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Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charité Campus Mitte
Institut für Biochemie
Virchowweg 6
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Priority Programmes
Current projects
MiMiCry: Mimicking Nature by Continuous Production of Antimicrobials in Mixed Cultures of Synthetic Strains
Lindner-Mehlich, Steffen
Takors, Ralf
Completed projects
Biochemical and functional analysis of multicatalytic proteinase subtypes in 20S and 26S proteasoms
Dahlmann, Burkhardt
Biochemical and functional characterization of ubiquitin-like proteines ISG15 and FAT10 in human dendritic cells.
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Expression regulation of phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase isoforms. Transcriptional and post-transcriptional processes
Kühn, Hartmut
Functional characterization of ubiquitin-like modifier ISG15 in murine enterovirus myocarditis
Beling, Antje
Funktionelle Analyse der Proteasomregulatoren PI31, PA28y/Ki und warum PA28aß die Generierung von MHC Klasse I Epitopen unterstützt Functional analysis of proteasome regulators PI31, PA28y/Ki and why the PA28aß supports the generation of MHC class I antigens
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Implications of ß-subunit exchanges and of interactions with the activator PA28 for the cleavage preferences of the 20S proteasome: A quantitative analysis based on kinetic experiments
Holzhütter, Hermann-Georg
SPP 1045: Struktur, Funktion und Regulation des 20S/26S Ubiquitin-Proteasomsystems
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Untersuchungen zur strukturellen und funktionellen Plastizität des 20S/26S-Proteasoms und assoziierter regulatorischer Komplexe in Mikrogliazellen der Maus
Stohwasser, Ralf
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5228: Membrane trafficking processes underlying presynaptic proteostasis
Kreutz, Michael R.
Presynaptic crosstalk of autophagy and proteasomal activity to maintain proteostasis
Eickholt, Britta
Kirstein, Janine
Completed projects
Glycosidierte Phospholipidanaloga als topische Dermatika und Inhibitoren des Tumorwachstums
Danker, Kerstin
Optimiertes ß-Faltblattmodul für die effektive Expression von Fab-Fragmenten in E.coli
Höhne, Wolfgang
Verwendung von Peptidbibliotheken zur Auffindung von Chitinaseinhibitoren und strukturelle Charakterisierung der Wechselwirkung
Höhne, Wolfgang
Research Grants
Current projects
Ageing, proteotoxic stress and the neuronal cytoskeleton: Analyses of the age-dependent challenges of the actin filament system
Eickholt, Britta
Kirstein, Janine
Detailing the Feedback Interplay between Phosphoinositides, Rho GTPases and Actin Governing Cell Polarisation
Rocks, Oliver
Shaping the glial scar during CNS injury by manipulating the actin cytoskeleton in astrocytes
Eickholt, Britta
Completed projects
Adaptation of proteasome composition in inflammatory response - the impact of the hybridproteasome
Beling, Antje
Allosteric lipoxygenase effectors as potential drugs
Kühn, Hartmut
Analyse der molekularen und biochemischen Mechanismen der Proteasomassemblierung
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Die cytoplasmatischen Domänen der Kollagen-bindenden alpha-1 und alpha3-Integrinuntereinheiten: Ihre Funktion bei Adhäsion, Migration und Differenzierung von PC12-Zellen
Danker, Kerstin
Endolysosomal targeting of Protein Kinase A by ARHGAP36
Rocks, Oliver
Funktion von ISG15 bei viralen Herzmuskelerkrankungen
Beling, Antje
Influence of cytokines and infection on proteasomal antigen processing
Kuckelkorn, Ulrike
Investigation of the translational potential of the ISG15 system for treatment of virus-induced inflammatory cardiomyopathy.
Beling, Antje
Investigations into the Distribution, the Biological Role and the Evolution of Lipoxygenases. Functional Charcterization of Genetically Modified Mice with Humanized Reaction Specificity.
Heydeck, Dagmar
Kühn, Hartmut
Investigations into the role of eicosanoid synthesizing enzymes in foam cell formation and human atherogenesis
Kühn, Hartmut
Molecular and therapeutic aspects of proteolytic machineries in immune cells for cardiac inflammation.
Beling, Antje
Kaya, Ziya
Neuartige glycosidierte Phospholipidanaloga als topische Dermatika und Inhibitoren des Tumorwachstums
Danker, Kerstin
Oral Nanocarrier-based Anti-inflammatory Therapy (ORAL-NAIT) of Mucosal Diseases
Danker, Kerstin
Dommisch, Henrik
Haag, Rainer
Quantitative proteomics using novel trifunctionalized metal coded affintiy tags
Linscheid, Michael
Structural analysis of the anti-myc tag antibody 9E10 in complex with the c-myc epitope and the mutagenesis of the binding region for the characterization and optimization of the interaction
Höhne, Wolfgang
Strukturelle Ursachen für Positionsspezifität von Lipoxygenasen und für deren Fähigkeit zur Membranbindung
Kühn, Hartmut
Studies on the role of ALOX15 and its products in murine experimental colitis.
Kühn, Hartmut
Weylandt, Ph.D., Karsten-Henrich
The function of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome-System (UPS) in MHC class I antigen processing in target cells and maturing human dendritic cells (hDCs).
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Transcription factor 11 (TCF 11) is a transcriptional regulator of proteasome subunit genes - what in turn regulates TCF 11 activation?
Koch, Annett
Krüger, Elke Beate
Untersuchung der Funktionsweise des HERP Proteins
Seeger, Michael
Untersuchung der Prozessierung von MHC-Klasse-I-restringierten Antigenen durch Selektion und Analyse von mutanten Melanomzellen mit defekter Antigenpräsentation
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Untersuchungen zum Mechanismus und zur Regulation der Biosynthese des Hepoxilins A3 sowie über seine biologische Funktionen
Nigam, Santosh
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Metabolic reprogramming steered by ISGylation in HFpEF
(Project Heads
Beling, Antje
Berndt, Nikolaus
Molecular technology infrastructure and support
(Project Heads
Altmüller, Janine
Lodrini, Marco
Ralser, Markus
Plasma proteome and metabolome signatures to better understand, monitor and predict neuroblastoma evolution
(Project Heads
Deubzer, Ph.D., Hedwig E.
Ralser, Markus
TF-PAR2 signaling in viral infections
(Project Heads
Beling, Antje
Ruf, Wolfram
Completed projects
Analyses of the function and regulation of the PTEN suppressor during early brain development
(Project Head
Eickholt, Britta
A PRG2-PTEN based membrane scaffold involved in the formation of axon branches
(Project Head
Eickholt, Britta
Bacterial [NiFe]-hydrogenases: key reactions of the biological activation of molecular hydrogen
(Project Heads
Friedrich, Bärbel
Höhne, Wolfgang
Krauß, Norbert
Das Proteasom in Mikroglia und Astrozyten und seine Rolle bei Infektiones- und Entzündungsprozessen im ZNS
(Project Heads
Dahlmann, Burkhardt
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Einfluss von zytosolischen und im ER lokalisierten Aminopeptidasen auf die post-Proteasomale Generierung viraler MHC Klasse I Liganden
(Project Heads
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Seifert, Ulrike
(Project Head
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Integrin-vermittelte Signaltransduktion: Die funktionelle Bedeutung der cytoplasmatischen Domänen der a1- und a3-Integrin-Untereinheiten
(Project Head
Danker, Kerstin
Membrane biogenesis modelling of a Toxoplasma gondii-infected human cell and deduction of underlying metabolic principles
(Project Heads
Gupta, Nishith
Holzhütter, Hermann-Georg
Lucius, Richard
Multiparameter-Durchflußcytometrie zur Einzelzellsortierung
(Project Head
Danker, Kerstin
Neuronal excitation as a perturbation of the energetic and osmotic homeostasis: Implications for robust network behaviour
(Project Heads
Holzhütter, Hermann-Georg
Kann, Oliver
Regulation of proteasome modules
(Project Heads
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Krüger, Elke Beate
Regulatorische Determinanten zur Produktion von MHC Klasse I-Liganden durch das Proteasomensystem
(Project Head
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
SFB 421: Protective and Pathological Effects of Antigen Processing
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Zentrale Proteinchemie
(Project Head
Henklein, Peter
Current projects
Metabolic switches regulating stress tolerance in eukaryotes
(Project Heads
Dick, Tobias
Ralser, Markus
USP18 as a key regulator for microglia activation
(Project Heads
Beling, Antje
Knobeloch, Klaus-Peter
Completed projects
Pathogen induced alterations of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome-System (UPS) during the Innate Immune Response in the Lung
(Project Heads
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Seifert, Ulrike
Phosphoinositide switches in neurons: implications for membrane dynamics, axonal morphogenesis and the cortical actin cytoskeleton
(Project Head
Eickholt, Britta
Role of Proteasomes in Acute and Chronic Enterovirus Myocarditis
(Project Heads
Beling, Antje
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Kuckelkorn, Ulrike
The role of immunoproteasomes and the ubiquitin system in inflammatory processes in mouse models of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
(Project Heads
Aktas, Orhan
Heppner, Frank
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Krüger, Elke Beate
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochauflösendes Flüssigkeitschromatographie-Massenspektrometriesystem (LC-MS)
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 80: Model Studies of Structures, Properties and Recognition of Biologically Relevant Molecules at Atomic Level
Höhne, Wolfgang
GRK 268: Dynamics and Evolution of Cellular and Macromolecular Systems
Heinrich, Reinhart
GRK 1772: Computational Systems Biology
Klipp, Edda
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1360: Genomics and Systems Biology of Molecular Networks
Klipp, Edda
GRK 1673: Functional Molecular Infection Epidemiology
Wieler, Lothar H.
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Lattice Light Sheet Microscope (LLSM)
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 257: NeuroCure - Towards a Better Outcome of Neurological Disorders
Schmitz, Dietmar
Additional Information
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