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Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Institut für Bildsame Formgebung
Intzestraße 10
52072 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52072 Aachen
Research Grants
Current projects
Advanced microstructure modeling for hot forming processes with transient forming conditions based on multi-scale microstructure simulation
Scharifi, Emad
Determination and modling of dynamic material characteristics for FE crash simulations
Fang, Xiangfan
Münstermann, Sebastian
Development of a procedure for the determination of flow curves by explicit pointwise inverse modelling
Scharifi, Emad
Flexible form-fit joining using incremental sheet metal forming
Bailly, David
Identification of parameters for complex friction models in hot bulk metal forming by an extension of the conical tube upsetting test
Bailly, David
Improved Flow Curve Modelling for Bending Processes in the Range of Low Plastic Strains
Scharifi, Emad
Interlocking Seam Joining
Bailly, David
Rolling of continuously cast Al/Cu composite strips with geometrically designed interfaces
Bailly, David
Volk, Wolfram
Simulation of Fluid-Structure-Contact Interaction in Metal Forming Using the Example of Skin-Pass Rolling
Hosters, Norbert
Scharifi, Emad
Twin-roll casting of high silicon electrical steel
Bailly, David
Understanding fatigue damage mechanisms of L-PBF manufactured lattice structures through experimental and numerical methods
Münstermann, Sebastian
Walther, Frank
Completed projects
Analysis of Process Control of Roller Leveling by Utilization of a FE Model with Integrated Closed-loop Control Structures
Hirt, Gerhard
Analysis of the application potential of roll-clad MnB-Cr steel composites for press hardening
Hirt, Gerhard
Tekkaya, A. Erman
Application of fast models to realize a closed-loop control of microstructure in open-die forging
Bailly, David
Bulk metal formed parts for power plants
Hirt, Gerhard
Characterization of the suitability of high manganese steels for the production of small sheet metal parts by multi-stage deep drawing
Hirt, Gerhard
Composite ring rolling - method for manufacturing seamless composite rings on a radial axial ring rolling mill
Bailly, David
Criteria for the closure and pressure welding of pores in open die forging
Hirt, Gerhard
Defined adjustment of the residual stress distribution in strip and sheet material via roller levelling
Hirt, Gerhard
Development of an Incremental Tool Concept on the Basis of Rotating Tools for Sheet Metal Forming
Hirt, Gerhard
Dünnbandgießen und inline Walzen von hochmanganhaltigen Stählen
Hirt, Gerhard
Dünnbandgießen von profilierten Flachprodukten - Profilgießen
Hirt, Gerhard
Enhancement of width and thickness tolerances of metallic strips by using a piezo-electric control system for roll gap adjustment of a tandem mill
Abel, Dirk
Hirt, Gerhard
Evaluation of sheet metal covers to improve tool life in forging
Hirt, Gerhard
Increasing the range of producible geometries in open-die forging through superimposed stress states
Hirt, Gerhard
Integration of a complex control system into a numerical process model for the simulation of ring rolling processes
Hirt, Gerhard
Investigation of flexible radial ring rolling for production of non-axially symmetric seamless rings on radial axial ring rolling mills
Hirt, Gerhard
Mechanismen beim Kugelstrahlformen von Sandwich- und Laminatmaterialien
Hirt, Gerhard
Method for manufacturing seamless conical rings with defined inclination angles on radial-axial ring rolling mills
Hirt, Gerhard
Microstructure-sensitive fatigue lifetime assessment considering forming history effects
Bergs, Thomas
Münstermann, Sebastian
Mikrostrukturierung metallischer Platinen durch Warmprägung mittels Widerstandserwärmung
Hirt, Gerhard
Miniaturisiertes flexibles Walzen für die Herstellung flexibel gewalzter Mikroprofile
Hirt, Gerhard
Model-based description of bond formation, evolution and failure in multi-pass roll bonding processes
Hirt, Gerhard
Neues Umformverfahren zur endkonturnahen Fertigung komplexer ringförmiger Produkte
Hirt, Gerhard
Neue Umformstrategien zur gezielten Beeinflussung der Wanddickenverteilung bei unsymmetrischer inkrementeller Blechumformung mit CNC-Werkzeugmaschinen
Hirt, Gerhard
Process limits for incremental flanging and hole flanging operations using a CNC controlled forming tool
Hirt, Gerhard
Process limits in coining micro channel structures in metallic sheets
Hirt, Gerhard
Prozessentwicklung des 3D-Bandprofilwalzens zur Erzeugung von Vormaterial mit Dickenunterschieden sowohl in Längs- als auch in Breitenrichtung
Hirt, Gerhard
Quantifizierung des lokalen Verfestigungsverhaltens in zyklisch beanspruchten Schweißverbindungen.
Münstermann, Sebastian
Quantitative Beschreibung der Kaltumformbarkeit von Stahlfeinblech mittels Schädigungskurve
Münstermann, Sebastian
Treatments of steel sheets for the high pressure die casting of aluminum/steel sheet-metal hybrids with low gap and distortion formation (BeST)
Bobzin, Kirsten
Bührig-Polaczek, Andreas
Hirt, Gerhard
Twin-Roll Strip Casting Process for the Production of Clad Strip - Twin-Roll Clad Casting
Hirt, Gerhard
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Feedback control of surface properties of cold-rolled semi-finished products by development of a novel control concept based on online-roughness measurements of the strip surface
Bailly, David
Stemmler, Sebastian
Property-controlled process design of freeform bending considering material properties of the semi-finished product
Lohmann, Boris
Münstermann, Sebastian
Volk, Wolfram
Completed projects
Bedeutung von Größeneffekten für die Mikro-Blechumformung
Hirt, Gerhard
Controlling of the friction in lubricated systems through Multi-Scale texturing with laser interference texturing and micro coining
Hirt, Gerhard
Mücklich, Frank
Defined inducement of residual stresses via suitable forming operations in order to create bi-stable, metallic tube profiles with a full circle cross section
Hirt, Gerhard
Entwicklung eines Prozessmodells zur Online-Optimierung von Freiformschmiedungen großer Blöcke
Hirt, Gerhard
Entwicklung eines validierten Simulationswerkzeuges zur Abbildung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Werkzeug und Werkstück am Beispiel des Flachwalzprozesses
Hirt, Gerhard
Joining of blanks with electrochemical support (ECUF)
Grundmeier, Guido
Homberg, Werner
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Layout and production of small and thin microstrip miniaturisation of the flat rolling process concerning strip width and thickness
Franzke, Martin
Lubricant-free tribology concepts for cold extrusion by interaction-reduced coatings and structures
Hirt, Gerhard
Häfner, Constantin Leon
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Model-based control of surface integrity in hard turning
Bergs, Thomas
Münstermann, Sebastian
Modeling of incremental massive forming
Franzke, Martin
Modelling of incremental sheet metal forming
Hirt, Gerhard
Roll bonding materials with with highly unequal material strengths - Analyses of the joining mechanism and modeling new manufacturing procedures
Hirt, Gerhard
SPP 1146: Modelling of Incremental Forming Operations
Hirt, Gerhard
SPP 1551: Resource Efficient Constructional Elements
Höhn, Bernd-Robert
SPP 1640: Joining by Plastic Deformation
Groche, Peter
SPP 1676: Dry Metal Forming - Sustainable Production through Dry Processing in Metal Forming
Vollertsen, Frank
Transfer eines Prozessmodells zur Online-Optimierung von Freiformschmiedungen großer Blöcke
Hirt, Gerhard
Research Units
Completed projects
Approach to application-oriented properties of electrical steels by means of cold rolling and heat treatment
Hirt, Gerhard
FOR 1897: Low-Loss Electrical Steel Sheet for Energy-Efficient Electrical Drives
Kawalla, Rudolf
Forming of large-area metallic riblet surfaces
Hirt, Gerhard
Current projects
Consideration of forming-induced damage in component design
(Project Heads
Münstermann, Sebastian
Schröder, Kai-Uwe
Damage control in gas-supported hot sheet metal forming of aluminum
(Project Heads
Bailly, David
Scharifi, Emad
Damage-controlled flat rolling
(Project Head
Münstermann, Sebastian
Generic description of damage and microstructure for damage-tolerant material design
(Project Head
Dölz, Michael
Investigation of damage development in hot metal forming process chains using the example of ring rolling
(Project Heads
Bailly, David
Hirt, Gerhard
Thermo-mechanical process development for damage-tolerant materials
(Project Head
Münstermann, Sebastian
TRR 188: Damage Controlled Forming Processes
Hirt, Gerhard
Korkolis, Ph.D., Yannis
Tekkaya, A. Erman
Completed projects
Central tasks of the collaborative research center
(Project Heads
Hirt, Gerhard
Tekkaya, A. Erman
Damage controlled closed die forging via optimal geometry and process layout
(Project Heads
Bailly, David
Hirt, Gerhard
Evolution and healing of damage during the production of steel sheets by flat rolling
(Project Heads
Hirt, Gerhard
Münstermann, Sebastian
Generic description of damage and microstructure for damage-tolerant material design
(Project Head
Münstermann, Sebastian
Modeling and control of damage evolution in caliber hot rolling of steel rods
(Project Head
Hirt, Gerhard
Thermo-mechanical treatment of microstructures for damage control in cold forming
(Project Heads
Hirt, Gerhard
Lohmar, Johannes
Münstermann, Sebastian
Springer, Hauke
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Entwicklung geometrisch bestimmter Hohlstrukturen für eine aktive Kühlung in Dampf- und Gasturbinen
(Project Heads
Franzke, Martin
Hirt, Gerhard
Herstellung funktionsintegrierender Bauteile durch Thixojoining und deren Eigenschaften
(Project Head
Hirt, Gerhard
Metal forming experiments of Fe-Mn-C system
(Project Heads
Bambach, Markus
Hirt, Gerhard
SFB 289: Forming of Metals in the Semi-solid State and their Properties
Hirt, Gerhard
Short process chain for the production of tailor-made semi-finished products
(Project Head
Hirt, Gerhard
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Material testing machine for superposition of tension/compression, torsion and internal pressure
Torsions-Umformsimulator mit Abschreck- und Dilatometrieeinheit
Universalwalzwerk für Reversierbetrieb
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 128: Integrative Production Technology for High-Wage Countries
Brecher, Christian
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2023: Internet of Production (IoP)
Brecher, Christian
Additional Information
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