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Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Arbeitsgruppe Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Arnimallee 6
14195 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14195 Berlin
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
A sharp interface finite volume method for variable density zero Mach number two-phase flow with surfactant-dependent surface tension
Klein, Rupert
Diskret-kontinuierliche Hybridmodelle auf der Basis der integralen Erhaltungsprinzipien
Horenko, Illia
Klein, Rupert
Munz, Claus-Dieter
Mathematische Analyse chemischer und physikalischer Prozesse in der Atmosphäre Brauner Zwerge
Klein, Rupert
MetStröm Koordination
Klein, Rupert
Modellierung und Approximation feuchter atmosphärischer Strömungen unter Berücksichtigung topographischer Effekte
Gaßmann, Almut
Helzel, Christiane
Knoth, Oswald
Wensch, Jörg
Multiple scales analysis of precipitating clouds: Feasibility study for selected cloud types
Etling, Dieter
Klein, Rupert
Numerik zur Berechnung turbulenter vorgemischter Verbrennung
Klein, Rupert
SPP 1276: Multiple Scales in Fluid Mechanics and Meteorology
Klein, Rupert
WBP Return Grant
Completed projects
Retrun grant
Rosemeier, Juliane
Research Grants
Completed projects
Asymptotisch adaptive Verfahren zur Simulation von Mehrskalenproblemen der Strömungsmechanik
Klein, Rupert
Numerische Methoden für schwach kompressible reagierende Strömungen mit mehreren Skalen
Klein, Rupert
Small-scale instabilities and their relevance to the turbulence energy cascasde
Klein, Rupert
Towards stochastic modeling of turbulence in the stable atmospheric boundary layer
Klein, Rupert
Research Units
Current projects
A Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Sea-Ice Model: Mathematical Analysis, Numerics and Computations
Klein, Rupert
Korn, Peter
Computational Convex Integration
Korn, Peter
Székelyhidi, László
Coupling Moisture with Atmospheric Dynamics
Titi, Ph.D., Edriss
FOR 5528: Mathematical Study of Geophysical Flow Models: Analysis and Computation
Hieber, Matthias
Scale Analysis and Asymptotic Reduced Models for the Atmosphere
Klein, Rupert
Completed projects
3D Multi-Scale Dynamics of Gravity-Wave Propagation (3DMSD)
Achatz, Ulrich
Bölöni, Ph.D., Gergely
Klein, Rupert
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Adaptive coupling of scales in molecular dynamics and beyond to fluid dynamics
(Project Heads
Delle Site, Luigi
Höfling, Felix
Klein, Rupert
Coordination and administration
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Kornhuber, Ralf
Noé, Frank
Thomas, Marita
Multiscale data and asymptotic model assimilation for atmospheric flows
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Reich, Sebastian
Schillings, Claudia
Multiscale structure of atmospheric vortices
(Project Heads
Baum, Daniel
Hege, Hans-Christian
Klein, Rupert
Pfahl, Stephan
SFB 1114: Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems
Klein, Rupert
Kornhuber, Ralf
Noé, Frank
Thomas, Marita
Completed projects
Experiments and numerical simulations on combustor-plenum-interactions for pressure gain combustion
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Oberleithner, Kilian
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Multiple scale asymptotic methods for control of nonlinear thermoacoustic processes in multiburner configurations
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Multiscale tensor decomposition methods for partial differential equations
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Schneider, Reinhold
Yserentant, Harry
Pulsed shockless combustion
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Selfsimilar structures in turbulent flows and the construction of LES closures
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Kutyniok, Gitta
Vercauteren, Nikki
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Formulation and numerical computation of the low frequency mean flow of fluids
Rosemeier, Juliane
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 14: Berlin Mathematical School (BMS)
Kramer, Jürg
Sullivan, Ph.D., John M.
Ziegler, Günter M.
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2046: MATH+: Berlin Mathematics Research Center
Hintermüller, Michael
Pokutta, Sebastian
Schillings, Claudia
Schütte, Christof
Skutella, Martin
Walther, Andrea
Additional Information
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