierter Erdbebensequenzen: Theorie, Modellierung und Fallstudien
Parotidis, Miltiadis
SIOPACT - Developing a ~250 year climate record for the Southeastern Indian Ocean sector of the Indo-PACific warm pool and its global climate Teleconnections
Zinke, Ph.D., Jens
Slab tearing or slab retreat as triggers of extension at the Dinaric-Hellenic transition?
Handy, Mark R.
Pleuger, Jan
Spektraluntersuchungen an ausgesuchten Einschlagskratern auf dem Mars unter Zuhilfenahme verschiedener Auswerteverfahren
Neukum, Gerhard
Studying anthropogenic climate change in the Mediterranean Sea beyond instrumental data: the temperate coral Cladocora caespitosa as bioindicator and archive of environmental and ecological changes
Kersting, Ph.D., Diego Kurt
The behaviour of the rare earth elements - especially gadolinium as indicator for sewage - in surface and groundwater.
Pekdeger, Asaf
The geochemical behaviour of Sn and In during mantle melting and crust formation
Kirchenbaur, Maria
The impact of precipitation changes on terrigenous sediment export to the Indian Ocean
Bernhardt, Anne
Wittmann-Oelze, Hella
The Influence of Cosmic Rays on Exoplanetary Atmospheric Biosignatures
Heber, Bernd
Rauer, Heike
Sinnhuber, Miriam
Timing and rates of fluid release during the dehydration of subconducting oceanic crust: reactive fluid flow und high-pressure conditions
Bröcker, Michael
Towards the inversion of tectonic signals from deep-marine archives: Competing tectonic signal propagation from across the Alps into the marine sink
Bernhardt, Anne
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Tracking sulphur cycling in subduction zones by in situ trace element and δ34S signatures in sulphides
Schwarzenbach, Esther
Untersuchung der Ausgasungsprozesse und Zusammensetzung von Kometen durch Beobachtung der Aktivität entlang des Orbits
Rauer, Heike
Zur Taxonomie, Biostratigraphie und Paläogeographie der Gastropoden im Pliensbachium (mittlerer Lias) von Mittel- und Westeuropa
Gründel, Joachim
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Einfluß von Umweltfaktoren auf die Gehäusemorphologie endemischer Gastropoden im Litoral des Baikal-Sees
Röpstorf, Peter
Graptolithenbiodiversität in Abhängigkeit von Umweltfaktoren
Maletz, Jörg
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Rauer, Heike
EXO-HEAT – Interior Heating of Exoplanets
Noack, Lena
Exploring the Diversity of Exoplanets Bulk Densities in multi-parameter space
Hatzes, Artie P.
Pätzold, Martin
Rauer, Heike
How long can the most extreme planetary systems survive? Measuring the tidal orbital decay of hot Jupiters.
Smith, Alexis
SPP 1992: Exploring the diversity of extrasolar planets
Rauer, Heike
Completed projects
Activity of aqueous fluids in the early solar system - characterization and formation timescales of the earliest water-bearing phases in chondritic samples
Bischoff, Addi
Vollmer, Christian
Age, development and limnology of extant Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau lakes: A reconstruction based on phylogeography and palaeoecology of the gastropod genus Radix
Mischke, Steffen
Riedel, Frank
Wiechert, Uwe
Wilke, Thomas
Analysis of the interaction of planetary plasma and dust with the magnetic field
Motschmann, Ph.D., Uwe
Schmidt, Ph.D., Jürgen
Applying scattered wave tomography and joint inversion of high-density (SWATH D) geophysical and petrophysical datasets to unravel Eastern Alpine crustal structure
Friederich, Wolfgang
John, Timm
Pleuger, Jan
Tilmann, Frederik
Chronostratigraphy of Mars - Chronostratigraphie des Mars
Neukum, Gerhard
Composition of planets with an N-body-Monte-Carlo approach
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Deciphering the early Archaean crustal history in the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons
Kröner, Alfred
Detection and Characterization of sub-Jovian Planets with NGTS (Next Generation Transit Survey)
Rauer, Heike
Early evolution of meteorite parent bodies - Hf-W and U-Pb ages of zircons, baddeleyites, and phosphates
Bischoff, Addi
Elucidating Eoarchean geodynamic processes by multiple sulfur isotopes
Hoffmann, Jörg Elis
Schwarzenbach, Esther
Strauß, Harald
Exploring the Diversity of Exoplanets in the Mass-Density Diagram
Hatzes, Artie P.
Pätzold, Martin
Rauer, Heike
Fingerprinting late accretion: Precise measurements of highly siderophile elements in planetary materials
Becker, Harry
Global volatile cycles on early Earth
Noack, Lena
Highly siderophile element and chromium isotopic variations in physically separated components of carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites
Becker, Harry
How large are tectonic deviations from lithostatic pressure in a continent-derived, lithologically heterogeneous Alpine UHP nappe (Koralpe-Saualpe-Pohorje Complex, Austria and Slovenia)?
John, Timm
Pleuger, Jan
Interior-atmosphere feedbacks and the nature of detected sub-Neptunian planets
Rauer, Heike
Tosi, Nicola
Lu-Hf systematics of early solar system materials
Scherer, Erik
Migrationsverhalten umweltrelevanter Spurenstoffe unter wechselnden Milieubedingungen im oberflächennahen Grundwasserleiter des Oderbruchs
Winkler, Andreas
Molybdenum isotope anomalies in fine-grained refractory inclusions from Allende and Vigarano
Kruijer, Thomas
Pebble accretion and the composition of exoplanets
Birnstiel, Tilman
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Planetary and nebular fractionation in the early solar system: Evidence from isotopes and trace elements in metal
Mezger, Klaus
Planetary and nebular fractionation in the early solar system: Evidence from isotopes and trace elements in metal
Palme, Herbert
SECCO- Chile: The coupled vegetation, weathering, erosion, and sediment-export response to climate change unravelled from novel proxies in Chilean marine sediment
Bernhardt, Anne
Sachse, Dirk
Wittmann-Oelze, Hella
SPP2 Project - Switching pro- and retro-wedges in the Eastern Alps and their peripheral basins - clues to a change in subduction polarity?
Bauer, Klaus
Bernhardt, Anne
Handy, Mark R.
The Archaean Earth - Coupling between geodynamics and 3D climate modelling
Carone, Ludmila
Understanding subduction by linking surface exposures of subducted and exhumed crust to geophysical images of slabs
Handy, Mark R.
John, Timm
Kaus, Boris J.P.
Mechie, James
Pleuger, Jan
Tilmann, Frederik
Yuan, Xiaohui
Research Units
Current projects
Destruction, decay, and preservation: Early fossilization of leaf compressions
Bierbaum, Gabriele
Gee, Carole T.
FOR 2440: Matter Under Planetary Interior Conditions - High-Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics
Redmer, Ronald
The role of microbes and biofilms in leaf fossilization
Bierbaum, Gabriele
Gee, Carole T.
Completed projects
Constraining the interiors of exoplanets by measuring the Love number k_2
Rauer, Heike
Constraining the interiors of exoplanets by measuring the Love numbers k2, h2
Csizmadia, Ph.D., Szilárd
Growth kinetics and texture formation of pyroxene reaction rims in thin films settings
Milke, Ralf
Schorr, Susan
Reaction between silica or alkali-rich melts and mafic minerals - small scale kinetic fractionation with applications to global-scale mantle metasomatism (TP11)
Milke, Ralf
Sr, Nd and Li isotopes in carbonates of the Yangtze Platform and from Kazakhstan as tracers for the Ediacaran and Cambrian weathering history
Becker, Harry
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Deciphering West African climate change during the last 1.1 million years
Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie
Zeeden, Christian
The Burning Question: How did fire shape Eastern Africa’s paleo-ecosystem?
Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie
Tarasov, Pavel
Completed projects
Developing a 3.5-million-year benchmark record of Indian Ocean Dipole variability
Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie
Entwicklung der Mineralchemie und Einschlussparagenesenen von Zirkonen aus I- bis S-Typ Granitoiden des Wilson Terranes von Nord Viktoria Land (Antarktika): Zirkon als Monitor einer dynamischen Entstehung kontinentaler Kruste
John, Timm
Läufer, Andreas
Fractionation of highly siderophile elements in the lower oceanic crust
Becker, Harry
In search of the biosphere underneath the Lost City hydrothermal vent field using in-situ sulphur and multiple sulphur isotope signatures
Schwarzenbach, Esther
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Dynamics of rock dehydration on multiple scales
(Project Heads
John, Timm
Thomas, Marita
Influence of Fluoride Ions on Fluid-Melt-Mineral Interactions in Ore Forming Processes
(Project Head
John, Timm
Completed projects
Coordination an Management and Integration of geological, geophysical and remote sensing data towards a synoptic digital model of the Central andes
(Project Heads
Burger, Heinz
Heubeck, Christoph
Munier, Kerstin
Wigger, Peter J.
Die Deformation der zentralen Anden im Spiegelbild der Flußnetze (DIGMA)
(Project Head
Ibbeken, Hillert
Digitale Bildverarbeitung von Fernerkundungsdaten der zentralen und südlichen Anden
(Project Head
List, Franz Karl
Mustererkennung und Modellbildung unter Einsatz von GIS-Methoden
(Project Head
List, Franz Karl
Plateauentwicklung im Subduktionsorogen
(Project Heads
Reutter, Klaus-Joachim
Scheuber, Ekkehard
Strukturierung aus komplexer Mustererkennung
(Project Head
List, Franz Karl
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Electron beam microprobe analyzer
Multi collector ICP mass spectrometer
Rasterelektronenmikroskop mit EDS-, KL- und EBSD-Einrichtung
Completed projects
Ancient bombardment of the inner solar system - Reinvestigation of the "fingerprints" of different impactor populations
(Project Head
Kneissl, Thomas
Chronometric investigations of ancient lunar impact rocks
(Project Heads
Becker, Harry
Scherer, Erik
Crust formation and outgassing on early Earth and Mars
(Project Heads
Noack, Lena
Sohl, Frank
Early-formed rare and unique meteorites and clasts in meteorite breccias
(Project Heads
Bischoff, Addi
John, Timm
Early interior-surface-atmosphere interactions on the terrestrial planets
(Project Heads
Rauer, Heike
Sohl, Frank
Wünnemann, Kai
Integrated Research Training Group "Planetary Sciences"
(Project Heads
Becker, Harry
Hiesinger, Harald
Kleine, Thorsten
Is the depletion of the moderately volatile elements in the Earth inherited from nebular processes?
(Project Heads
Becker, Harry
John, Timm
Origin of the depletion of volatile metals in lunar rocks
(Project Head
Becker, Harry
Stable isotope fractionation of S, Te, and Pd and the roles of core formation and late accretion on siderophile volatile elements in the Earth
(Project Heads
Becker, Harry
Fischer-Gödde, Mario
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
The atmo- and hydrophile element (H and halogens) inventory of the Earth and Moon
(Project Heads
John, Timm
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Stracke, Ph.D., Andreas
TRR 170: Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets
Becker, Harry
Hiesinger, Harald
Kleine, Thorsten
TRR 170 data management - building a planetary data portal
(Project Head
Becker, Harry
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
Deciphering the duration of fluid-rock interaction
John, Timm
Additional Information
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