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Freie Universität Berlin
Ägyptologisches Seminar
Fabeckstraße 23-25
14195 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14195 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Craft interactions in a New Kingdom industrial landscape (Egypt, 1550-1069 BCE)
Hodgkinson, Anna
Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic (DDGLC)
Richter, Tonio Sebastian
From a Coptic monastic library Edition, paleographical, codicological, linguistic and material analysis and historical contextualization of Coptic literary texts from the Fayyum, kept in the Papyrus and Ostraca Collection of the Leipzig University Library
Richter, Tonio Sebastian
Visualizing an Ancient Egyptian Queen - The Tomb of the 1st Dynasty Queen Meret-Neith at Abydos
Raue, Dietrich
Completed projects
A Manual of the History of the Late Period in Egypt
Jansen-Winkeln, Karl
Asyut - centre of ancient trade
Kahl, Jochem
Die Ostraka der frühen 18. Dynastie aus Theben
Römer, Malte
Die Residenznekropole von Dahschur in Ägypten
Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes
Digital database of the early inscriptions of Egypt - final phase
Bußmann, Richard
Edition der Ostraka der frühen 18. Dynastie aus den Grabungen des Metropolitan Museum, New York, der Egypt Exploration Society, London, und des Deutschen Archäologischen Institutes in Theben sowie weiterer Stücke aus der Berliner Papyrussammlung und anderen Sammlungen
Osing, Jürgen
Edition des Papyrus Prachov (Eremitage S. Petersburg) und verwandter Papyrus-Fragmente in der Berliner Papyrussammlung
Römer, Malte
Ein Gräberbezirk des Mittleren Reiches bei der Pyramidenanlage Amenemhets II. in Dahschur in Ägypten
Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes
Erarbeitung einer fortlaufenden Übersetzung der ägyptischen Sargtexte zum Zweck einer vollgültigen Integration dieses Textcorpus in die Textdatenbank des Altägyptischen Wörterbuchs
Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes
Erstmalige Erstellung eines Wörterbuches der ägyptischen Frühzeit (0. - 3. Dynastie; ca. 3150 - 2600 v. Chr.)
Kahl, Jochem
Felsinschriften der Region von Aswân
Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes
Nationalism and Transnationality, as exemplified by the Egyptologist Ludwig Borchardt (1863-1938)
Voss Kern, Susanne
Schlimme, Hermann
Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes
Scientific background knowledge and research transfer as exemplified by the Egyptologist Georg Steindorff (1861-1951)
Raue, Dietrich
The ancient necropolis of Asyut: documentation and interpretation
Kahl, Jochem
Verhoeven-van Elsbergen, Ursula
The economy of Byzantine and Early Islamic Aswan mirrored in papyri, ostraca, inscriptions and the archeological evidence
Schmidt, Stefanie
The gold appliqués from the tomb of Tutankhamun - Studies on the cultural communication between Egypt and the Ancient Near East.
Daim, Falko
Pfälzner, Peter
Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes
Umfassende Sammlung und Veröffentlichung der hieroglyphischen und historisch relevanten hieratischen Texte der ägyptischen Spätzeit (21.-30. Dynastie)
Osing, Jürgen
Working in the Suburbs: the study of archaeological and material remains at domestic workshop site M50.14-16 at Amarna
Hodgkinson, Anna
Publication Grants
Current projects
Ilona Regulski, Tomb M12.3 at Asyut: a unique testimony from the 12th Dynasty; The Asyut Project, Band 19
Kahl, Jochem
Completed projects
Asyut, Tomb III: Objects, Part 1
Kahl, Jochem
Biographische und religiöse Inschriften der Spätzeit aus dem Ägyptischen Museum Kairo
Jansen-Winkeln, Karl
Chiori Kitagawa (with contributions by Jochem Kahl and Günter Vittmann), The Tomb of the Dogs at Asyut
Kahl, Jochem
Chronological Overview of Pottery from Asyut
Kahl, Jochem
God’s words in Asyut – a paleography of the incised monumental hieroglyphs of the First Intermediate Period and the Twelfth Dynasty
Kahl, Jochem
Ina Eichner, Surveying the late antique and medieval Christian remains in the necropolis of Asyut / Lycopolis. With a contribution by Thomas Beckh
Kahl, Jochem
Inschriften der Spätzeit Bd. II: Die 22. - 24. Dynastie - Autor: Karl Jansen-Winkeln
Osing, Jürgen
Inschriften der Spätzeit - Teil III: Die 25. Dynastie
Osing, Jürgen
Inscriptions of the Late Period, Part IV: The 26th Dynasty
Osing, Jürgen
The statue Asyut S10/16: a regional style and its assessment
Kahl, Jochem
Time itself now lay dead: Asyut and its necropoleis in western travel accounts of the 17th-19th centruies: construction, destruction and reconstruction.
Kahl, Jochem
Tina Beck, Changing Perspectives: Reflections on archaeologicalfieldwork in Egypt exemplified by the local workmen of the Asyut Project.
Kahl, Jochem
Acquisition and Provision
Completed projects
Sicherung der bibliothekarischen Unterstützung der Forschung zum Historischen Ägypten sowie Aufbau einer topografisch-geograpischen Sacherschließung der Bestände
Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Richter, Tonio Sebastian
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Ancient Egyptian Philology
(Project Head
Kahl, Jochem
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
AEGARON - Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online A repository for standardized architectural information and drawings
Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online (AEGARON) - Illustrated Standardized Terminology
Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1458: Notational Iconicity: Materiality, Perceptibility and Operativity of Writing
Krämer, Sybille
Additional Information
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