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Universitätsklinikum Köln
Center for Molecular Medicine in Cologne (CMMC)
Robert-Koch-Straße 21
50931 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50931 Köln
Research Grants
Current projects
Deciphering cell-autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms of cell death function in skin regeneration
Niemann, Catherin
Deciphering the human B cell response to develop neutralizing antibodies against Enterococcus faecalis
Simonis, Alexander
Mechanisms of Caspase-8/cFLIP heterodimer-mediated cell death regulation in homeostatic and pathological conditions
Annibaldi, Ph.D., Alessandro
Mechanisms of co-translational quality control during the synthesis of CFTR
Broch Trentini Schmidt, Ph.D., Débora
Structural analyses of the assembly, chromatin recognition and modification of the human KMT2D complex
Pöpsel, Simon
Structure, biology and medical potential of blood plasma-derived ultra-short cell-free DNA
Hänsel-Hertsch, Ph.D., Robert
Understanding tumor progression and therapy resistance in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Abedpour, Ph.D., Nima
George, Julie
Completed projects
Biosynthese und Funktionen der terminalen Glukuronsäure im Glukuronyl-T- und HNK-1-Antigen von Drosophila melanogaster
Hanisch, Franz-Georg
Die Rolle der Rezyklisierung in der O-Glykosylierung des transmembranären Glykoproteins MUCI
Hanisch, Franz-Georg
Esophageal adenocarcinoma: understanding the molecular basis of differential treatment response
Alakus, Hakan
Hillmer, Axel
Peifer, Martin
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von anti-MUC1-scFv-Interleukin-2 Antikörper-Zytokin-Fusionsproteinen für die Immuntherapie zur Aufhebung der MUC1-induzierten, lokalen zellulären Immunsuppression durch MUC1-positive Karzinome
Abken, Hinrich
High-resolution analysis of structural genomic alterations in neuroblastoma by linked-read whole-genome sequencing
Bartenhagen, Christoph
Fischer, Matthias
Indian Hedgehog signalling in epidermal differentiation and sebaceous tumour formation
Niemann, Catherin
In situ Sequenzierung komplexer Mucin-Glykane durch PSD-MALDI(TOF)-Massenspektrometrie: Native und rekombinante Glykoformen des MUC1 in der immunologischen Prozessierung/MHC-Präsentation
Hanisch, Franz-Georg
Protein-spezifische O-Glykosylierung: Stehen periphere LacdiNAc-Modifikationen komplexer O-Glykane unter Kontrolle cis-lokalisierter Peptide?
Hanisch, Franz-Georg
Proteomanalyse O-glykosylierter Proteine
Hanisch, Franz-Georg
Sequence polymorphisms in the VNTR domain of the epithelical mucin MUC1
Hanisch, Franz-Georg
Studien zur Regulation der O-Glykanbiosynthese in vivo
Hanisch, Franz-Georg
Targetsequenzen der humanen O-Mannosyltransferase (POMT1/POMT2) in der O-Mannosylierung der alpha-Dystroglykan-Mucindomäne
Hanisch, Franz-Georg
Understanding mechanisms of drug resistance and clonal evolution in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Reinhardt, Christian
Warum sind nonsense Mutationen in I(2)35Aa von Drosophila melanogaster letal ?. Aufklärung der essentiellen Funktionen der Polypeptid GalNAc-Transferase dGalNAc-T1 durch Glykoproteom-Analysen
Hanisch, Franz-Georg
Research Units
Current projects
Epigenetische Einflüsse auf die Genomstabilität bei der Homöostase von Säugetieren
Hänsel-Hertsch, Ph.D., Robert
FOR 5504: Physiological causes and consequences of genome instability
Schumacher, Björn
Completed projects
Central Protein Analysis
Hanisch, Franz-Georg
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
A translational platform for longitudinal molecular studies of SCLC under therapy
(Project Heads
Höpker, Katja
Lang, Ulrich
Peifer, Martin
Wesner, Stefan
Wolf, Jürgen
Bioinformatics and Data management
(Project Heads
Abedpour, Ph.D., Nima
Peifer, Martin
Valencia-Schneider, Monica
Bioinformatics, Research-Data Management, IT Infrastructure and Optimization
(Project Heads
Peifer, Martin
Schenk, Jasmin
Wesner, Stefan
Clearance of defective mRNA by-products by the ribosome-associated quality control pathway in stress and disease
(Project Head
Broch Trentini Schmidt, Ph.D., Débora
Clonal evolution of SCLC
(Project Head
Peifer, Martin
Consequences of age-related G-quadruplex formation for the fidelity of mammalian transcription
(Project Head
Hänsel-Hertsch, Ph.D., Robert
Decoding epigenetic subtypes, resistance mechanisms and vulnerabilities of small cell lung cancer
(Project Head
Hänsel-Hertsch, Ph.D., Robert
Mechanisms of locally controlled JARID1B histone demethylase activity
(Project Head
Pöpsel, Simon
Modeling the clonal evolution of high-risk CLL
(Project Heads
Fischer, Kirsten
Peifer, Martin
Tracing clonal evolution in neuroblastoma by single-cell DNA sequencing
(Project Heads
Fischer, Matthias
Peifer, Martin
Understanding the role of cFLIP in B cell lymphoma pathogenesis
(Project Head
Annibaldi, Ph.D., Alessandro
Completed projects
Central animal facility: Generation, breeding and husbandry of mice including murine infection models
(Project Heads
Kastenmüller, Wolfgang
Knolle, Percy Alexander
Mahabir-Brenner, Esther
Pasparakis, Manolis
Utermöhlen, Olaf
Hedgehog-Gli signalling in skin homeostasis and tumour formation
(Project Head
Niemann, Catherin
Specification of sebaceous lineage commitment in mammalian skin development
(Project Head
Niemann, Catherin
Zentrale Proteinanalyse
(Project Heads
Hanisch, Franz-Georg
Lamkemeyer, Tobias
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
confocal laser scanning microscope
MALDI-TOF-TOF Massenspektrometer mit offline nano-HPLC-System
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Role of IFN-gamma on innate immune cell-mediated protective mechanisms during Salmonella infection
Tebartz, Christina
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 329: Disease pathways in podocyte injury – from molecular mechanisms to individualized treatment options
Benzing, Thomas
Sequencing-based innovative approaches to study FSGS
Altmüller, Janine
Antczak, Ph.D., Philipp
Beck, Bodo
Completed projects
Central diagnostics, genomics and biobanking
Herling, Carmen Diana
Kreuzer, Karl-Anton
Peifer, Martin
KFO 286: Exploiting Defects in the DNA Damage Response for the Treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Hallek, Michael
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 3110: Tumor Heterogeneity and Genomic Instability in Lung Cancer – From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Implications
Büttner, Reinhard
Additional Information
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